Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
1173-3454 ?The ?Professional leader Auckland Healthcare.
0297-2964 [Recherche en soins infirmiers] Association de recherche en soins infirmiers (France)
1559-7768 AACN advanced critical care American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
1559-7776 AACN advanced critical care (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1079-0713 AACN clinical issues J.B. Lippincott Co.
1538-9812 AACN clinical issues (e-vir) American Association of Critical-Care Nurses,
1046-7467 AACN clinical issues in critical care nursing American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
1055-8349 AACN nursing scan in critical care Published for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses by NURSECOM
0094-6354 AANA journal American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
0744-1479 AANNT journal American Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians.
0891-0162 AAOHN journal [Published by SLACK Inc. for the AAOHN]
1938-2448 AAOHN journal (e-vir) American Association of Occupational Health Nurses.
0746-620X AAOHN news American Association of Occupational Health Nurses.
1054-5913 AAPPO journal American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations.
0893-8520 AARCTimes American Association for Respiratory Care.
0001-0197 A A R N newsletter Alberta Association of Registered Nurses.
0195-1777 AARTimes American Association for Respiratory Therapy.
1069-6563 Academic emergency medicine Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
1553-2712 Academic emergency medicine (e-vir) Published for the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine by Hanley & Belfus
1040-2446 Academic medicine Hanley & Belfus
1938-808X Academic medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0001-4273 Academy of Management journal Academy of Management.
1556-8571 ACC Cardiosource review journal American College of Cardiology.
1062-1458 ACC current journal review American College of Cardiology.
0001-4508 Accent on living Cheever Pub. Co.
0217-5673 Access Knowledge Share International.
1050-0758 Access The Association
Y507-0732 Access (e-vir) American Dental Hygienists Association
0965-2302 Accident and emergency nursing Churchill Livingstone
1325-670X ACCNS journal of community nurses Australian Council of Community Nursing Services.
1189-8887 A Closer look Saskatchewan. Health Services Utilization and Research Commission.
1085-6862 ACOG clinical review Elsevier Science Inc.
1448-7535 ACORN Australian College of Operating Room Nurses.; Australian College of PeriOperative Nurses (ACORN)
1031-1017 ACORN journal Australian Confederation of Operating Room Nurses.
1056-8751 ACP journal club American College of Physicians
1091-5397 ACSM's health & fitness journal American College of Sports Medicine; Williams & Wilkins
1536-593X ACSM's health & fitness journal (e-vir) Lippincot
0001-6101 Acta Medica Scandinavica Almqvist & Wiksell
0284-186X Acta oncologica Almqvist & Wiksell
1651-226X Acta oncologica (e-vir) Taylor&Francis
1745-3674 Acta orthopaedica Taylor&Francis
1745-3682 Acta orthopaedica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1745-3690 Acta orthopaedica.Supplementum Francis&Taylor
0001-6470 Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica Munksgaard
0300-8827 Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica. Supplementum Munksgaard
1651-2251 Acta oto-laryngologica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0001-6489 Acta Oto-Laryngologica Almqvist och Wiksell
0365-5237 Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum Almqvist och Wiksell
0103-2100 Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Departamento de Enfermagem
1982-0194 Acta Paulista de Enfermagem (e-vir) Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Departamento de Enfermagem
0192-4788 Activities, adaptation & aging Haworth Press
1544-4368 Activities, adaptation & aging (e-vir) Haworth Press
0360-1293 Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research Pergamon Press
0964-5284 Acupuncture in medicine British Medical Acupuncture Society
1759-9873 Acupuncture in medicine (e-vir) BMAS
1526-7784 Acupuncture today Acupuncture Today; MPA Media
1543-2777 Adapted physical activity quarterly Human Kinetics Publishers
0736-5829 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly Human Kinetics Publishers
1468-2052 ADC (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0965-2140 Addiction Carfax
1360-0443 Addiction (e-vir) Carfax
0899-9112 Addiction nursing network Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1073-886X Addictions nursing Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1531-5754 Addictive disorders & their treatment Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1535-1122 Addictive disorders & their treatment (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1093-720X Administration & Management Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association
0364-3107 Administration in social work Haworth Press.
1544-4376 Administration in social work (e-vir) Haworth Press
0887-2198 AD nurse National Organization for the Advancement of Associate Degree Nursing (U.S.)
0001-8449 Adolescence Libra Publishers
1041-3499 Adolescent medicine American Academy of Pediatrics.
1545-0058 Adolescent medicine (e-vir) American Academy of Pediatrics.
1547-3368 Adolescent medicine clinics Saunders
0308-5759 Adoption & fostering British Association for Adoption and Fostering; CoramBAAF
1740-469X Adoption & fostering (e-vir) Association of British Adoption and Fostering Agencies
1092-6755 Adoption quarterly Haworth Press
1544-452X Adoption quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press
1931-4485 Advanced emergency nursing journal (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1931-4493 Advanced emergency nursing journal (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1076-7231 Advanced practice nurse Peterson's/COG Pub. Group,
1084-3604 Advanced practice nurse sourcebook Springhouse Corp.,
1080-4293 Advanced practice nursing quarterly Aspen Publishers
1524-0134 Advanced rescue technology Summer Communications.
1530-3004 Advanced studies in medicine Johns Hopkins University. School of Medicine.
1558-0172 Advanced studies in nursing Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing.
1096-6269 Advance for directors in rehabilitation Merion Publications
1548-5595 Advances in chronic kidney disease Elsevier
1548-5609 Advances in chronic kidney disease (e-vir) National Kidney Foundation.
0892-8878 Advances in clinical rehabilitation Springer Pub. Co.
0267-4874 Advances in contraception MTP Press
1573-7195 Advances in contraception Kluwer
1538-9863 Advances in family-centered care Institute for Family-Centered Care.
1470-3556 Advances in mind-body medicine Churchill Livingstone
1536-0903 Advances in neonatal care W.B. Saunders Co.
1536-0911 Advances in neonatal care (e-vir) [W.B. Saunders Co.]
1550-5014 Advances in nursing science (e-vir) Aspen Systems Corp.
1403-8196 Advances in physiotherapy Taylor & Francis
1651-1948 Advances in physiotherapy (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press
1073-4449 Advances in renal replacement therapy W.B. Saunders Co.
1527-7941 Advances in skin & wound care Wolters Kluwer
1538-8654 Advances in skin & wound care (e-vir) Springhouse Corp.
1441-7049 Advances in speech language pathology Singular Pub. Group
1742-9528 Advances in speech-language pathology (e-vir) Speech Pathology Association of Australia.
1076-2191 Advances in wound care S-N Publications
1042-9565 Advancing clinical care National Organization for the Advancement of Associate Degree Nursing (U.S.)
1465-5241 Advancing clinical nursing Churchill Livingstone.
0886-1099 Affilia Feminist Press
1552-3020 Affilia (e-vir) Sage Publications
1682-5055 Africa journal of nursing and midwifery Unisa Press
0824-1961 A friend indeed A Friend Indeed Publications = Publications une véritable amie
0002-0729 Age and ageing Oxford University Press
1468-2834 Age and ageing (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1359-1789 Aggression and violent behavior Elsevier
1873-6335 Aggression and Violent Behavior (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1360-7863 Aging & mental health Carfax
1364-6915 Aging & mental health (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1594-0667 Aging clinical and experimental research Editrice Kurtis
1720-8319 Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (e-vir) Editrice Kurtis.
1067-8379 Aging today The Society
1523-2425 AHIMA advantage American Health Information Management Association
1537-0224 AHRQ research activities United States.; United States.
1473-012X AIDS & hepatitis digest Royal Society of Medicine Press
0887-0292 AIDS alert American Health Consultants
1573-3254 Aids and behavior (e-vir) 2002
1090-7165 AIDS and behavior Plenum Press
0954-0121 AIDS care Carfax Publishing Company
1360-0451 AIDS care (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0899-9546 AIDS education and prevention Guilford Press
0893-5068 AIDS patient care M.A. Liebert, Inc.
2332-4023 AIDS patient care (e-vir) M.A. Liebert, Inc.
1087-2914 AIDS patient care and STDs Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7449 AIDS patient care and STDs (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0887-1493 AIDS policy & law Buraff Publications,
1529-8663 AIHAJ American Industrial Hygiene Association
1542-8117 AIHA journal American Industrial Hygiene Association
1542-8125 AIHA journal (e-vir) American Industrial Hygiene Association.
1357-9657 AIMS journal AIMS
1079-6134 AirMed Jems Communications
1067-991X Air medical journal JEMS Communications
1532-6497 Air medical journal (e-vir) Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association (U.S.); Air Medical Physician Association.; Association of Air Medical Services.; National Flight Paramedics Association (U.S.); International Association of Flight Paramedics.; National EMS Pilots Association (U.S.)
1126-3970 AK. The International Journal of applied kinesiology and kinesiologic medicine Castello editore.
1481-9988 Alberta RN Alberta Association of Registered Nurses.
0090-838X Alcohol health and research world U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
1530-0277 Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc.
0145-6008 Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research Williams & Wilkins
1042-1394 Alcoholism & drug abuse week Manisses Communications Group
1556-7591 Alcoholism & drug abuse weekly John Wiley & Sons
1535-7414 Alcohol research & health Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
1366-6282 A life in the day Pavilion Publishing.
2054-5533 A life in the day (e-vir) Pavilion
0838-1925 Allergy & clinical immunology news Hans Huber Publishers.
0824-1333 Allergy alert Allergy Foundation of Canada.
1077-6796 Allied health, graduate and professional Peterson's/COG Pub. Group.
1076-2809 Alternative & complementary therapies Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-9085 Alternative & complementary therapies Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1460-3330 Alternative health international Alternative health international.
1076-1675 Alternative health practitioner Springer Pub. Co.
1081-4000 Alternative medicine digest Future Medicine Pub.,
1075-3893 Alternative medicine journal Prime National Pub. Corp.,
1089-5159 Alternative medicine review Thorne Research, Inc.
2169-1509 Alternative medicine review (e-vir) Thorne Research, Inc.
1528-3607 Alternative network journal At-Risk Programs Network.
0893-5025 Alternatives Mountain Home Pub.
1090-9222 Alternative therapies in clinical practice Prime National Pub. Corp.,
1078-6791 Alternative therapies in health and medicine InnoVision Communications
0898-4093 Alumni magazine Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association.
1525-3279 Alzheimer's care quarterly Aspen Publishers
1355-5626 Ambulatory child health Radcliffe Medical
1467-0658 Ambulatory child health Blackwell Pub..
1530-1567 Ambulatory pediatrics Alliance Communications Group
1539-4409 Ambulatory pediatrics (e-vir) Alliance Communications Group
0966-6532 Ambulatory surgery Butterworth-Heinemann
0002-726X American annals of the deaf Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf
1543-0375 American annals of the deaf (e-vir) Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf
0044-7544 American baby American Baby
1076-1756 American baby's first year of life Cahners Pub. Co.
0002-8088 American corrective therapy journal American Corrective Therapy Association.
0895-2930 American Dental Association news American Dental Association.
0002-838X American family physician American Academy of Family Physicians
0730-7004 American health American Health Partners
1523-3359 American health RD Publications
1092-1656 American health for women RD Publications
1097-6744 American heart journal (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.
1082-5207 American journal of Alzheimer's disease Prime National Pub. Corp.
1938-2731 American journal of Alzheimer's disease & other dementias (e-vir) Prime National Pub. Corp.; Sage Publications
1533-3175 American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias Prime National Pub. Corp.
0007-4764 American journal of art therapy Vermont College of Norwich University
1059-0889 American journal of audiology American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1558-9137 American journal of audiology (e-vir) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1526-5161 American journal of bioethics MIT Press
1536-0075 American journal of bioethics (e-vir) MIT Press
0091-0562 American journal of community psychology Plenum Press.
1573-2770 American journal of community psychology (e-vir) Kluwer
1062-3264 American journal of critical care The Association
1937-710X American journal of critical care American Association of Critical-Care Nurses; HighWire Press assists in the publication of AJCC Online
0002-922X American journal of diseases of children American Medical Association.
1086-508X American journal of electroneurodiagnostic technology American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists
2375-8619 American journal of electroneurodiagnostic technology (e-vir) American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists
0002-9262 American journal of epidemiology School of Hygiene and Public Health of the Johns Hopkins University.
1476-6256 American journal of epidemiology (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
1087-3244 American journal of health behavior PNG Publications
1945-7359 American journal of health behavior (e-vir) PNG Publications
1932-5037 American journal of health education American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
2168-3751 American journal of health education (e-vir) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
0890-1171 American journal of health promotion M.P. 0'Donnell
2168-6602 American journal of health promotion (e-vir) M.P. O'Donnell
1079-2082 American journal of health-system pharmacy American society of health-system pharmacists
1535-2900 American journal of health-system pharmacy (e-vir) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
0002-9289 American journal of hospital pharmacy American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
0002-9297 American journal of human genetics University of Chicago Press
1537-6605 American journal of human genetics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press for the American Society of Human Genetics
0196-6553 American journal of infection control C. V. Mosby Co.
0272-6386 American journal of kidney diseases Grune & Stratton
1523-6838 American journal of kidney diseases (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0098-8588 American journal of law & medicine American Society of Law & Medicine.
2375-835X American journal of law & medicine (e-vir) American Society of Law & Medicine
1062-8606 American journal of medical quality Williams & Wilkins
1555-824X American journal of medical quality (e-vir) [Williams & Wilkins]
0002-9378 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology C.V. Mosby Co.
1542-9520 American journal of oncology review TyWin Communications LLC,
0889-5406 American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics C.V. Mosby
1097-6752 American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.; Elsevier
0196-0709 American journal of otolaryngology W.B. Saunders Co.
1532-818X American journal of otolaryngology W.B. Saunders
1059-1494 American journal of pain management American Academy of Pain Management.
0735-1631 American journal of perinatology Thieme-Stratton
1098-8785 American journal of perinatology Thieme Medical Publishers
0002-9491 American journal of physical medicine Williams & Wilkins.
0894-9115 American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1537-7385 American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation (e-vir) Lippincot
1548-7768 American journal of psychiatric rehabilitation University of Chicago.; University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
1548-7776 American journal of psychiatric rehabilitation (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0090-0036 American journal of public health The Association
1541-0048 American journal of public health (e-vir) American Public Health Association
1539-4131 American journal of recreation therapy Prime National Pub. Corp.
1073-449X American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine American Lung Association
1535-4970 American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (e-vir) American Lung Association
1058-0360 American journal of speech-language pathology American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1558-9110 American journal of speech-language pathology (e-vir) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1075-2765 American journal of therapeutics Chapman & Hall
1536-3686 American journal of therapeutics Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0044-7749 American laboratory International Scientific Communications, Inc., etc.
0002-9769 American libraries American Library Association
2163-5129 American libraries (e-vir) American Library Association
0001-1843 American medical news American Medical Association.
1075-6361 American Medical Writers Association AMWA journal The Association
2163-5315 American Medical Writers Association AMWA journal (e-vir) American Medical Writers Association.
1930-5583 American nurse today American Nurses Association.
0362-4048 American rehabilitation U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Rehabilitation Services Administration; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off
0746-9217 AMT events American Medical Technologists
1302-8723 Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi Aves Yay%nc%l%k Ltd.Şti.
1308-0032 Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi (e-vir) Aves yayincilik
1529-7489 Analyses of social issues and public policy Blackwell Publishing
1530-2415 Analyses of social issues and public policy (e-vir) Blackwell; Wiley
1526-7598 Anesthesia & analgesia (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0003-2999 Anesthesia and analgesia Elsevier Science
0003-3022 Anesthesiology American Society of Anesthesiologists
1528-1175 Anesthesiology (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
0889-8537 Anesthesiology clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
8750-0779 ANNA journal / American Nephrology Nurses' Association.
0003-4738 Annals of allergy American College of Allergists.; American College of Allergy and Immunology.
1081-1206 Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology
1534-4436 Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology (e-vir) American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
0196-0644 Annals of emergency medicine American College of Emergency Physicians.
1085-8717 Annals of emergency medicine (e-vir) American College of Emergency Physicians.
1097-6760 Annals of emergency medicine (e-vir) American College of Emergency Physicians
1047-2797 Annals of epidemiology Elsevier
1873-2585 Annals of epidemiology (e-vir) American College of Epidemiology.
1544-1717 Annals of family medicine (e-vir) Annals of Family Medicine
1544-1709 Annals of family medicine. (e-vir) Annals of Family Medicine, Inc.
0003-4819 Annals of internal medicine American College of Physicians
1539-3704 Annals of internal medicine (e-vir) American College of Physicians
1943-5010 Annals of long-term care (e-vir) American Geriatrics Society.
0364-5134 Annals of neurology Little, Brown and Co.
1531-8249 Annals of neurology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1082-720X Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology Futura Pub. Co.
1542-474X Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.; John Wiley & Sons
0256-4947 Annals of saudi medicine King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
0975-4466 Annals of Saudi medicine (e-vir) Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd.
0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences New York Academy of Sciences
1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
1542-412X Annual review of nursing education Springer Pub. Co.
0739-6686 Annual review of nursing research Springer Pub. Co.
1944-4028 Annual review of nursing research Springer Pub. Co.
0199-9885 Annual review of nutrition Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4312 Annual review of nutrition (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0066-4308 Annual review of psychology Annual Reviews.
1545-2085 Annual review of psychology (e-vir) Annual Reviews
0163-7525 Annual review of public health Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-2093 Annual review of public health Annual Reviews, Inc.
0197-2251 Annual review of rehabilitation Springer Pub. Co.,
0161-9268 ANS, Advances in nursing science Aspen Systems Corp.
1364-8470 Anthropology & medicine Carfax
1469-2910 Anthropology & medicine (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1072-5067 AONE's leadership prospectives American Organization of Nurse Executives.
1545-374X AORN connections AORN.
0001-2092 AORN journal Association of Operating Room Nurses
1878-0369 AORN journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0268-7038 Aphasiology Taylor & Francis
1464-5041 Aphasiology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
8750-0426 Applied cardiology Barrington Publications,
0897-1897 Applied nursing research W.B. Saunders
1532-8201 Applied nursing research (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1715-5320 Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism (e-vir) 2006-
Y506-3310 Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism (e-vir) 2006-
1715-5312 Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism National Research Council Canada
0160-9963 Applied radiology Anderson Publishing
1879-2898 Applied radiology (e-vir) Elsevier
1057-1590 APS bulletin American Pain Society.
1359-2998 Archives of disease in childhood BMJ Publishing
1468-2044 Archives of disease in childhood (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0003-9888 Archives of Disease in Childhood British Medical Association
0167-4943 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics Elsevier
1872-6976 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (e-vir) Elsevier
0003-9926 Archives of internal medicine American Medical Association.
0003-9942 Archives of neurology American Medical Association
0886-4470 Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery American Medical Association
1543-2165 Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine (e-vir) College of American Pathologists
0003-9985 Archives of pathology & Laboratory Medicine American Medical Association
1072-4710 Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine American Medical Association
0003-9993 Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation Saunders
1532-821X Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0883-9417 Archives of psychiatric nursing Grune & Stratton
0187-4705 Archivos Departamento de publicaciones científicas, Instituto nacional de neurología y neurocirugía
0004-1599 Arizona nurse [Arizona Nurses' Association, etc.]
0966-7164 Aromatherapy quarterly Aromatherapy Quarterly.
1529-0131 Arthritis & rheumatism (e-vir) J.B. Lippincott Co.; Arthritis Foundation]; American College of Rheumatology
2326-5191 Arthritis & rheumatology Wiley
2326-5205 Arthritis & rheumatology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
Y507-973X Arthritis & rheumatology Wiley
0004-3591 Arthritis and rheumatism American College of Rheumatology
0893-7524 Arthritis care and research Elsevier
0890-1120 Arthritis today The Foundation
0742-1656 Art therapy American Art Therapy Association
2159-9394 Art therapy (e-vir) The American Art Therapy Association
1073-9475 ASCA quarterly American Subacute Care Association.
1931-7646 ASCO news and forum American Society of Clinical Oncology.
1062-0281 Asepsis Ad-Com
0001-2475 ASHA American Speech and Hearing Association.
1085-9586 ASHA leader The Association
1818-6270 Asian journal of nursing Scientific Communications International Limited
1022-2464 Asian journal of nursing studies Info-Med Ltd.
1367-2223 Asian journal of social psychology Blackwell
1467-839X Asian journal of social psychology (e-vir) Blackwell
1361-3286 Asia Pacific journal of speech language and hearing Whurr
2058-0967 Asia Pacific journal of speech language and hearing (e-vir) Asia Pacific Society for the Study of Speech, Language and Hearing.
0883-9743 Aspen's advisor for nurse executives Aspen Systems Corporation.
0161-3863 ASRT scanner American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
1073-1911 Assessment Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
1552-3489 Assessment (e-vir) Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
1357-4930 Assignment University of Wales. Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Care.
1592-5986 Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca Il Pensiero scientifico
1040-0435 Assistive technology Demos
1949-3614 Assistive technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1078-7895 Athletic therapy today Human Kinetics
1461-6734 Attachment & human development Routledge
1469-2988 Attachment & human development (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0882-9594 AUAA journal American Urological Association Allied.
1651-3835 Audiological medicine (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1651-386X Audiological medicine Francis & Taylor
1535-2609 Audiology today B.C. Decker
0743-4618 Augmentative and alternative communication Williams & Wilkins
1477-3848 Augmentative and alternative communication (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0897-9278 Augmentative communication news Sunset Enterprises,
1328-0384 Australasian chiropractic & osteopathy (e-vir) Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australasia.
1574-6267 Australasian emergency nursing journal Elsevier
1839-2776 Australasian emergency nursing journal (e-vir) College of Emergency Nursing Australasia Ltd.
1328-3626 Australasian journal of emergency care Ambulance Employees Association (Victoria)
1032-335X Australasian journal of neuroscience Australasian Neuroscience Nurses' Association
1328-0694 Australasian journal of podiatric medicine Australian Podiatry Council; New Zealand Society of Podiatrists
1440-6381 Australasian journal on ageing Council on the Ageing Australia
1741-6612 Australasian journal on ageing (e-vir) Council on the Ageing Australia
0301-018X Australasian nurses journal Messenger Publications Proprietary Ltd..
1329-1491 Australasian osteopathic medicine review Australasian Osteopathic Medicine Review Inc.; Australian Student Osteopathic Medicine Association.
1440-1665 Australasian psychiatry (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1039-8562 Australasian psychiatry Blackwell Science
1440-0979 Australian and New Zealand journal of mental health nursing Blackwell Science.
0004-8674 Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry [s.n.].
1440-1614 Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1753-6405 Australian and New Zealand journal of public health (e-vir) Public Health Association of Australia
1326-0200 Australian and New Zealand journal of public health. Public Health Association of Australia,
0726-3139 Australian clinical review AMA/ACHS Peer Review Resource Centre.
1876-4304 Australian College of Midwives incorporated journal (e-vir) Australian College of Midwives
1031-170X Australian College of Midwives Incorporated journal Australian College of Midwives.
1036-7314 Australian critical care The Confederation
1878-1721 Australian critical care (e-vir) Australian College of Critical Care Nurses
1328-2743 Australian emergency nursing journal Emergency Nurses' Association of New South Wales
1839-275X Australian emergency nursing journal (e-vir) Emergency Nurses' Association of New South Wales; College of Emergency Nursing Australasia Ltd.
0300-8495 Australian family physician Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
0156-5788 Australian health review The Association
1449-8944 Australian health review CSIRO Publishing
1329-9360 Australian infection control Australian Infection Control Association.
1322-3127 Australian journal of emergency care Ambulance Employees Association (Victoria)
0310-6853 Australian journal of human communication disorders Australasian Medical Publ. Co.
1033-8330 Australian journal of medical herbalism National Herbalists' Association of Australia.
1035-8374 Australian journal of mental health nursing Australian Congress of Mental Health Nurses.
1445-4386 Australian journal of midwifery Australian College of Midwives Incorporated
1839-3357 Australian journal of midwifery (e-vir) Australian College of Midwives
1032-1322 Australian journal of nutrition and dietetics Dietitians Association of Australia
1035-7319 Australian journal of public health Public Health Association of Australia.
1448-8272 Australian midwifery Australian College of Midwives Incorporated
1839-3365 Australian midwifery (e-vir) Australian College of Midwives.
1446-5612 Australian midwifery news Australian College of Midwives.
1440-1630 Australian occupational therapy journal (e-vir) Wiley
0045-0766 Australian occupational therapy journal Wiley-Blackwell
0312-407X Australian social work Australian Assoc. of Social Werkers
1447-0748 Australian social work (e-vir) Australian Association of Social Workers..
1362-3613 Autism SAGE Publications
1461-7005 Autism (e-vir) Sage Publications
1201-6144 Avante Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
0095-6562 Aviation space and environmental medicine Aerospace Medical Association
1066-3614 AWHONN's clinical issues in perinatal and women's health nursing Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses.
1552-6356 AWHONN lifelines (e-vir) Sage Publications
1066-2944 AWHONN voice Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses.
1085-2174 AWHP's worksite health Association for Worksite Health Promotion.
0950-3552 Baillière's clinical obstetrics and gynaecology Baillière Tindall
1094-6195 Balance American College of Health Care Administrators
1353-9906 Bandolier Anglia and Oxford Regional Health Authority.
1071-2984 Beginnings American Holistic Nurses' Association.
1049-085X Behavior, health, and aging Springer Pub. Co.
0163-9269 Behavioral & social sciences librarian Haworth Press
1544-4546 Behavioral & social sciences librarian (e-vir) Haworth Press
0896-4289 Behavioral medicine Heldref Publications
1940-4026 Behavioral medicine (e-vir) Heldref Publications
0145-4455 Behavior modification Sage Publications, inc.
1552-4167 Behavior modification (e-vir) Sage Publications
0144-929X Behaviour & information technology Taylor & Francis
1362-3001 Behaviour & information technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1064-1424 Being well Society for Professional Well-Being.
0268-2621 Bereavement care Cruse
1944-8279 Bereavement care (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1329-1874 Best practice Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence Based Nursing
1085-0635 Best practices and benchmarking in healthcare Mosby,
0710-0248 Beta release Canadian Diabetic Association. Professional Health Workers Section.; Canadian Diabetes Association. Diabetes Educator Section.; Canadian Diabetes Association. Professional Health Workers Section.
0006-0151 Better homes and gardens Meredith
0405-668X Better nutrition [Communication Channels, inc.]
0707-3674 Bibliotheca medica Canadiana Canadian Health Libraries Association.
0269-9702 Bioethics Basil Blackwell
1467-8519 Bioethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publisher
1099-8004 Biological research for nursing Sage Publications
1552-4175 Biological research for nursing (e-vir) Sage Publications
0899-8205 Biomedical instrumentation & technology Published by Hanley & Belfus for the Association
1943-5967 Biomedical instrumentation & technology / (e-vir) Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
1543-0243 Bioterrorism watch American Health Consultants.
0730-7659 Birth Blackwell Scientific Publications
1523-536X Birth (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0098-860X Birth and the family journal [Birth and the Family Journal]
0547-6844 Birth defects original article series A. R. Liss
1038-023X Birth issues Childbirth and Parenting Education Resources & Services.
1470-0328 BJOG Blackwell Science
1471-0528 BJOG (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd.
1525-6855 Blood & marrow transplant newsletter Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network.
1359-5237 Blood pressure monitoring Rapid Science
1473-5725 Blood pressure monitoring (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0959-8146 BMJ. British medical journal British Medical Association
1205-562X Body cast Canadian Society of Orthopaedic Technologists.
1543-9879 Bone & joint Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
2161-6094 Bone & joint (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1092-0129 Bottom line/health Boardroom, Inc.
0006-8950 Brain Macmillan Journals
1460-2156 Brain (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0278-2626 Brain and cognition Academic Press
1090-2147 Brain and cognition (e-vir) Academic Press
0093-934X Brain and language Academic Press.
1090-2155 Brain and language (e-vir) Academic Press
0269-9052 Brain injury Taylor & Francis
1362-301X Brain injury (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1094-3439 Brain injury source Brain Injury Association (U.S.)
1084-5968 Brain injury update HDI Publishers,
1661-3791 Breast care S. Karger
1661-3805 Breast care (e-vir) S. Karger
0729-2759 Breastfeeding review Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia.
0896-4882 Breathline American Society of Post Anesthesia Nurses.
1528-7637 Briefings on patient safety Opus Communications
1937-7436 Briefings on patient safety (e-vir) HCPro (Firm)
0007-0769 British Heart Journal British Medical Association
1476-539X British homeopathic journal (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group; Elsevier
1742-6456 British journal of anaesthetic & recovery nursing BARNA Publications
1744-2192 British journal of anaesthetic and recovery nursing (e-vir) BARNA
0300-5364 British journal of audiology Whurr Publishers
0969-6113 British journal of cardiology MediNews (Cardiology) Limited
1466-4100 British journal of clinical governance MCB University Press
1466-4119 British journal of clinical governance (e-vir) Emerald
0144-6657 British journal of clinical psychology British Psychological Society
2044-8260 British journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society; Wiley
1362-4407 British journal of community health nursing Queen's Nursing Institute.
1462-4753 British journal of community nursing Mark Allen Publishing
2052-2215 British journal of community nursing (e-vir)
0261-510X British journal of developmental psychology British Psychological Society
2044-835X British journal of developmental psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society
0144-8625 British journal of family planning Professional and Scientific Publications
1759-7382 British journal of healthcare management (e-vir) MA Healthcare
1358-0574 British journal of health care management Mark Allen Publishing
1750-8460 British journal of hospital medicine MA Healthcare
1759-7390 British journal of hospital medicine (e-vir) MA Healthcare
0007-1064 British Journal of Hospital Medicine Hospital Medicine Publications
1754-7156 British journal of infection control (e-vir) British Journal of Infection Control; Sage
1354-4187 British journal of learning disabilities BILD; Blackwell
1468-3156 British journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0007-1129 British Journal of Medical Psychology Cambridge University Press
0969-4900 British journal of midwifery Mark Allen Publishing
2052-4307 British journal of midwifery (e-vir)
1747-0307 British journal of neuroscience nursing MA Healthcare
2052-2800 British journal of neuroscience nursing (e-vir)
0966-0461 British journal of nursing Mark Allen
2052-2819 British journal of nursing (e-vir)
1475-2662 British journal of nutrition (e-vir) Cambridge University Press; CAB International
0007-1145 British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press
0306-5456 British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
1365-215X British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (e-vir) Elsevier
0308-0226 British journal of occupational therapy College of Occupational Therapists Limited
1467-1026 British journal of perioperative nursing National Association of Theatre Nurses
1476-5381 British journal of pharmacology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0007-1188 British Journal of Pharmacology Macmillan Journals
1460-7328 British journal of podiatry Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
0007-1250 British Journal of Psychiatry Headley Brothers
0007-1269 British journal of psychology Cambridge University Press
2044-8295 British journal of psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society; Wiley
1743-1808 British journal of resuscitation Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust.
0144-6665 British journal of social psychology British Psychological Society
2044-8309 British journal of social psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society; Wiley-Blackwell]
0306-3674 British journal of sports medicine British Association of Sport and Medicine
1473-0480 British journal of sports medicine (e-vir) Butterworths
1353-0224 British journal of theatre nursing NATN
1354-8581 British journal of therapy & rehabilitation Mark Allen
0267-0623 British medical journal British Medical Association.
1556-7575 Brown University child and adolescent behavior letter (e-vir) Manisses Communications Group
1556-7567 Brown University child and adolescent psychopharmacology update (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1040-6328 Brown University digest of addiction theory and application Manisses Communications Group
1556-7559 Brown University digest of addiction theory and application John Wiley & Sons
0196-7223 BRS bulletin Bibliographic Retrieval Services, Inc.; BRS Information Technologies (Firm)
0092-5659 Bulletin American Lung Association.
1496-3639 Bulletin de recherche des Centres d'excellence pour la santé des femmes (e-vir) Programme des centres d'excellence pour la santé des femmes.
0002-8045 Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons American College of Surgeons.
0095-4403 Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science The Society
1550-8366 Bulletin of the American society for information science and technology (e-vir) American Society for Information Science and Technology
Y505-4133 Bulletin of the American society for information science and technology (e-vir) American Society for Information Science and Technology
1931-6550 Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology American Society for Information Science and Technology
0025-7338 Bulletin of the Medical Library Association Medical Library Association.
0028-7091 Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine The Academy
0042-9686 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Organisation Mondiale de la Sante, Service de Distribution et de Vente
1564-0604 Bulletin of the World Health Organization (e-vir) World Health Organization.
0040-3342 Bulletin - Tennessee Nurses Association Tennessee Nurses Association.
0305-4179 Burns Wrigirt and Sons
0739-9413 Business and health Washington Business Group on Health
0007-9235 CA American Cancer Society
1542-4863 CA (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1192-0890 CAET journal Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy.
1060-1155 California Chiropractic Association journal California Chiropractic Association.
0896-2766 California hospitals California Hospital Association.; California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems.
1090-1965 California journal of Oriental medicine California Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
0008-1310 California nurse California Nurses' Association.
1469-2147 Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0008-2791 Canada's mental health Health Programs Branch, National Health and Welfare.
0846-5371 Canadian Association of Radiologists journal Medicöpea
1488-2361 Canadian Association of Radiologists journal (e-vir) [Canadian Medical Association]
0831-4462 Canadian bulletin of cardiovascular nursing Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses.
0826-6778 Canadian critical care nursing journal Society of Critical Care Nurses of Canada.
0008-350X Canadian family physician College of Family Physicians of Canada
1715-5258 Canadian family physician = College of General Practice of Canada
0843-6096 Canadian journal of cardiovascular nursing Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses
1929-7084 Canadian journal of community mental health (e-vir) Canadian Periodical for Community Studies, Inc.
0713-3936 Canadian journal of community mental health = Canadian Periodical for Community Studies.
1712-171X Canadian journal of dental hygiene Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
1712-1728 Canadian journal of dental hygiene (e-vir) Canadian Dental Hygienists' Association.
1499-2671 Canadian journal of diabetes Canadian Diabetes Association = Association canadienne du diabète.
2352-3840 Canadian journal of diabetes (e-vir) Canadian Diabetes Association; Elsevier
1205-0490 Canadian journal of diabetes care Canadian Diabetes Association; Canadian Diabetes Association. Diabetes Educator Section
1486-3847 Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research Dietitians of Canada = Diétistes du Canada.
2292-9592 Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research (e-vir) Dietitians of Canada.
1207-5833 Canadian journal of medical laboratory science Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists
0008-4158 Canadian journal of medical technology Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists.
0838-2948 Canadian journal of nursing administration Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses.
1481-9643 Canadian journal of nursing leadership Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses
1705-7051 Canadian journal of nursing research (e-vir) McGill School of Nursing
0008-4174 Canadian journal of occupational therapy Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists; Sage
1911-9828 Canadian journal of occupational therapy (e-vir) Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
0706-7437 Canadian journal of psychiatry Canadian Psychiatric Association
0008-4263 Canadian journal of public health = Canadian Public Health Association.
1920-7476 Canadian journal of public health = Canadian Public Health Association
0828-0827 Canadian journal of rehabilitation = Canadian Association for Research in Rehabilitation.
1205-9838 Canadian journal of respiratory therapy Canadian Medical Association
2368-6820 Canadian journal of respiratory therapy (e-vir) Canadian Pharmacists Association
1203-7796 Canadian journal of rural medicine Canadian Medical Association, for the Society of Rural Physiscians of Canada
1488-237X Canadian journal of rural medicine (e-vir) Canadian Medical Association.
0008-428X Canadian journal of surgery Canadian Medical Association
1710-1107 Canadian journal on aging (e-vir) Canadian Association on Gerontology
0714-9808 Canadian journal on aging = Canadian Association on Gerontology = Association canadienne de gérontologie
0008-4409 Canadian Medical Association journal Canadian Medical Association
0847-5520 Canadian nursing home Health Media.
1181-912X Canadian oncology nursing journal Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology
2368-8076 Canadian oncology nursing journal (e-vir) Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology
0712-6778 Canadian operating room nursing journal Health Media
1480-0039 Canadian Women's Health Network The Network.
0008-543X Cancer Wiley; American Cancer Society
1097-0142 Cancer (e-vir) Wiley; American Cancer Society
0162-220X Cancer nursing Raven Press
1538-9804 Cancer nursing (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1475-4266 Cancer nursing practice RCN Pub.
2047-8933 Cancer nursing practice (e-vir) RCN Publishing
1526-8195 Cancer pain forum American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives. Resource Center.
1090-3607 Cancer pain update Wisconsin Cancer Pain Initiative (Organization)
1065-4704 Cancer practice J.B. Lippincott Co.
1523-5394 Cancer practice (e-vir) Blackwell Science, Inc.
1206-548X Cancer prevention & control = Association médicale canadienne = Canadian Medical Association.
1498-5136 CANNT journal Pappins Communications for the CANNT.
1083-7183 Capitation management report National Health Information
1527-7917 Cardiac and vascular regeneration Futura Pub. Co.,
0733-8651 Cardiology clinics W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-2264 Cardiology clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1058-3661 Cardiology in the elderly Current Science
1541-7891 Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal Cardiopulmonary Section, APTA
2374-8907 Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal (e-vir) American Physical Therapy Association.; American Physical Therapy Association.
0069-0384 Cardiovascular clinics F. A. Davis
1086-041X Cardiovascular disease management COR Healthcare Resources.
0008-6355 Cardio-vascular nursing American Heart Association.
1531-037X Caremanagement Academy of Certified Case Managers.
1521-0987 Care management journals Springer Pub. Co.
1938-9019 Care management journals (e-vir) Springer Pub. Co.
0266-0970 Care of the critically ill Critical Care Publications
1421-976X Caries research (e-vir) S. Karger
0008-6568 Caries Research S. Karger AG
0738-467X Caring National Association for Home Care (U.S.)
1053-5500 Case management advisor American Health Consultants
1945-1571 Case management advisor (e-vir) American Health Consultants
0893-9934 CD-ROM librarian Meckler
1049-0833 CD-ROM professional Pemberton Press
1496-3612 Centres of Excellence for Women's Health research bulletin Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Program and Research
1496-3620 Centres of Excellence for Women's Health research bulletin (e-vir) Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Program.
0333-1024 Cephalalgia Scandinavian University Press
1468-2982 Cephalalgia (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0009-0875 Ceylon medical journal Ceylon Medical Association.
0069-2778 Chart Illinois Nurses Association.
0012-3692 Chest American College of Chest Physicians
1931-3543 Chest (e-vir) American College of Chest Physicians
0305-1862 Child Blackwell Scientific
1365-2214 Child (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0731-7107 Child & family behavior therapy Haworth Press
1545-228X Child & family behavior therapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
1356-7500 Child & family social work Blackwell Science
1365-2206 Child & family social work (e-vir) [Blackwell Science]
0145-935X Child & youth services Haworth Press
1545-2298 Child & youth services Haworth Press
0145-2134 Child Abuse and Neglect Pergamon
1873-7757 Child Abuse and Neglect (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0952-9136 Child abuse review Wiley
1099-0852 Child abuse review (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1475-357X Child and adolescent mental health Blackwell.
1475-3588 Child and adolescent mental health (e-vir) Blackwell
1076-1721 Childbirth Cahners Pub. Co..
0907-5682 Childhood SAGE Publications
1461-7013 Childhood (e-vir) SAGE Publications
Y505-4141 Childhood (e-vir) SAGE Publications
0265-6590 Child language teaching and therapy Edward Arnold
1477-0865 Child language teaching and therapy (e-vir) [Arnold]
1077-5595 Child maltreatment Sage Periodicals Press
1552-6119 Child maltreatment (e-vir) Sage Publications
0273-9615 Children's health care C.B. Slack, Inc.
1532-6888 Children's health care (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
1093-9644 Children's services Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1057-736X Children's voice Child Welfare League of America
1930-868X Children's voice (e-vir) Child Welfare League of America
1532-8759 Children & schools National Association of Social Workers
1545-682X Children & schools National Association of Social Workers
0361-4336 Children today The Bureau; For sale by the Supt. for Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0009-4021 Child welfare Child Welfare League of America.
2833-5619 Child welfare (e-vir) Child Welfare League of America
0009-4714 Chiropody review Joint Council of Chiropodists.; Institute of Chiropodists.; Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.
1746-1340 Chiropractic & osteopathy (e-vir) BioMed Central
0736-4377 Chiropractic history Association for the History of Chiropractic.
1036-0913 Chiropractic journal of Australia Chiropractors' Association of Australia (National)
2200-8012 Chiropractic journal of Australia (e-vir) Chiropractors Association of Australia.
0899-6938 Chiropractic research journal Sid. E. Williams Research Center.; Life Chiropractic College.
1072-7558 Chiropractic technique Williams & Wilkins,
0009-5540 Christian Nurse Nurses' League of the Christian Medical Association of India.; Christian Medical Association of India, Nurses' League.
1010-7355 Christian nurse international Nurses' Christian Fellowship International.
1041-5513 Chronic disease notes & reports Centers for Disease Control
1742-3953 Chronic illness Maney
1745-9206 Chronic illness (e-vir) Maney
1205-5611 Cina Canadian Intravenous Nurses Association.
1098-7126 CIN plus Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-9790 CIN plus (e-vir) Lippincott Williams Wilkins
0009-7322 Circulation American Heart Association, etc.
1524-4539 Circulation (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Highwire Press
1481-8035 CJEM Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians = Association canadienne des médecins d'urgence
1481-8043 CJEM (e-vir) Canadian Medical Association
1055-6656 Cleft palate-craniofacial journal Decker Periodicals
1461-1449 Clinical acupuncture and oriental medicine Harcourt
0147-958X Clinical and investigative medicine Pergamon Press
1488-2353 Clinical and investigative medicine (e-vir) Canadian Medical Association
0141-9854 Clinical and laboratory haematology Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2257 Clinical and laboratory haematology [Blackwell Science]
0268-0033 Clinical biomechanics Elsevier
1879-1271 Clinical Biomechanics (e-vir) Elsevier
1526-8209 Clinical breast cancer Cancer Information Group, LP
1938-0666 Clinical breast cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
1089-4195 Clinical bulletin of myofascial therapy Haworth Medical Press,
0160-9289 Clinical cardiology Foundation for Advances in Medicine and Science
1932-8737 Clinical cardiology (e-vir) Foundation for Advances in Medicine and Science [etc.]
1359-1045 Clinical child psychology and psychiatry Sage
1461-7021 Clinical child psychology and psychiatry (e-vir) Sage Publications
1479-2354 Clinical chiropractic Elsevier Science.
1878-125X Clinical chiropractic (e-vir) College of Chiropractors (Great Britain)
1533-0028 Clinical colorectal cancer Cancer Information Group
1938-0674 Clinical colorectal cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
1098-3597 Clinical cornerstone Elsevier Science
1873-4480 Clinical cornerstone (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0264-6684 Clinical courier Glaxo Operations UK.
1073-6379 Clinical data management Aspen Publishers
0891-8929 Clinical diabetes The Association
1945-4953 Clinical diabetes American Diabetes Association
1361-9004 Clinical effectiveness in nursing Churchill Livingstone
1085-2360 Clinical excellence for nurse practitioners Churchill Livingstone
1532-8236 Clinical excellence for nurse practitioners (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1520-8702 Clinical exercise physiology Human Kinetics
1095-1598 Clinical geriatrics Multimedia Healthcare, Inc.; HMP Communications
0731-7115 Clinical gerontologist Haworth Press
1545-2301 Clinical gerontologist (e-vir) Haworth Press
1477-7274 Clinical governance Emerald
1758-6038 Clinical governance (e-vir) Emerald
1092-1095 Clinical journal of oncology nursing Oncology Nursing Press
1538-067X Clinical journal of oncology nursing (e-vir) Oncology Nursing Press
1536-5409 Clinical journal of pain (e-vir) Lippincot
1050-642X Clinical journal of sport medicine Raven Press
1536-3724 Clinical journal of sport medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1527-0289 Clinical journal of women's health W.B. Saunders Company.
0896-9620 Clinical kinesiology American Kinesiotherapy Association
0888-7950 Clinical laboratory management review Clinical Laboratory Management Association.
0894-959X Clinical laboratory science The Society
1945-3574 Clinical laboratory science (e-vir) The Society
0746-469X Clinical laser monthly American Health Consultants.
1527-3954 Clinical leadership & management review Clinical Laboratory Management Association.
0269-9206 Clinical linguistics & phonetics Taylor & Francis
1464-5076 Clinical linguistics & phonetics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1525-7304 Clinical lung cancer Cancer Information Group
1938-0690 Clinical lung cancer (e-vir) CIG Media Group
1526-9655 Clinical lymphoma Cancer Information Group
2331-4486 Clinical lymphoma (e-vir) Cancer Information Group.
1557-9190 Clinical lymphoma & myeloma Cancer Information Group
1938-0712 Clinical lymphoma & myeloma (e-vir) Cancer Information Group.
0276-8038 Clinical management in physical therapy American Physical Therapy Association (1921- )
1539-4182 Clinical medicine & research Marshfield Clinic
1554-6179 Clinical medicine & research Marshfield Clinic
0887-6274 Clinical nurse specialist Williams & Wilkins
1538-9782 Clinical nurse specialist (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1054-7738 Clinical nursing research Sage Periodicals Press
1552-3799 Clinical nursing research (e-vir) Sage Periodicals Press
0261-5614 Clinical nutrition Elsevier
1532-1983 Clinical nutrition (e-vir) Harcourt Publishers
0009-9201 Clinical obstetrics and gynecology Medical Dept., Harper & Row.
1532-5520 Clinical obstetrics and gynecology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0009-921X Clinical orthopaedics and related research Lippincott
1528-1132 Clinical orthopaedics and related research (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
0009-9228 Clinical pediatrics Lippincott.
1938-2707 Clinical pediatrics (e-vir) Westminster Publications
1532-6535 Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) Mosby; Nature Publishing Group
0009-9236 Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics C. V. Mosby.
1527-4772 Clinical practice of alternative medicine American College of Advancement in Medicine.
1328-4207 Clinical psychologist Australian Psychological Society
1742-9552 Clinical psychologist (e-vir) Australian Psychological Society
0269-2155 Clinical rehabilitation Edward Arnold
1477-0873 Clinical rehabilitation (e-vir) Sage
1356-2622 Clinical risk Churchill Livingstone
1758-1028 Clinical risk (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
0009-9295 Clinical symposia Ciba Pharmaceutical
1879-114X Clinical therapeutics Elsevier
0149-2918 Clinical Therapeutics Excerpta Medica
1475-9926 Clinician in management (e-vir) Radcliffe Medical
0272-5231 Clinics in chest medicine W. B. Saunders Co.
1557-8216 Clinics in chest medicine (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0749-0690 Clinics in geriatric medicine W.B. Saunders
1879-8853 Clinics in geriatric medicine (e-vir) Elsevier ScienceDirect
0272-2712 Clinics in laboratory medicine W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-9832 Clinics in laboratory medicine (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0095-5108 Clinics in perinatology Saunders.
1557-9840 Clinics in perinatology (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0891-8422 Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery W.B. Saunders
1558-2302 Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0278-5919 Clinics in sports medicine W. B. Saunders
1556-228X Clinics in sports medicine (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0820-3946 CMAJ. Canadian medical association journal The Association
1543-2998 CMA today American Association of Medical Assistants
1544-8681 CME forum Princeton Healthcare Media
0738-1069 Cognitive rehabilitation B & B Pub. Co.
0146-2679 Collection management Haworth Press
1545-2549 Collection management (e-vir) Haworth Press
1322-7696 Collegian Royal College of Nursing, Australia
1876-7575 Collegian (e-vir) Australian College of Nursing
8750-846X Colorado nurse Colorado Nurses' Association.
0160-1652 Communicating nursing research Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.; Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing (U.S.); Western Society for Research in Nursing (U.S.); Western Institute of Nursing (U.S.)
1525-7401 Communication disorders quarterly Pro-Ed
1538-4837 Communication disorders quarterly (e-vir) PRO-ED
0307-5508 Community care IPC Building and Contract Journals
0265-539X Community dental health Macmillan Press
0301-5661 Community dentistry and oral epidemiology Munksgaard
1600-0528 Community dentistry and oral epidemiology (e-vir) Munksgaard
0314-9021 Community health studies Australian and New Zealand Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health.; Public Health Association of Australia and New Zealand.; Public Health Association of Australia.
0951-9815 Community living Good Impressions
0010-3853 Community mental health journal Human Sciences Press
1573-2789 Community mental health journal (e-vir) Kluwer
1358-0981 Community nurse Macmillan Magazines
0262-8759 Community outlook Macmillan Journals Ltd.
1462-2815 Community practitioner TG Scott
1533-2101 Complementary health practice review Springer Pub. Co.
1552-3845 Complementary health practice review (e-vir) Sage Publications
1087-0865 Complementary medicine for the physician Churchill Livingstone, Inc..
1086-5934 Complementary medicine international World Natural Medicine Foundation.
1744-3881 Complementary therapies in clinical practice Elsevier
1873-6947 Complementary therapies in clinical practice (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0965-2299 Complementary therapies in medicine Churchill Livingstone
1873-6963 Complementary therapies in medicine Churchill Livingstone; Harcourt; Elsevier
1353-6117 Complementary therapies in nursing & midwifery Churchill Livingstone
1088-7911 Complexity and chaos in nursing Angela E. Vicenzi,
0902-0071 Comprehensive gerontology Munksgaard.
0010-440X Comprehensive psychiatry Grune & Stratton
1532-8384 Comprehensive psychiatry (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0098-8243 Comprehensive therapy International Pub. Group [etc.]
1559-1190 Comprehensive therapy Humana
1538-2931 Computers, informatics, nursing Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-9774 Computers, informatics, nursing (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0745-1075 Computers in healthcare Cardiff Pub. Co.,
0274-631X Computers in hospitals Cardiff Pub. Co.]
1041-7915 Computers in libraries Meckler
Y509-7932 Computers in libraries (e-vir) Meckler
0736-8593 Computers in nursing J.B. Lippincott
0708-6474 CONA journal Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses' Association.
1033-3355 Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses journal Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses.
0278-4092 Connecticut nursing news Connecticut Nurses' Association
0010-7069 Consultant Smith, Kline & French Laboratories.
1090-7033 Consumer connections Medical Library Association.
0010-7174 Consumer reports Consumers Union.
1058-0832 Consumer reports on health Consumer Union of United States
0960-5290 Contemporary hypnosis Whurr
1557-0711 Contemporary hypnosis (e-vir) Whurr Publishers
1092-5171 Contemporary issues in communication science and disorders National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
1934-4589 Contemporary longterm care (e-vir) Advantage Pub.
8750-9652 Contemporary longterm care Advantage Pub.
1037-6178 Contemporary nurse [Editorial Board].
1839-3535 Contemporary nurse eContent Management
0198-0009 Contemporary nutrition General Mills, Inc.
0090-3159 Contemporary ob/gyn Medical Economics Pub. Co.
2150-6264 Contemporary ob/gyn Medical Economics Pub. Co., etc.]
1061-0383 Contemporary oncology Medical Economics Pub.
1538-3083 Contemporary oral hygiene Dental Learning Systems, Co.; Medical World Communications (Jamesburg, N.J.)
2150-6345 Contemporary pediatrics Medical Economics Co.
8750-0507 Contemporary pediatrics Medical Economics Pub. Co.
1075-9298 Contemporary rehab National Rehabilitation Association.
1042-2250 Contemporary urology Medical Economics Co.
1543-3544 Continuing education in radiologic technology W.B. Saunders
1082-8419 Continuum Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care.; American Hospital Association.
0274-726X Contraceptive technology update Contraceptive Technology Update
1532-0235 COR clinical excellence COR Health LLC,
0954-6928 Coronary artery disease Current Science
1473-5830 Coronary artery disease (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1362-3265 Coronary health care Churchill Livingstone
0010-9452 Cortex Tipografica Varese
1079-5057 Cost & quality quarterly journal SouthWest Critical Care,
1087-0644 Cost management in cardiac care American Health Consultants.
1473-3145 Counselling and psychotherapy research British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
1746-1405 Counselling and psychotherapy research (e-vir) British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
0951-5070 Counselling psychology quarterly Carfax Publishing
1469-3674 Counselling psychology quarterly (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1474-5372 CPJ- Counselling and psychotherapy journal British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
0963-1801 CQ Cambridge University Press
0886-9634 Cranio Chroma, Inc.
2151-0903 Cranio (e-vir) Chroma; Williams & Wilkens
1078-4535 Creative nursing Creative Nursing Management, Inc.
1946-1895 Creative nursing (e-vir) Creative Nursing Management, Inc.
1043-2205 Critical care choices . Springhouse Corp.
0749-0704 Critical care clinics W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-8232 Critical care clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0090-3493 Critical care medicine Williams & Wilkins Co.
1530-0293 Critical care medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0279-5442 Critical care nurse Simms Associates
1940-8250 Critical care nurse American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
0899-5885 Critical care nursing clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-3481 Critical care nursing clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0887-9303 Critical care nursing quarterly Aspen Publishers
1550-5111 Critical care nursing quarterly (e-vir) Aspen Publishers.
0160-2551 Critical care quarterly Aspen Systems
0162-7252 Critical care update! National Critical Care Institute of Education (U.S.)
0958-1596 Critical public health CPH
1469-3682 Critical public health (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0896-2960 Critical reviews in physical and rehabilitation medicine Begell House
2162-6553 Critical reviews in physical and rehabilitation medicine CRC Press; Begell House
1461-703X Critical social policy (e-vir) Sage
1048-2687 CRNA W.B. Saunders,
1098-6316 Cross cultural connection Battaglia
0261-0183 CSP. Critical social policy Sage Publications
1138-1728 Cultura de los cuidados Seminario de Historia y Antropología de los Cuidados Enfermeros, Universidad de Alicante
1699-6003 Cultura de los cuidados Fundación Index
1369-1058 Culture, health & sexuality Taylor & Francis
1464-5351 Culture, health & sexuality (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0379-8577 Curationis South African journal of Nursing; AOSIS OpenJournals; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd
2223-6279 Curationis (e-vir) AOSIS OpenJournals
1534-7664 Cure Cancer Information Group.
1473-6322 Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
1528-4050 Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1473-6500 Current opinion in anaesthesiology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
0952-7907 Current opinion in anesthesiology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0268-4705 Current opinion in cardiology Gower Academic Journals
1531-7080 Current opinion in cardiology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers.
1065-6278 Current opinion in cosmetic dentistry Current Science,
0267-1379 Current opinion in gastroenterology Gower Academic Journals
1531-7056 Current opinion in gastroenterology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1065-6251 Current opinion in hematology Current Science
1531-7048 Current opinion in hematology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0951-7375 Current opinion in infectious diseases Gower Academic Journals
1473-6527 Current opinion in infectious diseases (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1535-3877 Current opinion in infectious diseases (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1535-3842 Current opinion in nephrology & hypertension (e-vir) Lippincott Williamms & Wilkins
1062-4821 Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension Rapid Science
1473-6543 Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension (e-vir) Current Science
1350-7540 Current opinion in neurology Current Science
1473-6551 Current opinion in neurology (e-vir) Lippincot
1040-872X Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology Current Science
1473-656X Current opinion in obstetrics and gynecology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1040-8746 Current opinion in oncology Current Science; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1531-703X Current opinion in oncology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1040-8738 Current opinion in ophthalmology Current Science
1531-7021 Current opinion in ophthalmology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1041-9918 Current opinion in orthopaedics Current Science
1068-9508 Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery Current Science
1531-6998 Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1080-8086 Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery, with evaluated MEDLINE (e-vir) National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
1040-8703 Current opinion in pediatrics Current Science
1531-698X Current opinion in pediatrics (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1065-626X Current opinion in periodontology Current Science
0951-7367 Current opinion in psychiatry Gower Academic Journals
1473-6578 Current opinion in psychiatry (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
1070-5287 Current opinion in pulmonary medicine Current Science; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1531-6971 Current opinion in pulmonary medicine (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1040-8711 Current opinion in rheumatology Current Science
1531-6963 Current opinion in rheumatology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0268-0890 Current orthopaedics Churchill Livingstone
0164-310X Current reviews for nurse anesthetists Mount Sinai Medical Center (Miami Beach, Fla.). Dept. of Anesthesiology.
0896-1182 Current reviews for post anesthesia care nurses Current Reviews,
1879-0313 Current therapeutic research (e-vir) Elsevier
0011-393X Current Therapeutic Research Excerpta Medica, Inc., etc.
0091-4738 CVP Barrington Publications]
1041-469X D.C. tracts American Chiropractic Association.
0162-4105 Database Online, inc.
0882-326X Database end-user Meckler Pub.,
0891-6713 Database searcher Meckler Pub.
1464-3154 Deafness & education international Whurr
1557-069X Deafness & education international Whurr Publishers
0145-7624 Death education University of Florida.; University of Florida.
0748-1187 Death studies Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1091-7683 Death studies (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0898-1655 Decubitus S-N Publications
1471-3012 Dementia Sage
1741-2684 Dementia (e-vir) Sage Publications.
1420-8008 Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders Karger
1421-9824 Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (e-vir) S. Karger
0011-8486 Dental abstracts American Dental Association.
0733-9836 Dental asepsis review Indiana University School of Dentistry.
0011-8532 Dental clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-0512 Dental clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0011-8605 Dental health British Dental Hygienists' Association.; British Society of Dental Hygiene & Therapy.
1082-9016 Dentalhygienistnews Lally, McFarland, & Pantello,
1062-0346 Dental implantology update American Health Consultants
1945-158X Dental implantology update (e-vir) American Health Consultants
0733-8635 Dermatologic clinics W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-0520 Dermatologic clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1060-3441 Dermatology nursing A.J. Jannetti
1445-6818 Developing practice Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies (N.S.W.)
1093-7196 Developmental Disabilities Special Interest Section quarterly The Association
1469-8749 Developmental medicine & child neurology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0012-1622 Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Heinemann William Medical Books
1532-6942 Developmental neuropsychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
8756-5641 Developmental neuropsychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1091-4587 Developments in supportive cancer care Meniscus Educational Institute.
0012-1797 Diabetes American Diabetes Association
1939-327X Diabetes (e-vir) American Diabetes Association; Stanford University
1520-7552 Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews Wiley
1520-7560 Diabetes/metabolism reviews and research (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, ltd..
0149-5992 Diabetes care American Diabetes Association
1935-5548 Diabetes care (e-vir) American Diabetes Association
0095-8301 Diabetes forecast American Diabetes Association.
0168-8227 Diabetes research and clinical practice Elsevier
1872-8227 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (e-vir) Elsevier
0741-6253 Diabetes self-management [Imagimedic Productions],
1040-9165 Diabetes spectrum American Diabetes Association
1944-7353 Diabetes spectrum American Diabetes Association
1520-9156 Diabetes technology & therapeutics Mary Ann Liebert
1557-8593 Diabetes technology & therapeutics (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
1551-1308 Diabetes vital SLACK Inc.
2514-5495 Diabetic foot (e-vir) SB Communications Group; Wounds Group, a division of Omnia-Med Ltd
0147-8893 Diagnostic medicine [Medical Economics Co.]
1042-9611 DICP Harvey Whitney Books Co.
0317-7645 Dimensions in health service = Canadian Hospital Association.
0885-6192 Dimensions in oncology nursing M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute.
0730-4625 Dimensions of critical care nursing Lippincott
1538-8646 Dimensions of critical care nursing Lippincott Williams & Wilkens
1542-7838 Dimensions of dental hygiene Belmont Publications
0968-7599 Disability & society Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1360-0508 Disability & society (e-vir) Carfax
0963-8288 Disability and rehabilitation Taylor & Francis
1464-5165 Disability and rehabilitation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1748-3107 Disability and rehabilitation Taylor & Francis
1748-3115 Disability and rehabilitation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
Y505-8651 Disability and rehabilitation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1540-2487 Disaster management & response Elsevier Science
1540-2495 Disaster management & response (e-vir) Emergency Nurses Association.
0276-4652 Discharge planning update American Hospital Association.; Society for Hospital Social Work Directors.; Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care.
1093-507X Disease management Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-8860 Disease management (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1173-8790 Disease management & health outcomes Adis International
1531-5681 Disease management advisor National Health Information, LLC.
1087-030X Disease state management American Health Consultants.
1743-1913 Diversity in health and social care Radcliffe
1743-4904 Diversity in health and social care (e-vir) Radcliffe Publishing
0376-8716 Drug and alcohol dependence Elsevier Sequoia
0012-6543 Drug and therapeutics bulletin Consumers' Association
1755-5248 Drug and therapeutics bulletin (e-vir) Consumers' Association
0012-6578 Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy, Inc.
0012-6667 Drugs S. Karger; Australasian Drug Information Services
1179-1950 Drugs (e-vir) Springer Nature Switzerland
1179-1969 Drugs & aging Adis International
1170-229X Drugs & Aging ADIS International
1172-0360 Drugs & therapy perspectives Adis International
1179-1977 Drugs & therapy perspectives Adis International Ltd.
1745-9265 Drugs and alcohol today Pavilion
2042-8359 Drugs and alcohol today (e-vir) Pavilion
1076-9684 Dynamic chiropractic Motion Palpation Institute
1497-3715 Dynamics Pappin Communications
0179-051X Dysphagia Springer.
1432-0460 Dysphagia (e-vir) Springer
1046-8021 E Earth Action Network
0196-0202 Ear and hearing American Auditory Society.
1538-4667 Ear and hearing (e-vir) Lippincot
1301-0883 Eastern journal of medicine Yüzüncü Yűl Üniversitesi
1309-3886 Eastern journal of medicine (e-vir) Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine
1020-3397 Eastern Mediterranean health journal WHO, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
1687-1634 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (e-vir) World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
1064-0266 Eating disorders Brunner/Mazel Publishers
1532-530X Eating disorders (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
0742-2822 Echocardiography Futura Publishing Company
1540-8175 Echocardiography (e-vir) Futura Pub.
1488-2329 ECMAJ (e-vir) Canadian Medical Association.
1525-2531 EContent Online, Inc.
1044-9167 ED management American Health Consultants
1096-4304 ED nursing American Health Consultants
1945-0761 ED nursing (e-vir) American Health Consultants
1019-083X EDTNA-ERCA journal EDTNA-ERCA
0265-1602 Education and health University of Exeter.
2049-3665 Education and health SHEU
1357-6283 Education for health Carfax
1469-5804 Education for health Carfax International Publishers
1473-9879 Education for primary care Radcliffe Medical Press
1475-990X Education for primary care (e-vir) Radcliffe Medical Press
1093-7188 Education Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
0965-0288 Effective health care / University of Leeds.; University of York.; Royal College of Physicians of London.
1369-1856 Elderly care RCN Publishing
1701-8439 ElectronicHealthcare Longwoods Publishing.
0264-0473 Electronic library Learned Information
1525-4658 Emedia Online
1529-7306 EMedia Magazine Online
1090-946X EMedia professional Online
0162-5942 Emergency Dyna Industries, etc.]
1073-7782 Emergency and office pediatrics Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,
8755-8467 Emergency care quarterly Aspen Systems Corporation.
0884-4836 Emergency medical technician legal bulletin Med/law Publishers,
0013-6654 Emergency medicine [Cahners Pub. Co., Magazine Division, Medical/Health Care Group, etc.]
1742-6723 Emergency medicine Australasia (e-vir) Blackwell
1742-6731 Emergency medicine Australasia Blackwell
0733-8627 Emergency medicine clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-0539 Emergency medicine clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1472-0205 Emergency medicine journal BMJ Pub. Group.
1472-0213 Emergency medicine journal (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
1354-5752 Emergency nurse Nursing standard
2047-8984 Emergency nurse (e-vir) RCN Publishing
0885-8284 Emergency nursing reports Aspen Publishers, Inc.,
1044-3797 Emergency pediatrics Mary Ann Liebert,
1741-2692 Emotional & behavioural difficulties (e-vir) Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
1363-2752 Emotional and behavioural difficulties Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
0886-7143 Emphasis, nursing Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Nursing Dept.; Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Nursing Dept.
1081-4507 EMS insider Jems Communications
1532-1576 EMS manager & supervisor Jems Communications
1056-7062 ENA's nursing scan in emergency care Emergency Nurses Association.
0889-8529 Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-4410 Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1519-339X Enfermagem Atual Ed. de Publicações Biomédicas.
1130-8621 Enfermería clínica Doyma
1579-2013 Enfermería clínica (e-vir) Doyma
1130-2399 Enfermería intensiva Doyma.
1578-1291 Enfermería intensiva (e-vir) Doyma
0098-1516 ENLB, emergency nurse legal bulletin Med/Law Publishers.
0813-6629 Enrolled nurse Enrolled Nurses' Association.
0091-6765 Environmental health perspectives U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service
1552-9924 Environmental health perspectives (e-vir) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
0893-4452 Environmental nutrition Environmental Nutrition, Inc.
0193-936X Epidemiologic reviews Oxford University Press
1478-6729 Epidemiologic reviews (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0014-0139 Ergonomics Taylor & Francis
1366-5847 Ergonomics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0942-8623 Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation Schulz-Kirchner Verlag
1414-8145 Escola Anna Nery Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery.
2177-9465 Escola Anna Nery (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
1015-0919 Essential drugs monitor World Health Organization.
1540-0948 Ethics, law, and aging review Springer Pub. Co.
1050-8422 Ethics & behavior Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7019 Ethics & behavior L. Erlbaum Associates.
1355-7858 Ethnicity & health Carfax
1465-3419 Ethnicity & health (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0014-2573 Europa Medicophysica Minerva Medica
1018-8827 European child & adolescent psychiatry Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
1435-165X European child & adolescent psychiatry (e-vir) Springer
1072-4133 European eating disorders review Wiley
1099-0968 European eating disorders review (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons; Eating Disorders Association
1359-6349 European journal of cancer Pergamon
1878-1217 European journal of cancer (e-vir) Elsevier
1879-0852 European journal of cancer (e-vir) Elsevier
0959-8049 European Journal of Cancer Pergamon
1365-2354 European journal of cancer care (e-vir) Wiley
0961-5423 European Journal of Cancer Care Wiley
1474-5151 European journal of cardiovascular nursing Elsevier
1873-1953 European journal of cardiovascular nursing (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0263-9114 European journal of chiropractic European Chiropractors' Union.
0963-7273 European journal of disorders of communication College of Speech and Language Therapists.
0954-691X European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology Current Science
1473-5687 European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
1436-6207 European journal of nutrition Steinkopff
1436-6215 European journal of nutrition (e-vir) Steinkopff
Y503-7468 European journal of nutrition Steinkopff
1462-3889 European journal of oncology nursing Churchill Livingstone
1532-2122 European journal of oncology nursing (e-vir) Elsevier
0909-8836 European journal of oral sciences Munksgaard International Publishers, Ltd.
1600-0722 European journal of oral sciences (e-vir) Munksgaard
1352-2779 European journal of palliative care Hayward Medical Communications
1479-0793 European journal of palliative care (e-vir) European Association for Palliative Care
1017-6721 European journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation Blackwell-MZV
1101-1262 European journal of public health Almqvist & Wiksell International
1464-360X European journal of public health (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0046-2772 European journal of social psychology Wiley
1099-0992 European journal of social psychology Mouton]; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1369-1457 European journal of social work Routledge
1468-2664 European journal of social work (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1439-0590 European journal of trauma Urban & Vogel
1615-3146 European journal of trauma Urban u. Vogel
1358-8621 European nurse Arnold
0163-2787 Evaluation & the health professions Sage Publications
1552-3918 Evaluation & the health professions (e-vir) Sage Publications
1525-1667 Every second counts National Safety Council.
1356-5524 Evidence-based medicine American College of Physicians; BMJ Pub. Group
1473-6810 Evidence-based medicine (e-vir) BMJ
1362-0347 Evidence-based mental health BMJ Publishing
1468-960X Evidence-based mental health (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
1479-4489 Evidence based midwifery TG Scott
1367-6539 Evidence-based nursing RCN Publishing Company; BMJ Publishing Group
1468-9618 Evidence-based nursing (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
1095-4120 Evidence-based practice Appleton & Lange; [Dowden Publishing Co.]; Family Physicians Inquiries Network
1449-8286 Evidence in health care reports Joanna Briggs Institute.
1609-2759 EWMA journal EWMA
2410-5082 EWMA journal (e-vir) EWMA
1554-5989 Excellence in nursing knowledge (e-vir) Sigma Theta Tau International.; Nursing Knowledge International.
2373-2881 Exceptional parent (e-vir) EP Global Communications Inc.
1099-193X Executive solutions for healthcare management Capitol Publications, inc.
1077-5552 Exercise immunology review International Society of Exercise and Immunology.
0361-073X Experimental aging research Beech Hill Enterprises
1096-4657 Experimental aging research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1091-7527 Families systems & health Families, Systems & Health, Inc.
1939-0602 Families systems & health Families, Systems & Health, Inc.
0160-6379 Family & community health Aspen Publishers Inc.
1550-5057 Family & community health (e-vir) Aspen System Corporation
1542-815X Family care health monitor Data Centrum Communications, Inc.
0014-7354 Family planning perspectives Alan Guttmacher Institute, etc.
2325-5617 Family planning perspectives (e-vir) Center for Family Planning Program Development
1069-5648 Family practice management Publications Division of the American Academy of Family Physicians
0163-6642 Family practice recertification [MRA Publications, etc.]
0014-7370 Family process Nathan W. Ackerman Family Institute, etc.
1545-5300 Family process (e-vir) Family Process; Wiley
0736-1718 Family systems medicine Brunner/Mazel
1605-8941 Faṣlnāmah-i dānishkadah-i parastāri va māmāyī.; فصلنامه دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی Dānishgāh-i ̒ulūm-i pizishkī-i shahīd Bihishtī; دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی
0362-1332 FDA consumer U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0959-3535 Feminism & psychology SAGE
1461-7161 Feminism & psychology (e-vir) SAGE
1532-1568 Fire insider Jems Communications
1094-0529 Fire-rescue magazine Jems Communication,; PennWell Corp.
0211-5638 Fisioterapia Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas
1578-2107 Fisioterapia Doyma.
0103-5150 Fisioterapia em Movimento Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.
1980-5918 Fisioterapia em Movimento Ed. Universitária Champagnat
0367-326X Fitoterapia Elsevier
1300-8757 Fizyoterapi rehabilitasyon Türkiye Fizyoterapistler Derneği
1465-3753 Focus on alternative and complementary therapies Pharmaceutical Press
2042-7166 Focus on alternative and complementary therapies (e-vir) 1 Lambeth High St., London, SE1 7JN; Pharmaceutical Press
0736-3605 Focus on critical care / American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
0892-7103 Focus on geriatric care & rehabilitation Aspen Publishers
1021-7762 Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica Karger
1421-9972 Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica S. Karger
1070-1613 Food, art & health Food, Art & Health,
1065-1497 Food insight International Food Information Council.; International Food Information Council Foundation.
1071-1007 Foot & ankle international Williams & Wilkins
1944-7876 Foot & ankle international (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
1068-3100 Foot and ankle quarterly Data Trace Medical Publishers, Inc.,
1082-801X Formulary Advanstar Communications, Inc.
1938-1166 Formulary (e-vir) Advanstar Communications
0932-0547 Forum Logopädie Deutscher Bundesverband für Logopädie e.V.; DBL.
1478-4106 Foundation of Nursing Studies dissemination series Foundation of Nursing Studies.
1084-0370 Fresh news Summit Communications
1062-4767 Frontier perspectives Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University
0889-8553 Gastroenterology clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-1942 Gastroenterology clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1042-895X Gastroenterology nursing Williams & Wilkins
1538-9766 Gastroenterology nursing (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0016-5107 Gastrointestinal endoscopy American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1085-8741 Gastrointestinal endoscopy (e-vir) American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
1097-6779 Gastrointestinal endoscopy (e-vir) American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1052-5157 Gastrointestinal endoscopy clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-1950 Gastrointestinal endoscopy clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1479-5248 Gastrointestinal nursing RCN Publishing
2052-2835 Gastrointestinal nursing (e-vir)
0307-5656 Gazette of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences.
1091-6318 Gender & psychoanalysis International Universities Press,
0363-6771 General dentistry Academy of General Dentistry
0163-8343 General hospital psychiatry Elsevier/Biomedical
1873-7714 General hospital psychiatry (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0738-7806 Generations The Society
0744-0596 Genesis American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics
0016-8335 Georgia nursing Georgia Nurses' Assn.
1032-4410 Geriaction Chronic and Geriatric Nursing Group
0268-201X Geriatric medicine Modern Medicine Publications; Medpress; Ocean Media; Pavilion Publishing and Media
0197-4572 Geriatric nursing Mosby-Year Book
1528-3984 Geriatric nursing (e-vir) American Journal of Nursing
0269-9079 Geriatric nursing & home care Baillière Tindall
0016-867X Geriatrics Advanstar Communications
1444-1586 Geriatrics & gerontology international Blackwell Science; Japan Geriatrics Society
1447-0594 Geriatrics & gerontology international Japan Geriatrics Society; Blackwell Science
1134-928X Gerokomos Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontología
1578-164X Gerokomos (e-vir) Doyma.
1758-5341 Gerontologist (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0270-1960 Gerontology & geriatrics education University of Texas Press
1545-3847 Gerontology & geriatrics education (e-vir) Haworth Press
1093-717X Gerontology Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association
1541-7646 Getting paid in behavioral healthcare Manisses Communications Group
1192-9073 Global child health news & review Global Child Health Society.
1468-0181 Global social policy Sage Publications
1741-2803 Global social policy (e-vir) Sage Publications
0017-209X Good housekeeping International Magazine Co.
1527-0009 Graduate research in nursing (e-vir) Graduate Research, LLC
1522-1628 Graft Landes Bioscience
2160-0066 Graft (e-vir) Landes Bioscience; Sage Pub.
1464-6420 Guidelines in practice Medendium.
0749-0712 Hand clinics W.B. Saunders
1558-1969 Hand clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1052-1577 Harvard health letter Harvard Medical School Health Publications Group
1557-5616 Harvard health letter Harvard Medical School Health Publications Group
1089-1102 Harvard men's health watch Harvard Medical School Health Publications Group
1943-5126 Harvard men's health watch Harvard Medical School Health Publications
1070-910X Harvard women's health watch Harvard Medical School
1557-5608 Harvard women's health watch Harvard Medical School
1735-2215 Ḥayāt.; حیات Dānishgāh-i ̒ulūm-i pizishkī-i Tihrān, dānishkadah-i parastārī va māmāyī
1076-8920 Hazardous substances & public health United States.
1758-1036 He@lth information on the Internet (e-vir) RSM Press
0017-8748 Headache American Association for the Study of Headache.
1526-4610 Headache (e-vir) Blackwell Science; American Headache Society
1545-8261 Headache & pain Cliggott Pub. Co.,
1059-7565 Headache quarterly International Universities Press,
0279-3547 Health Family Media, Inc.
1059-938X Health Hippocrates Partners
1363-4593 Health Sage
1461-7196 Health (e-vir) Sage Publications
1369-8575 Health, risk & society Carfax
1469-8331 Health, risk & society (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1873-2054 Health & place (e-vir) Elsevier
0966-0410 Health & social care in the community Blackwell Scientific
1365-2524 Health & social care in the community (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0360-7283 Health & social work National Association of Social Workers
1545-6854 Health & social work National Association of Social Workers
0898-3569 Health & you Health Ink Corp.
0278-2715 Health affairs Project Hope
1195-4507 Health and Canadian society University of Winnipeg.; University of Winnipeg. Dept. of Sociology.
1353-8292 Health and place Pergamon
0300-8347 Health and social service journal Health and Social Service Publications
0374-8014 Health bulletin Great Britain.; Great Britain.; Great Britain.
1091-6768 Healthcare benchmarks American Health Consultants
1541-1052 Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement American Health Consultants
8750-149X Healthcare computing & communications Health Data Analysis Inc.
1475-0724 Healthcare counselling and psychotherapy journal British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
2397-866X Healthcare counselling and psychotherapy journal (e-vir) British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy,
1094-2521 Healthcare demand & disease management National Health Information,
0160-7006 Health care education Vanderbilt Communications Co., etc.],
0735-0732 Healthcare financial management The Association
1090-2260 Health care food & nutrition focus Aspen Publishers
1550-2422 Health care food & nutrition focus (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0885-257X Healthcare forum Association of Western Hospitals
0739-9332 Health care for women international Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1096-4665 Health care for women international (e-vir) Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
1050-9135 Healthcare informatics Health Data Analysis
1938-1441 Healthcare informatics (e-vir) Health Data Analysis Inc.
1358-7390 Health care in later life Arnold.
1085-1089 Health care innovations American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations.
0361-6274 Health care management review Aspen Systems
1550-5030 Health care management review (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0898-6762 Healthcare online Medical Data Exchange, Inc.
1089-4187 Health care on the internet The Haworth
1488-917X HealthcarePapers [Longwoods]
1929-6339 HealthcarePapers (e-vir) Longwoods Publishing Corp.
1098-3716 Healthcare purchasing news McKnight Medical Communications
1710-2774 Healthcare quarterly Longwoods Pub..
1448-305X Health care reports Joanna Briggs Institute.
1081-6534 Healthcare risk management American Health Consultants
1945-1415 Healthcare risk management (e-vir) American Health Consultants.
0742-1478 Health care strategic management Chi Systems
1047-7276 Healthcare trends & transition National League for Nursing.
0894-7961 Healthcare trends report Health Trends
1041-0236 Health communication Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7027 Health communication (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0894-4172 Health confidential Boardroom Reports, Inc.
1057-9230 Health economics John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
1099-1050 Health economics J. Wiley
0097-0050 Health education American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
1090-1981 Health education & behavior Sage Publications Press
1552-6127 Health education & behavior (e-vir) Sage Publications
0017-8969 Health education journal Health Education Council; Sage
1748-8176 Health education journal (e-vir) Health Education Council
0195-8402 Health education quarterly Wiley
2732-5601 Health education quarterly (e-vir) Human Sciences Press
0268-1153 Health education research IRL Press
1465-3648 Health education research (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
1369-6513 Health expectations Blackwell Science
1369-7625 Health expectations (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd.
1744-9375 HealthEX specialist Move4Health (Organization).
0738-811X Health facts Center for Medical Consumers and Health Care Information
1527-3547 Health Forum journal Health Forum
1355-4743 Health informatics Churchill Livingstone.
1460-4582 Health informatics journal Sheffield Academic Press
1741-2811 Health informatics journal (e-vir) Sage Publications.
1471-1842 Health information & libraries journal (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1471-1834 Health information and libraries journal Blackwell Science
1322-4913 Health information management Health Information Management Association of Australia
1833-3583 Health information management Health Information Management Association of Australia
1833-3575 Health information management journal Health Information Management Association of Australia
1460-4140 Health information on the Internet Royal Society of Medicine Press
1078-2907 Health letter on the CDC CW Henderson
0265-6647 Health libraries review Blackwell Scientific
1365-2532 Health libraries review Blackwell Science.
0736-7929 Healthline Robert A. McNeil Foundation for Health Education
0891-3250 Health management quarterly American Hospital Supply Corporation Foundation.; Baxter Foundation.
1074-4770 Health management technology Argus Business
0735-9683 Health marketing quarterly Haworth Press
1545-0864 Health marketing quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press
0748-383X Health matrix National Law Publishing
0821-3925 Health news The Faculty
0168-8510 Health policy Elsevier
0882-1577 Health progress Catholic Health Association of the United States
1943-3417 Health progress (e-vir) Catholic Health Association of the United States,
0957-4824 Health promotion international Oxford University Press
1460-2245 Health promotion international (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
1036-1073 Health promotion journal of Australia Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals.
2201-1617 Health promotion journal of Australia CSIRO Publishing
1524-8399 Health promotion practice Sage
1552-6372 Health promotion practice (e-vir) Sage Publications
0278-6133 Health psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1930-7810 Health psychology (e-vir) American Psychological Association
1025-9848 Health SA = Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
2071-9736 Health SA Gesondheid (e-vir) OpenJournals Publishing; Elsevier B.V.
0951-4848 Health services management research Royal Society of Medicine Press
1758-1044 Health services management research (e-vir) RSM Press
0363-020X Health services manager Amacom.
0017-9124 Health services research Published bimonthly by Health Administration Press for the Hospital Research and Educational Trust and in cooperation with the Association for Health Services Research and the Association of University Programs in Health Administration.
1475-6773 Health services research (e-vir) [Blackwell]
1446-1242 Health sociology review Faculty of Health Sciences, Flinders University; Routledge
1839-3551 Health sociology review eContent Management
1075-1807 Health system leader Bader & Associates, Inc.
1366-5278 Health technology assessment National Coordinating Centre For Health Technology Assessment.
2046-4924 Health technology assessment (e-vir) NETSCC, HTA
0147-0353 Health values [PNG Publications]
0017-9140 Health visitor Health Visitors' Association.
1363-8327 Health which? Which?.
1090-6215 Hearing loss Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc.
1355-6037 Heart BMJ
1468-201X Heart (e-vir) BMJ
0147-9563 Heart & lung C. V. Mosby Co.
0278-0232 Hematological oncology Wiley
1099-1069 Hematological oncology John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0889-8588 Hematology/oncology clinics of North America Elsevier
1558-1977 Hematology/oncology clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1540-4153 Hispanic health care international Springer Pub. Co.
1938-8993 Hispanic health care international (e-vir) Springer Pub.
0739-9863 Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles
1552-6364 Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences (e-vir) Sage Publications
0960-2348 History of Nursing Society journal History of Nursing Society (Great Britain)
1551-885X HIV clinician Delta Region AIDS Education & Training Center.
1474-7359 HIV nursing Mediscript
0786-5686 Hoitotiede Sairaanhoitajien koulutussäätiö
0887-9311 Holistic nursing practice Aspen
1550-5138 Holistic nursing practice Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1093-7218 Home & Community Health Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association.
1087-0385 Homecare education management American Health Consultants.
1094-0375 Home care manager Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
1084-628X Home care provider Mosby
1087-0407 Homecare quality management American Health Consultants
1099-5323 Home healthcare consultant MultiMedia HealthCare
1084-8223 Home health care management & practice Aspen Publishers
1552-6739 Home health care management & practice (e-vir) Sage Publications
0884-741X Home healthcare nurse Home Healthcare Nurse, Inc.
1520-5657 Home healthcare nurse manager Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0162-1424 Home health care services quarterly Haworth Press.
1545-0856 Home health care services quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press
1075-2188 Home health focus Mosby-Year Book, Inc.,
0193-2683 Home health review National Association of Home Health Agencies (U.S.)
1543-4265 Homeland first response National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue.
1475-4916 Homeopathy Elsevier Science
1476-4245 Homeopathy (e-vir)
1019-2050 Homoeopathic links Sonntag in Med.-Verl. Stuttgart
1860-3149 Homoeopathic links Thieme.
0261-2828 Homoeopathy today Hahnemann Society for the Promotion of Homoeopathy.
1026-2121 Hong Kong journal of psychiatry Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
2224-7033 Hong Kong journal of psychiatry (e-vir) Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists.
1013-7025 Hong Kong physiotherapy journal Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association
1876-441X Hong Kong physiotherapy journal (e-vir) Elsevier
1532-3048 Horizons in cancer therapeutics Meniscus Educational Institute.
0022-1597 Hospital & community psychiatry The Association
8750-3735 Hospital & health services administration The College
0740-8315 Hospital aviation Aviation/Hospital Consultants
2163-6087 Hospital aviation (e-vir) Aviation/Hospital Consultants
1087-0652 Hospital case management American Health Consultants
1944-9631 Hospital case management (e-vir) American Health Consultants.
0300-5720 Hospital development United Trade Press
0744-6470 Hospital employee health American Health Consultants
0098-6909 Hospital formulary s.n.
0018-5663 Hospital forum Hospital Council of Southern California.; Association of Western Hospitals (U.S.)
0884-8998 Hospital home health American Health Consultants
0098-180X Hospital infection control Norins
1528-8463 Hospital law's Regan report Medica Press
0192-2262 Hospital materiel management quarterly Aspen Systems Corp.
0441-2745 Hospital medicine Cahners Pub. Co., etc.]
1462-3935 Hospital medicine Mark Allen,
0888-241X Hospital physician Physicians World Communications]
8750-2836 Hospital practice HP Pub. Co.
0018-5817 Hospital progress Catholic Health Association of the United States.; Catholic Hospital Association of the United States and Canada.; Catholic Hospital Association.
1480-221X Hospital quarterly Longwoods Publishing.
0199-6312 Hospital risk management American Health Consultants.
0018-5973 Hospitals The Association
1068-8838 Hospitals & health networks American Hospital Pub.
0018-5868 Hospital topics Heldref Publications
1939-9278 Hospital topics Heldref Publications]; Routledge
1460-8790 Housing, care and support Pavilion
2042-8375 Housing, care and support (e-vir) Pavilion Publishing (Brighton)
1077-5676 HT Niche Pub.
1946-1100 HT (e-vir) Niche Pub.
1022-6265 Hùlěi yánjiäu jìkäan Nurses' Association of the Republic of China.; Zhäonghuá mínguó hùlěi xuéhuì.
1009-6493 Huli yanjiu Huli Yanjiu Zazhishe
0828-7090 Humane medicine Humane Medicine Journal.
1464-7273 Human fertility Journals of Reproduction and Fertility.
1742-8149 Human fertility (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0018-7267 Human relations Plenum Press
1741-282X Human relations (e-vir) Sage Publications
0090-4848 Human resource management Wiley
1099-050X Human resource management (e-vir) Wiley
0751-7149 Hygie Union internationale d'éducation pour la santé
1093-5665 Hypothesis Medical Library Association.
1545-1089 IAPAC monthly International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care.
0195-9417 IC, Infection control Charles B. Slack, Inc.
1093-1376 ICHF newsletter / International Council on Health Freedom,
1108-7366 ICUS and Nursing Web Journal (e-vir) Kalofissudis Ioannis
2008-188X îHayäat = Däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi-i Tihräan, däanishkadah-i parastäaräi va mäamäayäi
1054-1373 Illness, crises, and loss Charles Press Publishers
1552-6968 Illness, crisis & loss (e-vir) Sage Publications
0363-2792 Image Sigma Theta Tau,
1055-1476 Images / American Radiological Nurses Association.
0743-5150 Image--the journal of nursing scholarship Sigma Theta Tau
1341-2051 IMJ Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation; Japan International Cultural Excange Foundation; Japan Health Sciences University
0267-2928 IMLS gazette Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences.
0889-8561 Immunology and allergy clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1557-8607 Immunology and allergy clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0019-3062 Imprint National Student Nurses' Association (U.S.)
0158-0876 Incite Library Association of Australia.
2202-347X INCITE (e-vir) Australian Library and Information Association
1998-3735 Indian journal of palliative care Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd.
0973-1075 Indian Journal of Palliative Care Indian Association of Palliative Care
1745-1205 Infant Stansted News
1745-1213 Infant (e-vir) Stansted News
1522-7219 Infant and child development (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1522-7227 Infant and child development (e-vir) Wiley Interscience
0163-9641 Infant mental health journal (e-vir) Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.; Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
1097-0355 Infant mental health journal (e-vir) [CPPC]; Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health
0896-3746 Infants and young children Aspen Publishers
1550-5081 Infants and young children Aspen Publishers
1053-5586 Infant-toddler intervention Singular Pub. Group
0300-8126 Infection MMV-Medizin-Verlag
1439-0973 Infection Urban u. Vogel
0740-3615 Infection control & urological care Travenol Laboratories, Inc., Deerfield, Ill.; Travenol Laboratories, Inc., Deerfield, Ill. Medical Products Division.
0899-823X Infection control and hospital epidemiology SLACK
1559-6834 Infection control and hospital epidemiology (e-vir) SLACK]
0833-076X Infection control Canada CHICA-Canada.
0749-6524 Infections in medicine SCP Communications
0891-5520 Infectious disease clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1557-9824 Infectious disease clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders, Co.
1047-9422 Infertility and reproductive medicine clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
0846-524X Info nursing The Association.
1323-4382 Informatics in healthcare, Australia Health Informatics Society of Australia.
1475-9985 Informatics in primary care (e-vir) Radcliffe Medical Press
1476-0320 Informatics in primary care Radcliffe Medical Press
1195-3616 Information highways Information Highways.
1091-0808 Information outlook Special Libraries Association
1938-3819 Information outlook (e-vir) Special Libraries Association
0730-9295 Information technology and libraries Library and Information Technology Association
2163-5226 Information technology and libraries (e-vir) American Library Association
0956-5159 Information technology in nursing British Computer Society. Nursing Specialist Group.
8755-6286 Information today Learned Information, Inc.
0950-9879 Information world review Learned Information (Europe)
1447-2104 Informed choice Australian Vaccination Network.; Vaccination Awareness Network of N.S.W.; Healthy Families ... Naturally (Charitable Association)
0812-9304 Inforum Royal Adelaide Hospital (S. Aust.). Nursing Dept.
1080-3858 Infusion National Home Infusion Association (U.S.)
1353-8047 Injury prevention BMJ Publishing Group
1475-5785 Injury prevention (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
1529-6350 In motion Amputee Coalition of America.
1062-7553 Innovations & research in clinical services, community support, and rehabilitation National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (U.S.); Sargent College of Allied Health Professions. Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
1082-1341 Innovations in breast cancer care Meniscus Educational Institute.
0046-9580 Inquiry Blue Cross Association.
1945-7243 Inquiry (e-vir) Sage
1073-6506 Inside ambulatory care Aspen Publishers, Inc.
1073-6514 Inside case management Aspen Publishers, Inc.
0739-9774 Inside MS The Society
1060-135X Insight The Society
1096-2190 Integrative medicine Elsevier-Science
1542-3344 Integrative nursing Harren Pub.,
0964-3397 Intensive & critical care nursing Churchill Livingstone
1532-4036 Intensive and critical care nursing (e-vir) Chruchill Livingstone
0342-4642 Intensive care medicine Springer
1432-1238 Intensive care medicine (e-vir) Springer
0266-612X Intensive care nursing Churchill Livingstone
1066-1441 Interaction American Assembly for Men in Nursing.
1048-0501 Interactive healthcare newsletter Stewart Pub.,
1444-0903 Internal medicine journal Blackwell Science Asia
1445-5994 Internal medicine journal (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0259-9147 International disability studies Taylor & Francis
0190-3187 International family planning perspectives Alan Guttmacher Institute
1360-1105 International history of nursing journal Nursing Standard
1091-5710 International journal for human caring International Association for Human Caring
0267-3843 International journal of adolescence and youth A B Academic Publishers.
2164-4527 International journal of adolescence and youth AB Academic Publishers; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group
1057-4263 International journal of arts medicine International Arts Medicine Association.; International Society for Music in Medicine.
1499-2027 International journal of audiology BC Decker Inc
1708-8186 International journal of audiology (e-vir) BC Decker
1532-7558 International journal of bahavioral medicine Springer
1070-5503 International journal of behavioral medicine Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1368-5031 International journal of clinical practice Medicom International
1742-1241 International journal of clinical practice (e-vir) Blackwell
1368-504X International journal of clinical practice. Supplement Blackwell
1601-5029 International journal of dental hygiene Blackwell Munksgaard.
1601-5037 International journal of dental hygiene (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
1098-108X International journal of eating disorders (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0960-3123 International journal of environmental health research Taylor & Francis
1369-1619 International journal of environmental health research (e-vir) Taylor and Francis
1744-1595 International journal of evidence-based healthcare Blackwell Publishing Asia
1744-1609 International journal of evidence-based healthcare (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0885-6230 International journal of geriatric psychiatry Wiley
1099-1166 International journal of geriatric psychiatry John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1534-9969 International journal of global health University of Northern Iowa. Global Health Corps.
1556-4428 International journal of global health and health disparities Project EXPORT Center of Excellence on Health Disparities. (University of Northern Iowa)
1366-0756 International journal of health care quality assurance incorporating leadership in health services (e-vir) MCB University Press
2051-3135 International journal of health care quality assurance incorporating leadership in health services (e-vir) MCB University Press
1463-5240 International journal of health promotion and education Institute of Health Education
2164-9545 International journal of health promotion and education (e-vir) Institute of Health Education
0020-7314 International journal of health services Baywood Pub. Co., etc.]
1541-4469 International journal of health services (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
1522-6255 International journal of integrative medicine IMPAKT Communications,
1368-2822 International journal of language & communication disorders Taylor & Francis
1460-6984 International journal of language & communication disorders (e-vir) Wiley; Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
1534-7346 International journal of lower extremity wounds Sage Publications
1532-6306 International journal of men's health Men's Studies Press
1933-0278 International journal of men's health (e-vir) Men's Studies Press
1447-0349 International journal of mental health nursing Blackwell Science Asia,2002-.
1445-8330 International journal of mental health nursing Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
1548-923X International journal of nursing education scholarship (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-5772 International journal of nursing education scholarship
1322-7114 International journal of nursing practice Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
1440-172X International journal of nursing practice (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
0020-7489 International journal of nursing studies Pergamon Press
1873-491X International journal of nursing studies (e-vir) Elsevier
1541-5147 International journal of nursing terminologies and classifications NANDA International.
1077-3525 International journal of occupational and environmental health Hanley & Belfus
2049-3967 International journal of occupational and environmental health (e-vir) Hanley & Belfus
1748-3735 International journal of older people nursing Blackwell Scientific; Blackwell Pub.
1748-3743 International journal of older people nursing (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0882-2786 International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants Quintessence Pub. Co.
1746-0689 International journal of osteopathic medic.ine Elsevier
1878-0164 International journal of osteopathic medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0960-7439 International journal of paediatric dentistry Blackwell Scientific
1365-263X International journal of paediatric dentistry (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1357-6321 International journal of palliative nursing Mark Allen
2052-286X International journal of palliative nursing (e-vir) Mark Allen Group
1092-4221 International journal of pharmaceutical compounding IJPC
1068-9591 International journal of rehabilitation and health Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-1537 International journal of rehabilitation and health Kluwer
0342-5282 International journal of rehabilitation research Schindele
1473-5660 International journal of rehabilitation research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1741-2854 International journal of social psychiatry (e-vir) Sage Publications
0020-7640 International Journal of Social Psychiatry Avenue Publishing Co
1050-1606 International journal of sport nutrition Human Kinetics Publishers
1526-484X International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-2742 International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0172-4622 International journal of sports medicine Thieme
1439-3964 International journal of sports medicine (e-vir) Thieme
0196-1365 International journal of therapeutic communities Human Sciences Press
1741-1645 International journal of therapy and rehabilitation MA Healthcare
1553-2739 International journal of transgenderism Haworth Medical Press
1075-4210 International journal of trauma nursing Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
1560-3296 International midwifery International Confederation of Midwives.
1025-1669 International midwifery matters International Confederation of Midwives.; ICM.
1367-9910 International nursing link-up University of Sheffield. School of Nursing and Midwifery.
1592-6478 International nursing perspectives Società Editrice Universo.
0020-8132 International nursing review Wiley-Blackwell
1466-7657 International nursing review (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
1041-6102 International psychogeriatrics Springer Pub. Co..
1741-203X International psychogeriatrics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0272-684X International quarterly of community health education Baywood Pub. Co.
1541-3519 International quarterly of community health education (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
0379-0797 International rehabilitation medicine EULAR Publishers
0020-8728 International social work Sage Publications
1461-7234 International social work (e-vir) Sage
1528-3356 International sportmed journal for FIMS Human Kinetics Publishers
1742-4801 International wound journal Blackwell
1742-481X International wound journal (e-vir) Blackwell
1086-5691 Internet medicine Lippincott-Raven Publishers
1087-5301 Internet reference services quarterly Haworth Press
1540-4749 Internet reference services quarterly Haworth Press
1098-7142 IntraNet professional Information Today, Inc.
1546-3087 Intranets Information Today, Inc.
0120-5307 Investigacion y educacion en enfermeria Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Enfermeria.
2216-0280 Investigación y Educación en Enfermería (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0193-7758 IRB Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences
2326-2222 IRB (e-vir) Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences
0790-9667 Irish journal of psychological medicine MedMedia
2051-6967 Irish journal of psychological medicine (e-vir) Irish Institute of Psychological Medicine]
1463-3817 Irish nurse Strathayr Publishing.
0959-3020 Isokinetics and exercise science Butterworth-Heinemann
1878-5913 Isokinetics and exercise science (e-vir) Elsevier; IOS Press
0885-0046 Issues / National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)
0146-0862 Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing Taylor & Francis
1521-043X Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0161-5246 Issues in health care of women [Hemisphere Pub. Co., etc.]
1531-5150 Issues in interdisciplinary care Sage Publications
1939-9286 Issues in interdisciplinary care (e-vir) Sage Publications
8756-8160 Issues in law & medicine National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent & Disabled, Inc., and the Horatio R. Storer Foundation, Inc.
0161-2840 Issues in mental health nursing Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
1096-4673 Issues in mental health nursing Taylor & Francis
1520-8591 IT health care strategist Aspen Publishers
1444-027X J.GENCA Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia.
1547-1896 JAAPA Medical Economics
1535-5535 JALA Association for Laboratory Automation
1540-2452 JALA (e-vir) Association for Laboratory Automation
0098-7484 JAMA American Medical Association
1538-3598 JAMA (e-vir) American Medical Association
0021-4140 Jamaican nurse Nurses' Association of Jamaica
1067-5027 JAMIA. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Hanley & Belfus
1742-7924 Japan journal of nursing science (e-vir) Blackwell
1742-7932 Japan journal of nursing science Blackwell
1440-3994 JARNA Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association.
1479-697X JBI reports Published on behalf of the Joanna Briggs Institute, by Blackwell Publishing Asia
1479-6988 JBI reports Blackwell
1470-2738 JECH online (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
0197-2510 JEMS [Backdraft Publications]
1473-4257 JME online (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group.
1355-1841 JnN Journal of neonatal nursing Mosby Europe Journals
1878-089X JnN Journal of neonatal nursing (e-vir) Neonatal Nurses Association.
1368-7506 JoDI (e-vir) University of Southampton. Group.
0090-0311 JOGN nursing American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
1523-8806 Joint Commission benchmark Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
1553-7250 Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety Joint Commission Resources
1938-131X Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety (e-vir) Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.; Joint Commission Resources, Inc.
1549-3741 Joint Commission journal on quality and safety Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.; Joint Commission Resources, Inc.
1520-9229 JONA's healthcare law, ethics, and regulation Wolters Kluwer-Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1539-073X JONA's healthcare law, ethics, and regulation (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0888-6288 Jona's nursing scan in administration J.B. Lippincott,
0273-9976 Journal American Medical Record Association.
0828-542X Journal Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association.
0899-1855 Journal, physical therapy education Section for Education, American Physical Therapy Association
0114-7870 Journal / New Zealand College of Midwives.
0360-4969 Journal - American Health Care Association American Health Care Association.
1076-285X Journal for a just and caring education Corwin Press
1062-2551 Journal for healthcare quality National Association of Healthcare Quality
1945-1474 Journal for healthcare quality (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1098-7886 Journal for nurses in staff development Lippincott-Raven
1538-9049 Journal for nurses in staff development (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1539-0136 Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing Nursecom
1744-6155 Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing (e-vir) Nursecom]
1544-3167 Journal for vascular ultrasound Sage Publications
1544-3175 Journal for vascular ultrasound (e-vir) Sage Publications
1351-0622 Journal of accident & emergency medicine British Association for Accident and Emergency Medicine.; Emergency Medicine Research Society.
0894-9255 Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes [Raven Press Books]
2331-2289 Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (e-vir) [Raven Press Books]
1088-4602 Journal of addictions nursing Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Informa Healthcare; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1548-7148 Journal of addictions nursing (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1055-0887 Journal of addictive diseases Haworth Press
1545-0848 Journal of addictive diseases (e-vir) Haworth Press
1054-139X Journal of adolescent health Elsevier Science Publishing
0197-0070 Journal of adolescent health care Elsevier North Holland
0897-2869 Journal of advanced medical-surgical nursing [Aspen Publishers]
0309-2402 Journal of advanced nursing Wiley-Blackwell
1365-2648 Journal of advanced nursing (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
1470-5664 Journal of advanced perioperative care National Association of Theatre Nurses (Great Britain)
1092-6771 Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press
1545-083X Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma (e-vir) Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press; Taylor & Francis Group
0895-9420 Journal of aging & social policy Haworth Press
1545-0821 Journal of aging & social policy Haworth Press
0898-2643 Journal of aging and health Sage Publications
1552-6887 Journal of aging and health (e-vir) Sage Publications
1063-8652 Journal of aging and physical activity Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-267X Journal of aging and physical activity (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
1059-924X Journal of agromedicine Haworth Medical Press
1545-0813 Journal of agromedicine Haworth Press
1060-5487 Journal of AHIMA The Association
0090-1482 Journal of alcohol and drug education Education Section of the North American Association of Alcoholism Programs
2162-4119 Journal of alcohol and drug education North American Association of Alcoholism Programs
0090-7421 Journal of allied health Charles B. Slack
1945-404X Journal of allied health (e-vir) Association of Schools of Allied Health Professionals
1550-3267 Journal of ambulatory care management (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0744-8481 Journal of American college health Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation
1940-3208 Journal of American college health (e-vir) Heldref Publications
1543-4826 Journal of American physicians and surgeons Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
2375-1274 Journal of American physicians and surgeons / (e-vir) Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
1094-5458 Journal of anti-aging medicine Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0887-6185 Journal of anxiety disorders Pergamon Press
1065-8483 Journal of applied biomechanics Human Kinetics
1543-2688 Journal of applied biomechanics (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers.
0733-4648 Journal of applied gerontology The Society
1552-4523 Journal of applied gerontology (e-vir) Southern Gerontological Society
1939-1854 Journal of applied psychology (e-vir) American Psychological Association
0021-9010 JOURNAL of applied psychology American Psychological Association, etc.
1062-6050 Journal of athletic training (e-vir) The National Athletic Trainers' Association
1938-162X Journal of athletic training (e-vir) National Athletic Trainers' Association
0963-7133 Journal of audiological medicine Whurr
0162-3257 Journal of autism and developmental disorders Plenum Press.
1573-3432 Journal of autism and developmental disorders (e-vir) Kluwer
1053-8127 Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation IOS press
1878-6324 Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation (e-vir) IOS Press
0160-7715 Journal of behavioral medicine (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-3521 Journal of behavioral medicine Kluwer
1110-7243 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Däar al-Našr al-Ilikträunäi
1110-7251 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (Online) (e-vir) Däar al-Našr al-Ilikträunäi
1532-9283 Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (Online) (e-vir) Elsevier
1360-8592 Journal of bodywork movement therapies Churchill Livingstone
0021-9355 Journal of bone and joint surgery Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, inc.
0301-620X Journal of bone and joint surgery E. & S. Livingstone
1535-1386 Journal of bone and joint surgery (e-vir) American Orthopaedic Association
0273-8481 Journal of burn care & rehabilitation JBC Pub. Co.
1559-047X Journal of burn care & research American Burn Association.
1559-0488 Journal of burn care & research (e-vir) Lippincot
0960-9768 Journal of cancer care Churchill Livingstone.
0885-8195 Journal of cancer education Pergamon Press
1543-0154 Journal of cancer education Pergamon Press
1529-9775 Journal of cannabis therapeutics Haworth Integrative Healing Press; Haworth Herbal Press
1529-9783 Journal of cannabis therapeutics (e-vir) Haworth Press
1071-9164 Journal of cardiac failure Churchill Livingstone
1532-8414 Journal of cardiac failure (e-vir) W.B. Saunders.
0886-0440 Journal of cardiac surgery Futura Pub. Co.
1540-8191 Journal of cardiac surgery (e-vir) Futura Pub. Co.
0883-9212 Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation Le Jacq
1045-3873 Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology Futura Pub.
1540-8167 Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology (e-vir) [Futura Pub. Co.]
1550-5049 Journal of cardiovascular nursing (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
1061-3706 Journal of case management Connecticut Community Care, Inc.
1067-828X Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse Haworth Press
1547-0652 Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse (e-vir) Haworth Press
0897-9685 Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing J.B. Lippincott Co.
1073-6077 Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing Nursecom, Inc.
1744-6171 Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing (e-vir) Nursecom
1098-7134 Journal of child and family nursing Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
1537-940X Journal of child custody (e-vir) Haworth Press
1537-9418 Journal of child custody Haworth Press
1367-4935 Journal of child health care Greycoat Publishing.
1741-2889 Journal of child health care Sage Publications.
0305-0009 Journal of child language Cambridge University Press
1469-7602 Journal of child language (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0276-6256 Journal of children in contemporary society Carnegie-Mellon University.
1053-8712 Journal of child sexual abuse Haworth Press
1547-0679 Journal of child sexual abuse Haworth Press
2398-161X Journal of Chinese medicine (e-vir) Journal of Chinese Medicine
1556-3707 Journal of chiropractic medicine National University of Health Sciences
1556-3715 Journal of chiropractic medicine (e-vir) National University of Health Sciences
0743-2550 Journal of Christian nursing Nurses Christian Fellowship (U.S.)
1931-7662 Journal of Christian nursing Nurses Christian Fellowship
1057-3321 Journal of chronic fatigue syndrome Haworth Medical Press
1532-3285 Journal of clinical activities, assignments & handouts in psychotherapy Haworth Clinical Practice Press
1532-3293 Journal of clinical activities, assignments & handouts in psychotherapy practice (e-vir)
1361-5874 Journal of clinical effectiveness Churchill Livingstone
2396-9148 Journal of clinical effectiveness (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
0887-8013 Journal of clinical laboratory analysis Alan R. Liss., Inc.
1098-2825 Journal of clinical laboratory analysis (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0736-0258 Journal of clinical neurophysiology Raven Press
1537-1603 Journal of clinical neurophysiology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0962-1067 Journal of clinical nursing Blackwell Scientific
1365-2702 Journal of clinical nursing (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0732-183X Journal of clinical oncology Grune and Stratton
1527-7755 Journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
1079-6533 Journal of clinical outcomes management Turner White Communications
1938-1336 Journal of clinical outcomes management (e-vir) Turner White Communications; Frontline Medical Communications
0303-6979 Journal of clinical periodontology Munksgaard
1600-051X Journal of clinical periodontology (e-vir) Blackwell
0269-4727 Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics Blackwell Scientific
1365-2710 Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0021-9762 Journal of clinical psychology Clinical Psychology Pub. Co.
1097-4679 Journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1062-2969 Journal of cognitive rehabilitation NeuroScience Publishers
0021-9924 Journal of communication disorders American Elsevier, etc.
1873-7994 Journal of Communication Disorders (e-vir) Elsevier
0094-5145 Journal of community health Human Sciences Press
1573-3610 Journal of community health (e-vir) Kluwer
0737-0016 Journal of community health nursing Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7655 Journal of community health nursing (e-vir) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1070-5422 Journal of community practice Haworth Press
1543-3706 Journal of community practice Haworth Press
0090-4392 Journal of community psychology Clinical Psychology Pub. Co.
1520-6629 Journal of community psychology (e-vir) J. Wiley
0022-006X Journal of consulting and clinical psychology American Psychological Association.
1939-2117 Journal of consulting and clinical psychology American Psychological Association
1539-8285 Journal of consumer health on the Internet Haworth Press
1539-8293 Journal of consumer health on the Internet (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1522-8606 Journal of continuing education topics & issues American Medical Technologists
1533-2683 Journal of couple & relationship therapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
1533-2691 Journal of couple & relationship therapy Haworth Press
0890-2739 Journal of craniomandibular disorders American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders.; European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders.
Y506-7774 Journal of craniomandibular disorders (e-vir) Quintessence
0883-9441 Journal of critical care Grune & Stratton
1557-8615 Journal of critical care (e-vir) W. B. Saunders
0022-0221 Journal of cross-cultural psychology Sage Publications.
1552-5422 Journal of cross-cultural psychology (e-vir) Sage Publications
1071-5568 Journal of cultural diversity Tucker Publications
2169-415X Journal of cultural diversity (e-vir) Tucker Publications
1089-313X Journal of dance medicine & science J. Michael Ryan
2374-8060 Journal of dance medicine & science (e-vir) J. Michael Ryan Pub.
1081-4159 Journal of deaf studies and deaf education Oxford University Press
1465-7325 Journal of deaf studies and deaf education (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1043-254X Journal of dental hygiene The Association
1553-0205 Journal of dental hygiene (e-vir) American Dental Hygienists Association
0022-0353 Journal of dentistry for children American Society of Dentistry for Children.
1551-8949 Journal of dentistry for children American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
1935-5068 Journal of dentistry for children (e-vir) American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
1368-1109 Journal of diabetes nursing Simon Breed
1552-5430 Journal of diagnostic medical sonography (e-vir) Sage Publications
8756-4793 Journal of diagnostic medical sonography Lippincott
1460-4728 Journal of diagnostic radiography and imaging Greenwich Medical Media
1467-1123 Journal of diagnostic radiography and imaging (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0897-1889 Journal of digital imaging Springer Science and Business Media
1618-727X Journal of digital imaging Springer
1470-8558 Journal of disability and oral health Stephen Hancocks Publishing
1044-2073 Journal of disability policy studies Dept. of Rehabilitation Education and Research, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
1538-4802 Journal of disability policy studies (e-vir) PRO-ED
1754-2758 Journal of disabilty and oral health (e-vir) British Society for Disability and Oral Health.
0263-4465 Journal of district nursing PTM Publishers
1369-9474 Journal of drug assessment Brookwood Medical.
0047-2379 Journal of drug education Baywood Pub. Co.
1541-4159 Journal of drug education (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
1053-8151 Journal of early intervention Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children
2154-3992 Journal of early intervention (e-vir) Sage Publications
0894-6566 Journal of elder abuse & neglect Haworth Press
1540-4129 Journal of elder abuse & neglect Haworth Press
1542-4065 Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries Taylor & Francis
1542-4073 Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries Haworth Press
0099-1767 Journal of emergency nursing C.V. Mosby
1527-2966 Journal of emergency nursing (e-vir) Mosby
1447-4999 Journal of emergency primary health care (e-vir) Australian College of Ambulance Professionals.; Monash University.
1063-4266 Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders PRO-ED, Inc.
1538-4799 Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders (e-vir) PRO-ED
1074-6218 Journal of endovascular surgery International Society for Endovascular Surgery.
1526-6028 Journal of endovascular therapy The Society
1545-1550 Journal of endovascular therapy (e-vir) International Society of Endovascular Specialists
0270-1170 Journal of enterostomal therapy AMC Publisher, etc.
0022-0892 Journal of environmental health National Environmental Health Association
0143-005X Journal of epidemiology and community health British Medical Association
1496-4155 Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry BC Decker Inc.
1708-8240 Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry (e-vir) BC Decker
1076-1616 Journal of ethics, law, and aging Springer,
1531-3204 Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work Haworth Press
1531-3212 Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work (e-vir) Haworth Press
1533-2640 Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse Haworth Press
1533-2659 Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse (e-vir) Haworth Press
1055-3045 Journal of ET nursing Mosby-Year Book
0958-9287 Journal of European social policy Longman
1461-7269 Journal of European social policy (e-vir) Sage
1543-3714 Journal of evidence-based social work Haworth Social Work Practice Press
1543-3722 Journal of evidence-based social work (e-vir) Haworth Press
1728-869X Journal of exercise science and fitness Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness; Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science.
2226-5104 Journal of exercise science and fitness (e-vir) Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd
2969-8960 Journal of extracorporeal technology (e-vir) American Society of Extracorporeal Technology
0022-1058 Journal of extra-corporeal technology American Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology
1526-7431 Journal of family communication Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1532-7698 Journal of family communication Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
0192-513X Journal of family issues Sage Publications.
1552-5481 Journal of family issues (e-vir) Sage Publications
1074-8407 Journal of family nursing Sage Publications
1552-549X Journal of family nursing (e-vir) Sage Publications
2045-2098 Journal of family planning and reproductive health care (e-vir) Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
1052-2158 Journal of family social work Haworth Press
1540-4072 Journal of family social work (e-vir) Haworth Press
0885-7482 Journal of family violence Plenum Press
1573-2851 Journal of family violence (e-vir) Kluwer
0094-730X Journal of fluency disorders Elsevier
1556-3693 Journal of forensic nursing International Association of Forensic Nurses
1939-3938 Journal of forensic nursing (e-vir) International Association of Forensic Nurses
0944-1174 Journal of gastroenterology Springer International
1435-5922 Journal of gastroenterology Springer Japan
1087-3201 Journal of gender, culture, and health Plenum Press
1573-367X Journal of gender, culture, and health Kluwer
1059-7700 Journal of genetic counseling Human Sciences Press
1573-3599 Journal of genetic counseling (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
1539-8412 Journal of geriatric physical therapy Section on Geriatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association
2152-0895 Journal of geriatric physical therapy Section on Geriatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association]; Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
0098-9134 Journal of gerontological nursing C. B. Slack
1938-243X Journal of gerontological nursing (e-vir) Slack Inc.
0163-4372 Journal of gerontological social work Haworth Press
1540-4048 Journal of gerontological social work (e-vir) Haworth Press
0022-1422 Journal of gerontology Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas
1536-9935 Journal of gynecologic oncology nursing Society of Gynecologic Nurse Oncologists.
0894-1130 Journal of hand therapy Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
1545-004X Journal of hand therapy (e-vir) Hanley & Belfus
1550-509X Journal of head trauma rehabilitation (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
2150-6000 Journal of health & social behavior (e-vir) American Sociological Association
0022-1465 Journal of health and social behavior American Sociological Association.
0885-4726 Journal of health care chaplaincy Haworth Press
1528-6916 Journal of health care chaplaincy (e-vir) Haworth Press
1078-6767 Journal of health care finance Aspen Publishers
1049-2089 Journal of health care for the poor and underserved Institute on Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Meharry Medical College; for the Institute on Health Care for the Poor and Underserved by Sage Publications; Johns Hopkins University Press
1548-6869 Journal of health care for the poor and underserved (e-vir) Institute on Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Meharry Medical College
1096-9012 Journal of healthcare management Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives
0737-3252 Journal of health care marketing Center for Management Development, John A. Walker College of Business
1055-6699 Journal of health education American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
0972-0634 Journal of health management Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd
0973-0729 Journal of health management Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
0361-6878 Journal of health politics, policy and law Duke University Press
1527-1927 Journal of health politics, policy and law (e-vir) Duke University Press
1359-1053 Journal of health psychology Sage
1461-7277 Journal of health psychology (e-vir) Sage
1355-8196 Journal of health services & policy Churchill Livingstone
1758-1060 Journal of health services research & policy (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone; Royal Society of Medicine Press; Sage Publications
1522-8940 Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy Haworth Herbal Press
1522-9106 Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
1049-6475 Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants Food Products Press
1540-3580 Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants Haworth Press
1538-1501 Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services Haworth Press, Inc.
1538-151X Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services (e-vir) Haworth Press
1069-837X Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention & education for adolescents & children Haworth Press
1540-403X Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention & education for adolescents & children (e-vir) Haworth Press
1553-8346 Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention in children & youth Haworth Press
1553-8613 Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention in children & youth (e-vir) Haworth Press
0898-0101 Journal of holistic nursing Sage Periodicals
1552-5724 Journal of holistic nursing (e-vir) Sage Publications
0897-8018 Journal of home health care practice Aspen
1522-2179 Journal of hospice and palliative nursing Nursecom, Inc.
1539-0705 Journal of hospice and palliative nursing Nursecom, Inc.; Lippincott Wiiliams & Wilkins
1532-3269 Journal of hospital librarianship Haworth Information Press
1532-3277 Journal of hospital librarianship (e-vir) Haworth Press
0276-3893 Journal of housing for the elderly Haworth Press
1091-1359 Journal of human behavior in the social environment Haworth Press
1540-3556 Journal of human behavior in the social environment Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0890-3344 Journal of human lactation The Association
1552-5732 Journal of human lactation (e-vir) Sage Publications
0952-3871 Journal of human nutrition and dietetics Wiley
1365-277X Journal of human nutrition and dietetics (e-vir) Wiley
0263-6352 Journal of hypertension Gower Medical Publishing
1473-5598 Journal of hypertension (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins
0952-1178 Journal of hypertension. Supplement Gower Academic Journals
1557-1912 Journal of immigrant and minority health Springer
1557-1920 Journal of immigrant and minority health (e-vir) Springer
1096-4045 Journal of immigrant health (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-3629 Journal of immigrant health (e-vir) Kluwer
1068-7777 Journal of infectious disease pharmacotherapy Pharmaceutical Products Press
1533-1458 Journal of infusion nursing Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1539-0667 Journal of infusion nursing (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0094-1956 Journal of instructional psychology V-U Pub. Co.
1476-9018 Journal of integrated care Pavilion
2042-8685 Journal of integrated care (e-vir) Pavilion Pub.
1473-2297 Journal of integrated care pathways Royal Society of Medicine Press
1758-1079 Journal of integrated care pathways (e-vir) RSM Press
1366-8250 Journal of intellectual & developmental disability Carfax
1469-9532 Journal of intellectual & developmental disability (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1744-6295 Journal of intellectual disabilities Sage
1744-6309 Journal of intellectual disabilities (e-vir) SAGE Publications
0964-2633 Journal of intellectual disability research Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2788 Journal of intellectual disability research (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0885-0666 Journal of intensive care medicine Little, Brown & Co.
1525-1489 Journal of intensive care medicine (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0886-2605 Journal of interpersonal violence Sage Publications
1552-6518 Journal of interpersonal violence (e-vir) Sage Publications
1356-1820 Journal of interprofessional care Carfax
1469-9567 Journal of interprofessional care (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0896-4327 Journal of interventional cardiology Futura Pub. Co.; Wiley
1540-8183 Journal of interventional cardiology (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0896-5846 Journal of intravenous nursing Intravenous Nurses Society.
0022-2151 Journal of Laryngology and Otology Headley Brothers Ltd
0022-2194 Journal of learning disabilities Pro-Ed
1469-0047 Journal of learning disabilities Sage.
1538-4780 Journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) PRO-ED
2047-6108 Journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) Sage
1521-057X Journal of legal medicine Taylor & Francis
0161-4754 Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics Williams & Wilkins [etc.]
1532-6586 Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics (e-vir) National University of Health Sciences
0306-6800 Journal of medical ethics British Medical Assoc.
0969-1413 Journal of medical screening BMJ Publishing Group; Royal Society of Medicine Press
1475-5793 Journal of medical screening (e-vir) [BMJ Publishing Group]
1065-1438 Journal of medical speech-language pathology Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences.
0741-5397 Journal of medical technology American Medical Technologists and the American Society for Medical Technology
1096-620X Journal of medicinal food Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7600 Journal of medicinal food (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0749-596X Journal of memory and language Academic Press
1096-0821 Journal of memory and language Academic Press
0963-8237 Journal of mental health Carfax
1360-0567 Journal of mental health (e-vir) Carfax.
1078-4470 Journal of mental health and aging Springer Pub. Co.,
1475-9535 Journal of mental health promotion Pavilion,
1526-9523 Journal of midwifery & women's health Elsevier Science
1542-2011 Journal of midwifery & women's health Elsevier Science
1070-4329 Journal of military nursing and research E.J. Gossett Pub. Co.,
1476-9670 Journal of multilingual communication disorders Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1476-9689 Journal of multilingual communication disorders (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1058-2452 Journal of musculoskeletal pain Haworth Medical Press; Informa Healthcare
1540-7012 Journal of musculoskeletal pain (e-vir) Haworth Press
0885-6028 Journal of National Black Nurses' Association National Black Nurses Association (U.S.)
0748-5328 Journal of nephrology nursing Phoenix Educational Systems,
0022-3018 Journal of nervous and mental disease [S. E. Jelliffe etc.]
1069-7438 Journal of neuro-AIDS Haworth Medical Press
1557-7546 Journal of neuro-AIDS (e-vir) Haworth Press
1557-0576 Journal of neurologic physical therapy Neurology Section, American Physical Therapy Association
1557-0584 Journal of neurologic physical therapy (e-vir) Neurology Section, American Physical Therapy Association
0888-4390 Journal of neurologic rehabilitation Demos
1468-330X Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0022-3050 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry British Medical Association
1945-2810 Journal of neuroscience nursing The Association
0047-2603 Journal of neurosurgical nursing American Association of Neurosurgical Nurses.
1087-4208 Journal of neurotherapy Fred Johnson
1530-017X Journal of neurotherapy (e-vir) Fred Johnson
1098-5778 Journal of newborn nursing International Association of Newborn Nurses.
0091-4916 Journal of nuclear medicine technology Society of Nuclear Medicine.
1535-5675 Journal of nuclear medicine technology (e-vir) Society of Nuclear Medicine, Technologist Section
0091-2182 Journal of nurse-midwifery American College of Nurse-Midwives
1879-1565 Journal of nurse-midwifery Elsevier
1539-0721 Journal of nursing administration (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1057-3631 Journal of nursing care quality Aspen Publishers
1550-5065 Journal of nursing care quality (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0888-5796 Journal of nursing history Nursing Archives (Mugar Memorial Library). Associates.
1055-3088 Journal of nursing jocularity JNJ Pub.
1073-7472 Journal of nursing law Professional Education Systems, Inc.
1938-2995 Journal of nursing law (e-vir) American Association of Nurse Attorneys.; Professional Education Systems.
0966-0429 Journal of nursing management Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2834 Journal of nursing management (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1061-3749 Journal of nursing measurement Springer Pub. Co.
1945-7049 Journal of nursing measurement (e-vir) Springer Pub. Co.
0889-4647 Journal of nursing quality assurance Aspen Publishers
1527-6546 Journal of nursing scholarship Sigma Theta Tau International
1547-5069 Journal of nursing scholarship (e-vir) Sigma Theta Tau International
1091-8337 Journal of nursing science BHRT Pub. Co.,
0882-0627 Journal of nursing staff development National Nursing Staff Development Organization (U.S.)
1089-4179 Journal of nutraceuticals, functional & medical foods Pharmaceutical Products Press, an imprint of the Haworth Press
1540-7020 Journal of nutraceuticals, functional & medical foods (e-vir)
1359-0847 Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine Carfax
1364-6907 Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0022-3182 Journal of nutrition education Published for the Society for Nutrition Education by the George F. Stickley Co.
1878-2620 Journal of nutrition education and behavior (e-vir) Elsevier
1499-4046 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Decker
0163-9366 Journal of nutrition for the elderly Haworth Press.; Informa Healthcare; Taylor & Francis
1540-8566 Journal of nutrition for the elderly (e-vir) [Haworth Press Inc.]
0884-2175 Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing Awhonn; Wiley-Blackwell [distributor]
1552-6909 Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1341-8076 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; University of Tokyo Press Production Center.
1447-0756 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing Asia
1076-2752 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine Williams & Wilkins
1536-5948 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins
1095-4082 Journal of occupational hearing loss Singular Pub. Group,
0096-1736 Journal of occupational medicine Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row
2332-3795 Journal of occupational medicine (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1053-0487 Journal of occupational rehabilitation (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-3688 Journal of occupational rehabilitation Kluwer
1442-7591 Journal of occupational science Association for the Journal of occupational science Inc.
2158-1576 Journal of occupational science (e-vir) School of Health Sciences -- Occupational Therapy, University of South Australia
1320-0038 Journal of occupational science, Australia Techsearch.
1746-7357 Journal of operating department practice / Association of Operating Department Practitioners.
0744-7132 Journal of ophthalmic nursing & technology C. B. Slack
0278-2391 Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery W. B. Saunders Co.
1531-5053 Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0904-2512 Journal of oral pathology & medicine Munksgaard
1600-0714 Journal of oral pathology & medicine (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers
0305-182X Journal of oral rehabilitation Blackwell Scientific Publ.
1365-2842 Journal of oral rehabilitation (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1064-6655 Journal of orofacial pain Quintessence Pub. Co.
1361-3111 Journal of orthopaedic nursing Churchill Livingstone
1056-7437 Journal of orthopaedic techniques Churchill Livingstone.
0890-5339 Journal of orthopaedic trauma Raven Press
1531-2291 Journal of orthopaedic trauma Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1443-8461 Journal of osteopathic medicine AMOR Incorporated c/- Faculty of Health, University of Sydney
1878-299X Journal of osteopathic medicine (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1034-4810 Journal of paediatrics and child health Blackwell Scientific Publications
1440-1754 Journal of paediatrics and child health (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1536-0288 Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy Haworth Medical Press and Pharmaceutical Products Press
1536-0539 Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
0885-3924 Journal of pain and symptom management Elsevier
1873-6513 Journal of pain and symptom management (e-vir) Elsevier
0825-8597 Journal of palliative care University of Toronto Press
2369-5293 Journal of palliative care (e-vir) Sage Publications
1096-6218 Journal of palliative medicine Mary Ann Liebert
1557-7740 Journal of palliative medicine (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
0148-6071 Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
1941-2444 Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition (e-vir) American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Sage
0891-5245 Journal of pediatric health care C.V. Mosby Co.
1532-656X Journal of pediatric health care (e-vir) Elsevier
0882-5963 Journal of pediatric nursing Grune & Stratton
1043-4542 Journal of pediatric oncology nursing W.B. Saunders
1532-8457 Journal of pediatric oncology nursing W.B. Saunders
1089-9472 Journal of perianesthesia nursing Saunders
1550-5073 Journal of perinatal and neonatal nursing Aspen
0300-5577 Journal of perinatal medicine de Gruyter
1619-3997 Journal of perinatal medicine (e-vir) de Gruyter
0743-8346 Journal of perinatology W.B. Saunders
1476-5543 Journal of perinatology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group.
1600-0765 Journal of periodontal research (e-vir) Blackwell Munksgaard
0022-3484 Journal of Periodontal Research Munksgaard
1750-4589 Journal of perioperative practice AfPP
2515-7949 Journal of perioperative practice (e-vir) Association for Perioperative Practice
0885-579X Journal of personality disorders Guilford Press
1943-2763 Journal of personality disorders (e-vir) Guilford Publications
1056-4950 Journal of pharmaceutical care in pain & symptom control Pharmaceutical Products Press
2331-3471 Journal of pharmaceutical care in pain & symptom control (e-vir)
1538-5698 Journal of pharmaceutical finance, economics & policy Pharmaceutical Products Press
1938-3533 Journal of physical therapy education (e-vir) American Physical Therapy Association.
0915-5287 Journal of physical therapy science Society of Physical Therapy Science
2187-5626 Journal of physical therapy science (e-vir) Society of Physical Therapy Science
0883-9433 Journal of post anesthesia nursing American Society of Post Anesthesia Nurses.
8755-7223 Journal of professional nursing W.B. Saunders
1040-8800 Journal of prosthetics and orthotics American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
1534-6331 Journal of prosthetics and orthotics (e-vir) Wolters Kluwer
1351-0126 Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing Blackwell Scientific
1365-2850 Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1527-4160 Journal of psychiatric practice Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-1145 Journal of psychiatric practice (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1180-4882 Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
1488-2434 Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience (e-vir) Canadian Medical Association = Association médicale canadienne.
0279-3695 Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services [C.B. Slack]
1938-2413 Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services Slack Incorporated
0734-7332 Journal of psychosocial oncology Haworth Press
1540-7586 Journal of psychosocial oncology (e-vir) Taylor&Francis
1741-3842 Journal of public health Oxford University Press
1741-3850 Journal of public health (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1078-4659 Journal of public health management and practice Aspen Publishers
1550-5022 Journal of public health management and practice Aspen Publishers
0957-4832 Journal of public health medicine Oxford University Press.
1464-3782 Journal of public health medicine (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1746-5729 Journal of public mental health Pavillion
2042-8731 Journal of public mental health (e-vir) Pavillion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd
1062-0273 Journal of quality assurance National Association of Quality Assurance Professionals (U.S.); National Association for Healthcare Quality (U.S.)
1320-5455 Journal of quality in clinical practice Blackwell Scientific Publications
1440-1762 Journal of quality in clinical practice Blackwell Science.
0449-3060 Journal of radiation research Japan Radiation Research Society.
1349-9157 Journal of radiation research (e-vir) Japan Radiation Research Society
1546-0843 Journal of radiology nursing Elsevier
1555-9912 Journal of radiology nursing (e-vir) Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing
0022-4154 Journal of rehabilitation National Rehabilitation Association
1650-1969 Journal of rehabilitation medicine Taylor & Francis
1650-1977 Journal of rehabilitation medicine Taylor & Francis
1651-2081 Journal of rehabilitation medicine (e-vir) Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
1086-9654 Journal of rehabilitation outcomes measurement Aspen Publishers
0748-7711 Journal of rehabilitation research and development Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, Dept. of Veterans Affairs
0929-6719 Journal of rehabilitation sciences De Tijdstroom; Van Gorcum
1522-8967 Journal of religion, disability & health Haworth Pastoral Press
1522-9122 Journal of religion, disability & health (e-vir) Haworth Press
1542-6432 Journal of religion & spirituality in social work Haworth Press
1542-6440 Journal of religion & spirituality in social work Haworth Press
1059-9258 Journal of religion in disability & rehabilitation Haworth Pastoral Press,
1051-2276 Journal of renal nutrition W.B. Saunders Co.
0264-6838 Journal of reproductive and infant psychology Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology
1469-672X Journal of reproductive and infant psychology (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0024-7758 Journal of reproductive medicine Journal of reproductive medicine,Inc.
1744-9871 Journal of research in nursing Sage
1744-988X Journal of research in nursing (e-vir) Sage.
Y505-2947 Journal of research in nursing Sage
0315-162X Journal of rheumatology Journal of rheumatology Publ.
1086-7732 Journal of singing National Association of Teachers of Singing
2769-4046 Journal of singing (e-vir) National Association of Teachers of Singing (U.S.),
0736-7236 Journal of social and clinical psychology Guilford Press
1943-2771 Journal of social and clinical psychology (e-vir) Guilford Publications
0265-4075 Journal of social and personal relationships Sage Publications
1460-3608 Journal of social and personal relationships (e-vir) Sage Publications
1053-0789 Journal of social distress and the homeless Human Sciences Press
1573-658X Journal of social distress and the homeless (e-vir) Maney Publishing
1468-0173 Journal of social work Sage
1741-296X Journal of social work (e-vir) Sage Publications
1536-710X Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation Haworth Social Work Practice Press
1536-7118 Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation Haworth Press
1552-4264 Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care Haworth Press
1533-2632 Journal of social work in long term care (e-vir) Haworth Press
1533-2624 Journal of social work in long-term care Haworth Social Work Practice Press
0265-0533 Journal of social work practice Group for the Advancement of Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy in Social Work
1465-3885 Journal of social work practice (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1533-256X Journal of social work practice in the addictions Haworth Press, Inc.
1533-2578 Journal of social work practice in the addictions (e-vir) Haworth Press
1558-9102 Journal of speech, language, and hearing research (e-vir) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1092-4388 Journal of speech, language and hearing research American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
0022-4685 Journal of speech and hearing research The Association
0848-1970 Journal of speech-language pathology and audiology Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists.
1056-6716 Journal of sport rehabilitation Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-3072 Journal of sport rehabilitation (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
1084-1288 Journal of sports chiropractic & rehabilitation Williams and Wilkins,
0022-4707 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness Edizioni Minerva Medica
0264-0414 Journal of sports sciences Routledge
1466-447X Journal of sports sciences (e-vir) Taylor Francis Health Sciences; E & FN Spon
1064-8011 Journal of strength and conditioning research Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., for the National Strength and Conditioning Association
1533-4287 Journal of strength and conditioning research (e-vir) National Strength and Conditioning Association
1052-3057 Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases Demos Publications, Inc.
1532-8511 Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases (e-vir) Elsevier
1357-5007 Journal of substance misuse Churchill Livingstone.
1465-9891 Journal of substance use Radcliffe Medical
1475-9942 Journal of substance use (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1522-8835 Journal of technology in human services Haworth Press
1522-8991 Journal of technology in human services (e-vir) Haworth
0149-8886 Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology.
1050-0545 Journal of the American Academy of Audiology The Academy
1041-2972 Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners published for the Academy by J.B. Lippincott Co.
1745-7599 Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (e-vir) published for the Academy by J.B. Lippincott Co.
0893-7400 Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants C.V. Mosby
1081-7166 Journal of the American Chiropractic Association The Association
1943-4790 Journal of the American Chiropractic Association (e-vir) American Chiropractic Association.
0735-1097 Journal of the American College of Cardiology Elsevier Biomedical
1558-3597 Journal of the American College of Cardiology (e-vir) Excerpta Medica
0002-8223 Journal of the American Dietetic Association s. n.
0002-8614 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Elsevier Science Pub. Co. for the American Geriatrics Society, etc.
1532-5415 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1538-7496 Journal of the American Herbalist Guild American Herbalist Guild.
1525-8610 Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-9375 Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Elsevier
1527-974X Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (e-vir) Hanley & Belfus, Inc.; Elsevier Inc; BMJ Group
0002-9963 Journal of the American Medical Technologists American Medical Technologists.
0098-8421 Journal of the American Medical Women's Association American Medical Women's Association.
1930-8264 Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association (e-vir) American Podiatric Medical Association.
8750-7315 Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association American Podiatric Medical Association
1078-3903 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
1532-5725 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Mosby; Sage
0002-8231 Journal of the American Society for Information Science John Wiley & Sons
1097-4571 Journal of the American Society for Information Science (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1532-2882 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1532-2890 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
Y503-941X Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0894-7317 Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography C.V. Mosby
1097-6795 Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (e-vir) C.V. Mosby
1552-8855 Journal of the Association for Vascular Access Association for Vascular Access
1557-1289 Journal of the Association for Vascular Access (e-vir) Association for Vascular Access
1367-7845 Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women's Health Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women's Health
1552-6917 Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (e-vir) Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.
0748-1802 Journal of The Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses (U.S.)
1326-3390 Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society Australian Traditional-Medicine Society
1715-6181 Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association = Canadian Chiropractic Association
0008-3399 Journal of the Canadian Dietetic Association Canadian Dietetic Association.
1081-454X Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care.
1545-1097 Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care IAPAC
1557-0886 Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (e-vir) Sage Publications
0025-7028 Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia Medical Association of Georgia.
1536-5050 Journal of the Medical Library Association Medical Library Association
1558-9439 Journal of the Medical Library Association (e-vir) Medical Library Association
Y504-8044 Journal of the Medical Library Association Medical Library Association
0027-8874 Journal of the National Cancer Institute United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
1460-2105 Journal of the National Cancer Institute (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1067-8239 Journal of the neuromusculoskeletal system American Chiropractic Association.
0331-3735 Journal of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy.
1086-4431 Journal of theory construction & testing Tucker Publications
2169-4192 Journal of theory construction & testing (e-vir) Tucker Publication, Inc.
1085-9489 Journal of the peripheral nervous system Woodland Publications
1529-8027 Journal of the peripheral nervous system (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1476-9042 Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (e-vir) Royal Society of Health (Great Britain)
1088-145X Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses Nursecom, Inc.
0038-3899 Journal of the Southern California Dental Hygienists' Association Southern California Dental Hygienists' Association.
0965-206X Journal of tissue viability Tissue Viability Society
1043-6596 Journal of transcultural nursing University of Tennessee, Memphis College of Nursing for the Society
1552-7832 Journal of transcultural nursing (e-vir) Sage Publications
0905-9199 Journal of transplant coordination Munksgaard International Publishers.
1078-7496 Journal of trauma nursing Nursecom
1932-3883 Journal of trauma nursing (e-vir) Nursecom
1195-1982 Journal of travel medicine Decker Periodicals
1708-8305 Journal of travel medicine (e-vir) Decker Periodicals
1522-8223 Journal of undergraduate nursing scholarship (e-vir) University of Arizona College of Nursing
0738-7350 Journal of urological nursing International Urological Sciences, Inc.
1083-0081 Journal of vascular access devices Jones and Bartlett Publishers
2378-6035 Journal of vascular access devices (e-vir) National Association of Vascular Access Networks.
1062-0303 Journal of vascular nursing The Society
1536-2027 Journal of vertebral subluxation research (e-vir) Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research
0145-482X Journal of visual impairment & blindness American Foundation for the Blind, Information Dept., Publications Division
1559-1476 Journal of visual impairment & blindness American Foundation for the Blind, Information Dept., Publications Division]
1052-2263 Journal of vocational rehabilitation IOS press
1878-6316 Journal of vocational rehabilitation (e-vir) IOS Press
0892-1997 Journal of voice Raven Press
1873-4588 Journal of voice (e-vir) Voice Foundation.; International Association of Phonosurgeons.
1528-3976 Journal of WOCN Mosby
1059-7115 Journal of women's health Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1540-9996 Journal of women's health Mary Ann Liebert
1931-843X Journal of women's health (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
1524-6094 Journal of women's health & gender-based medicine Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1556-6803 Journal of women's health physical therapy Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association
2152-0887 Journal of women's health physical therapy Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association; Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
1084-824X Journal of women's imaging Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0895-2841 Journal of women & aging Haworth Press
1540-7322 Journal of women & aging (e-vir) Haworth Press
1071-5754 Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing Mosby-Year Book
0969-0700 Journal of wound care Macmillan Magazines
2052-2916 Journal of wound care (e-vir) Mark Allen Group
1173-2032 Kai tiaki New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
1074-3502 Kashrus magazine Yeshiva Birkas Reuven (New York, N.Y.)
0742-8367 Kentucky nurse Published by APL Inc. for the Kentucky Nurses' Association
0792-7002 Ketab Űet Yiśreeliy leriypąwy be Űiysąwq Hãwîsaat Gepen.
1064-1211 Key words American Society of Indexers
2332-2462 Key words (e-vir) American Society of Indexers.; American Society for Indexing.
0085-2538 Kidney international Springer
1523-1755 Kidney international (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
1632-8345 Kinésithérapie Ed. Masson,
2213-1566 Kinésithérapie, la revue (e-vir) Elsevier Masson
1779-0123 Kinésithérapie la revue Masson
0902-2767 Klinisk sygepleje Munksgaard Danmark; Universitetsforlaget
1903-2285 Klinisk sygepleje (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
0023-4494 Krankengymnastik Pflaum
0834-7824 L'axone Canadian Association of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nurses.; Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses.
0342-3026 Laboratoriumsmedizin Kirchheim
1439-0477 LaboratoriumsMedizin = de Gruyter
0007-5027 Laboratory medicine Lippincott
1943-7730 Laboratory medicine (e-vir) [American Society of Clinical Pathologists, etc.]
0023-7124 Ladies' home journal Family Media, Inc.
0266-8769 Lampada Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain)
1474-5488 Lancet oncology (e-vir) Elsevier; Lancet
0161-1461 Language, speech & hearing services in schools American Speech and Hearing Association
1558-9129 Language, speech & hearing services in schools (e-vir) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
0169-0965 Language and cognitive processes VNU Science Press
1464-0732 Language and cognitive processes (e-vir) VNU Science Press
1756-6053 Language and speech (e-vir) SAGE Publications
0023-8309 Language and Speech Kingston Press Services
1067-2036 Laparoscopic surgery update Global Success Corp.,
0023-852X Laryngoscope Laringoscope Co
0888-6075 Laser nursing Mary Ann Liebert,
1084-1121 Latex allergy news Latex Allergy Information Service.
1544-743X Latitudes (e-vir) National Network of Libraries of Medicine (U.S.).
0277-8459 Law, medicine & health care The Society
2151-7878 Law, medicine & health care (e-vir) American Society of Law & Medicine
1188-3669 Leadership in health services Canadian Hospital Association.
1465-8712 Learning disability practice RCN Publishing Company
2047-8968 Learning disability practice (e-vir) RCN Publishing
1473-6853 Learning in health and social care Blackwell Publishing
1473-6861 Learning in health and social care (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
1085-4924 Legal eagle eye newsletter for the nursing profession Legal Eagle Eye Newsletter
0703-1211 Legal medical quarterly Jonah Publications Ltd.
1344-6223 Legal medicine Elsevier
1873-4162 Legal Medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1533-9564 Legal nurse consulting ezine (e-vir) Medical-Legal Consulting Institute.; Vickie Milazzo Institute.
8756-0054 Legislative network for nurses [Legislative Network for Nurses, Inc.]
0305-7518 Leprosy review Academic Press.
2162-8807 Leprosy review (e-vir) LEPRA
0380-9579 Liaison Council of Federal Libraries (Canada)
1476-7171 Library + information update Chartered Institute of Library & Information Science
0024-2195 Library Association Record Library Association
0737-8831 Library hi tech Pierian Press
2054-166X Library hi tech (e-vir) MCB University Press
0363-0277 Library journal Bowker
0742-5759 Library software review Meckler Pub.
1362-1122 Library technology Library Association
1524-198X Life Extension Life Extension Foundation.
1091-5923 Lifelines Blackwell
1681-9594 Link international Nurses' Christian Fellowship International.; NCFI.
0739-988X Link-up On-Line Communications
1529-7764 Lippincott's case management Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1539-0675 Lippincott's case management (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1088-5471 Lippincott's primary care practice Lippincott
0196-1799 LITA newsletter Library and Information Technology Association (U.S.)
1401-5439 Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology Nordisk samarbejdsråd for logopedi og foniatri.; British Voice Association.
1651-2022 Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press
0146-275X Long-term care administrator American College of Health Care Administrators.; American College of Nursing Home Administrators.
1535-203X Long-term care interface Medicom International
1540-9619 Loss, grief & care (e-vir) Haworth Press
8756-4610 Loss, grief & care Haworth Press
0341-2040 Lung Springer
1432-1750 Lung (e-vir) Springer
0724-6811 M.D. computing Springer
1064-9689 Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-9786 Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1024-641X Majallah-i dandäanpizishkäi-i däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi-i Tihräan Däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi-i Tihräan, däanishkadah-i dandäanpizishkäi
2008-2444 Majallah-i dandäanpizishkäi-i däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi-i Tihräan = (e-vir) Däanishgäah-i đuläum-i pizishkäi-i Tihräan, däanishkadah-i dandäanpizishkäi
1024-6428 Majallah-i dandānpizishkī.; مجله دندانپزشکی Jāmi̒ah-i islāmī-i dandānpizishkān
1082-1015 Making the rounds in health, faith, & ethics Park Ridge Center
1099-5633 Mamm POZ Pub.,
1544-8657 Managed care consultant Princeton Media Associates
1096-5645 Managed care interface Medicom International,
1064-5454 Managed care quarterly Aspen Publishers, Inc.
1363-9587 Managing clinical nursing Churchill Livingstone.
1461-5436 Managing community care Pavilion.
1356-689X Manual therapy Elsevier
1532-2769 Manual therapy (e-vir) Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists.
1433-2671 Manuelle Therapie
1439-2348 Manuelle Therapie Thieme
1544-8827 Massage & bodywork Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals.
0895-0814 Massage therapy journal American Massage Therapy Association.
1531-8079 Massage today Massage Today
1092-7875 Maternal and child health journal (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-6628 Maternal and child health journal Kluwer
0090-0702 Maternal-child nursing journal University of Pittsburgh.; University of Pittsburgh.; University of Pittsburgh.; University of Pittsburgh.; University of Pittsburgh.
1014-9511 Maternité sans risques Division de la santé de la famille, Organisation mondiale de la santé
0741-6245 Mayo Clinic health letter The Clinic
0025-6196 Mayo Clinic proceedings Mayo Foundation
1942-5546 Mayo Clinic Proceedings (e-vir) Mayo Medical Ventures for Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; Elsevier
1477-5190 MCC Pavilion.
0024-8908 McCall's McCall Pub. Co.
0361-929X MCN, the American journal of maternal child nursing American Journal of Nursing Co.
1539-0683 MCN, the American journal of maternal child nursing (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0025-7079 Medical care Lippincott.
1537-1948 Medical care (e-vir) Lippincot
1077-5587 Medical care research and review Sage Periodicals Press
1552-6801 Medical care research and review (e-vir) Sage Publications
1557-9859 Medical clinics of North America (e-vir) Saunders
0272-989X Medical decision making Birkhäuser Boston
1552-681X Medical decision making (e-vir) Sage Publications
0308-0110 Medical education Blackwell Scientific Publ.
1365-2923 Medical education (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1463-9238 Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine Taylor & Francis
0090-6689 Medical instrumentation Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
0896-4831 Medical interface [Medicom International],
1326-5377 Medical journal of Australia (e-vir) Australasian Medical Pub. Co.
0025-729X Medical Journal of Australia Medical Journal of Australia
0580-7247 Medical laboratory observer Medical Economics, Inc.
0308-3616 Medical Laboratory Sciences Academic Press
1528-8471 Medical law's Regan report Medica Press
0747-8925 Medical malpractice law & strategy Leader Publications
0025-7354 Medical marketing & media CPS Communications, etc.
0885-1158 Medical problems of performing artists Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
1938-2766 Medical problems of performing artists (e-vir) Hanley & Belfus
0025-7486 Medical record news American Medical Record Association.; American Association of Medical Record Librarians.
0276-3869 Medical reference services quarterly Haworth Press
1540-9597 Medical reference services quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0162-2285 Medical self-care [Medical Self-Care Magazine]
1086-4784 Medical sentinel Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
0025-7583 Medical times [Romaine Pierson Pub.]
0279-9340 Medical tribune Medical Tribune, Inc.,
0025-763X Medical world news Miller Freeman Publications, etc.
1357-3039 Medicine The Medicine Group
1530-0315 Medicine & science in sports & exercise (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0195-9131 Medicine and science in sports and exercise American College of Sports Medicine
0225-3895 Medicine North America CME Pub.
1531-3069 Medicine of the Americas Society for the Study of Multicultural Medicine.
1085-3502 Medicine on the net COR Health Resources
1400-8033 Medlemsblad Riksföreningen för omvårdnadsteorier inom praktik, utbildning och forskning
1092-0811 Medsurg nursing Jannetti Publications, Inc.
0090-502X Memory & cognition
1532-5946 Memory & cognition (e-vir) Psychonomic Society
1054-4836 Men's health Rodale Press
0025-9292 Menninger perspective Menninger Foundation.; Menninger School of Psychiatry.
1072-3714 Menopause Raven Press
1530-0374 Menopause (e-vir) Raven Press
1367-4676 Mental health, religion & culture Carfax
1469-9737 Mental health, religion & culture (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1466-8785 Mental health & learning disabilities care TM&D Press.
1368-1230 Mental health care TM & D Press.
1353-0283 Mental health nursing Community Psychiatric Nurses' Association
2043-7501 Mental health nursing Ten Alps
1363-4682 Mental health OT Association of Occupational Therapists in Mental Health.; College of Occupational Therapists.
1465-8720 Mental health practice RCN Publishing Company
2047-895X Mental health practice (e-vir) RCN Publishing
1093-7226 Mental Health Special Interest Section quarterly The Association.
1474-5186 Mental health today Pavilion
1058-1103 Mental health weekly Manisses Communications Group
1556-7583 Mental health weekly Wiley InterScience
1138-7262 Metas de enfermería DAE
0026-220X Michigan hospitals Michigan Hospital Association.
0026-2366 Michigan nurse Michigan Nurses Association.; Michigan Nursing Center Association.; Michigan State Nurses Association.
0742-2342 Microcomputers for information management Ablex Pub. Co.
0961-5555 MIDIRS midwifery digest MIDIRS.
0306-9699 Midwife health visitor & community nurse Recorder Press
0266-6138 Midwifery Elsevier
1532-3099 Midwifery (e-vir) Elsevier
0961-1479 Midwifery matters Midwives Information and Resource Service
0891-7701 Midwifery today (e-vir) [Midwifery Today Magazine]
1522-2888 Midwifery today and childbirth education Midwifery Today
1355-8404 Midwives Royal College of Midwives.
0026-3524 Midwives chronicle and nursing notes Royal College of Midwives.
0026-4075 Military medicine Association of Military Surgeons, United States
1930-613X Military medicine (e-vir) Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
0899-5605 Military psychology L. Erlbaum Associates
1532-7876 Military psychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
1068-5685 Minimally invasive surgical nursing Mary Ann Leibert, Publishers
1076-7223 Minority nurse Peterson's/COG Pub. Group; Peterson's Magazine Group; Springer
1071-9946 Minority nurse newsletter Tucker Publications
2169-4176 Minority nurse newsletter (e-vir) Tucker Publications
0541-5489 MLA news Medical Library Association
0149-2195 MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control
0026-5586 MNA accent Minnesota Nurses Association.; Minnesota Nurses Association.
0272-3425 Möbius University of California, San Francisco.
1097-069X Models of care Athena Healthcare Communications, Inc.
0160-7480 Modern healthcare Crain Communications
0963-276X Modern midwife Hayward Medical Communications
0037-976X Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development The Society
1540-5834 Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (e-vir) Society for Research in Child Development
1545-861X Morbidity and mortality weekly report (e-vir) U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control
1357-6275 Mortality Carfax
1469-9885 Mortality (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1084-6190 Mother baby journal DBA Neonatal Network,
1087-1640 Motor control Human Kinetics
1543-2696 Motor control (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0738-3967 MS quarterly report Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association (U.S.)
0885-5064 N.A.P.T. journal National Association of Physical Therapy (U.S.)
1081-8731 N & HC perspectives on community National League for Nursing.
1046-7475 NAACOG's clinical issues in perinatal and women's health nursing NAACOG (Organization)
1055-3533 NAACOG's women's health nursing scan NAACOG (Organization)
1080-3807 NANN central lines National Association of Neonatal Nurses.
1047-4757 NASNewsletter National Association of School Nurses; Health Information Publications
1546-8356 NASN newsletter (e-vir) National Association of School Nurses (U.S.)
1097-5357 National Academies of Practice forum National Academies of Practice (U.S.)
0971-3247 National Journal of Homoeopathy National Journal of Homoeopathy
1035-753X National Library of Australia news National Library of Australia
1052-309X National medical-legal journal Medical-Legal Consulting Institute.
1075-3753 National network Medical Library Association. Hospital Libraries Section.
0741-9147 National women's health report NWHR Publications
0027-6049 NATNews National Association of Theatre Nurses (Great Britain)
1089-4853 Natural pharmacy Liebert Pub. Group,
1743-4254 Nature clinical practice oncology Nature Publishing Group
1743-4262 Nature clinical practice oncology (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0028-1921 Nebraska nurse Nebraska Nurses' Association.; Nebraska State Nurses' Association.
0377-208X Nederlands tijdschrift voor fysiotherapie Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie; Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie
1441-6638 Neonatal, paediatric and child health nursing Australian Confederation of Paediatric and Child Health Nurses.; Australian Neonatal Nurses Association.; New Zealand Association of Neonatal Nurses.
1062-2454 Neonatal intensive care Goldstein & Associates ;; Goldstein & Associates, Inc.
0730-0832 Neonatal network Neonatal Network
1539-2880 Neonatal network Neonatal Network
1056-8956 Neonatal pharmacology quarterly Neonatal Network.
0896-1263 Nephrology news & issues (e-vir) [Nephrology News & Issues]
1526-744X Nephrology nursing journal The Association
2163-5390 Nephrology nursing journal (e-vir) American Nephrology Nurses' Association.
0270-3637 Network Family Health International Research (Organization); International Fertility Research Program.
1065-3449 Network American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.
1355-4794 Neurocase Oxford University Press
1362-4970 Neurocase Oxford University Press.
1465-3656 Neurocase (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1052-5149 Neuroimaging clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-9867 Neuroimaging clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0733-8619 Neurologic clinics W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-9875 Neurologic clinics (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0028-3878 Neurology Wolters Kluwer
1526-632X Neurology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1473-7086 Neurology in practice BMJ Publishing Group
1085-049X Neurology report American Physical Therapy Association.
1053-8135 NeuroRehabilitation IOS Press
1878-6448 NeuroRehabilitation (e-vir) IOS Press
1545-9683 Neurorehabilitation and neural repair Demos Medical Pub.
1552-6844 Neurorehabilitation and neural repair (e-vir) Sage Journals
Y503-7484 Neurorehabilitation and neural repair Demos Medical Pub.
1042-3680 Neurosurgery clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-1349 Neurosurgery clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0273-4117 Nevada RNformation Nevada Nurses' Association.
1527-3369 Newborn and infant nursing reviews W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-352X Newborn and infant nursing reviews (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1085-1003 New choices Reader's Digest Association.
1061-2157 New choices for retirement living Retirement Living Pub. Co.
0196-4895 New Jersey nurse Tabloid Publications.
0028-6273 New Mexico nurse New Mexico Nurses Association.
0027-965X News National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
0319-8499 News bulletin - Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association.
0736-4873 Newsletter The Society
1044-4580 Newsletter American Institute for Cancer Research.
1474-9408 Newsletter - Foundation of Nursing Studies Foundation of Nursing Studies.
0266-853X Newsletter - Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group Blackwell Scientific.
0963-7974 News review [s.n.]
0028-9604 Newsweek Newsweek, Inc., etc.
2572-5343 Newsweek global (e-vir) Newsweek/Daily Beast
1393-807X New world of Irish nursing Irish Nurses' Organisation.; INO.
1171-0195 New Zealand journal of medical laboratory science New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science.
0028-8349 New Zealand journal of medical laboratory technology New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology.
1171-0462 New Zealand journal of occupational therapy New Zealand Association of Occupational Therapists.
0110-7968 New Zealand nursing forum Nurses Society of New Zealand.
0028-8535 New Zealand nursing journal New Zealand Nurses' Association.
1172-6350 New Zealand practice nurse Pyramid Pub..
0090-0893 NFAIS newsletter NFAIS
1521-2106 NHF head lines National Headache Foundation (U.S.)
1535-7325 NIDA notes National Institute on Drug Abuse.; United States.; National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
0917-6357 Nihon Josan Gakkaishi Nihon Josan Gakkai
0287-5330 Nihon Kango Kagakkaishi Nihon Kango Kagaku Gakkai
0029-0343 Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai zasshi Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai
0160-3930 NITA National Intravenous Therapy Association (U.S.)
1094-5970 NLM newsline The Library
1080-773X NLN update National League for Nursing.
0809-8131 Nordic journal of music therapy Sogn and Fjordane University College, Sandane Study Centre
1944-8260 Nordic journal of music therapy Sogn and Fjordane University College, Sandane Study Centre; Taylor & Francis Group
1402-3024 Nordisk fysioterapi Legitimerade sjukgymnasters riksförbund
1501-4754 Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning Norsk selskap for sykepleieforskning.
0029-2559 North Carolina medical journal (e-vir) North Carolina Medical Society
2379-4313 North Carolina medical journal (e-vir) Medical Society of the State of North Carolina.; North Carolina Medical Society.; North Carolina Public Health Association.
0864-7003 Nővér Medinfo
1069-6903 NP news Nurse Practitioner,
1361-4096 NT research Macmillan Magazines
1697-218X Nure investigación (e-vir) Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Enfermería.
1473-2114 Nurse 2 nurse Inprint Publications
0897-7437 Nurse anesthesia Appleton & Lange,
1054-2353 Nurse author & editor Hall Johnson Communications
1750-4910 Nurse author & editor (e-vir) Blackwell
1471-5953 Nurse education in practice Elsevier
1873-5223 Nurse education in practice (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone; Elsevier
0260-6917 Nurse education today Churchill Livingstone
1532-2793 Nurse education today (e-vir) Harcourt
Y504-1252 Nurse education today Churchill Livingstone
0363-3624 Nurse educator [Lippincott, etc.]
1538-9855 Nurse educator (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0889-3632 Nurse educator's microworld Diskovery, Computer-Assisted Healthcare Education
1541-4612 Nurse leader Mosby
1541-4620 Nurse leader (e-vir) American Organization of Nurse Executives.
1045-5485 Nurse practitioner forum W.B. Saunders Co.,
1074-3871 Nurse practitioners' prescribing reference Prescribing Reference,
1520-8737 Nurse practitioner world news American College of Nurse Practitioners.
1479-9189 Nurse prescribing Mark Allen
2052-2924 Nurse prescribing (e-vir)
1351-5578 Nurse researcher Nursing Standard
2047-8992 Nurse researcher (e-vir) RCN Publishing
0191-2291 Nurses' drug alert M.J. Powers & Co.
0849-3383 Nurse to nurse Registered Nurses Association of Nova Scotia.
1063-2859 Nurseweek Nurseweek
1534-2204 Nurseweek Nurseweek
1547-0571 Nurseweek Jobson Pub.
1547-5131 Nurseweek Jobson Pub.
0142-0372 Nursing Mark Allen Publishing.
0360-4039 Nursing Intermed Communications
1538-8689 Nursing Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1088-436X Nursing & allied healthweek Nurseweek Pub.,
0276-5284 Nursing & health care National League for Nursing.
1465-9301 Nursing & residential care Mark Allen Pub.
2052-2932 Nursing & residential care (e-vir)
0363-9568 Nursing administration quarterly Aspen Publishers, Inc.
1550-5103 Nursing administration quarterly (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
1094-2831 Nursing and health care perspectives National League for Nursing.
1533-208X Nursing and health policy review Springer Pub. Co.,
1441-0745 Nursing and health sciences John Wiley & Sons Australia
1442-2018 Nursing and health sciences (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons Australia
1185-3638 Nursing BC Registered Nurses' Association of British Columbia
0192-2394 Nursing career directory [Springhouse Corp., etc.]
1084-3647 Nursing case management Lippincott,
0895-2809 NursingConnections Washington Hospital Center. Division of Nursing.
1046-7459 Nursing diagnosis J.B. Lippincott Co.
0746-1739 Nursing economic$ Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc.
1536-5026 Nursing education perspectives National League for Nursing
1943-4685 Nursing education perspectives (e-vir) National League for Nursing
0893-1356 Nursing educators microworld Diskovery
0969-7330 Nursing ethics Edward Arnold
1477-0989 Nursing ethics (e-vir) Arnold
0144-4069 Nursing focus Newbourne
0029-6473 Nursing forum Nursecom [etc.]
1744-6198 Nursing forum (e-vir) Nurscom
1062-8061 Nursing history review Springer
1938-1913 Nursing history review Springer Pub.
0029-649X Nursing homes [Centaur & Co, etc.]
1061-4753 Nursing homes International Pub. Group
0896-6915 Nursing homes and senior citizen care Centaur
1362-1017 Nursing in critical care Greycoat
1478-5153 Nursing in critical care (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
1492-2878 Nursing in focus Registered Nurses Association of Nova Scotia.; College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia.
1473-9445 Nursing in practice Campden.
1320-7881 Nursing inquiry Blackwell Science
1440-1800 Nursing inquiry (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1649-0657 Nursing in the community MedMedia
0029-6503 Nursing journal of India Trained Nurses Assoc. of India.
0067-5814 Nursing journal of Singapore Trained Nurses Association.
1528-848X Nursing law's Regan report Medica Press,; Medical Law Publishing
0164-7865 Nursing leadership [C. Slack]
1076-1632 Nursing leadership forum Springer Pub. Co.
0279-3091 NursingLife [Intermed Communications]
1544-5186 Nursing made incredibly easy! (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1552-2032 Nursing made incredibly easy! (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0744-6314 Nursing management S-N Publications, inc.
1354-5760 Nursing management Nursing Standard
2047-8976 Nursing management (e-vir) RCN Publishing
0272-9512 Nursing matters Nursing Matters, inc..
0029-6511 Nursing mirror IPC Building and Contract Journals Ltd.
1328-6137 Nursing monograph St. Vincent's Health Care Campus.; Sisters of Charity Health Service.
0710-6157 Nursing Montreal Corporation des infirmières et infirmiers de la région de Montréal.; Ordre régional des infirmières et infirmiers de Montréal/Laval.
0029-6538 Nursing news (e-vir) New Hampshire Nurses' Association.; New Hampshire State Nurses' Association.
1172-1979 Nursing New Zealand New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
1472-0795 Nursing older people RCN Publishing
2047-8941 Nursing older people (e-vir) RCN Publishing
0029-6554 Nursing outlook American Journal of Nursing Co.
1528-3968 Nursing outlook (e-vir) Mosby
0318-1006 Nursing papers McGill University. School of Nursing.
1466-7681 Nursing philosophy Blackwell Science,
1466-769X Nursing philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0266-6146 Nursing practice Churchill Livingstone
0112-7438 Nursing praxis in New Zealand J. Perry]
2423-012X Nursing praxis in New Zealand (e-vir)
0886-8948 Nursing pulse of New England s.n.
1055-6818 Nursing quality connection Mosby-Year Book,
0029-6562 Nursing research American Journal of Nursing Co.
1538-9847 Nursing research (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
0790-0368 Nursing review Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Faculty of Nursing.
0258-1647 Nursing RSA Juta & Co.
0897-5647 Nursing scan in research Lippincott,
0894-3184 Nursing science quarterly Williams & Wilkins
1552-7409 Nursing science quarterly (e-vir) Sage Publications
1559-4653 Nursing spectrum Nursing Spectrum
1057-8323 Nursing staff development insider Mosby-Year Book
0029-6570 Nursing standard Royal College of Nursing
2047-9018 Nursing standard (e-vir) RCN Publishing
0743-6726 Nursing success today [Slack Inc.]
0954-7762 Nursing times Macmillan Magazines
0745-8630 Nursingworld journal Nursing Division of Prime National Pub. Corp.
0899-9007 Nutrition Nutrition
1873-1244 Nutrition (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1446-6368 Nutrition & dietetics Dietitian Association of Australia
1747-0080 Nutrition & dietetics (e-vir) Dietitians Association of Australia
1839-3322 Nutrition & dietetics (e-vir) Dietitians Association of Australia.; Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive LLC.; EBSCO Publishing (Firm); Thomson Gale (Firm)
0732-0167 Nutrition & the M.D Nutrition & the M.D.
0885-7792 Nutrition action health letter Center for Science in the Public Interest
0160-3922 Nutritional perspectives American Chiropractic Association.
0279-9480 Nutritional support services [Nutritional Support Services]
0163-5581 Nutrition and cancer Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Franklin Institute Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1532-7914 Nutrition and cancer (e-vir) Taylor&Francis
1467-3010 Nutrition bulletin (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1471-9827 Nutrition bulletin Blackwell Science
1093-4545 Nutrition forum Prometheus Books
0164-7202 Nutrition health review Vegetus Publications
1096-6781 Nutrition in clinical care Blackwell Science
1523-5408 Nutrition in clinical care (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0884-5336 Nutrition in clinical practice American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Sage
1941-2452 Nutrition in clinical practice (e-vir) American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Sage
0954-4224 Nutrition research reviews Cambridge University Press
1475-2700 Nutrition research reviews (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0029-6643 Nutrition reviews Intenational Life Sciences Institute
1753-4887 Nutrition reviews (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0029-666X Nutrition today Nutrition Today, inc., etc.
1538-9839 Nutrition today (e-vir) Published for the Florida Citrus Commission by C.F. Enloe]
1077-8888 Ob-gyn malpracatice prevention Global Success Corp.,
1873-233X Obstetrics & gynecology (e-vir) Lippincot
0029-7844 Obstetrics and gynecology Elsevier North Holland, etc.
0889-8545 Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-0474 Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1172-5885 Occupation Otago Polytechnic. Occupational Therapy Dept.
1351-0711 Occupational and environmental medicine BMJ Publishing Group
1470-7926 Occupational and environmental medicine (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group.
1359-9364 Occupational ergonomics IOS Press
1875-9092 Occupational ergonomics (e-vir) IOS Press
0029-7917 Occupational health Aldwych Publishing
0362-4064 Occupational health & safety Medical Publications
0029-7933 Occupational health nursing American Association of Occupational Health Nurses.; American Association of Industrial Nurses.
0951-4600 Occupational health review Eclipse Publications
0885-114X Occupational medicine Hanley & Belfus
0738-0577 Occupational therapy in health care Haworth Press
1541-3098 Occupational therapy in health care (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
0164-212X Occupational therapy in mental health Haworth Press.
1541-3101 Occupational therapy in mental health (e-vir) Haworth Press
0966-7903 Occupational therapy international Whurr
1557-0703 Occupational therapy international (e-vir) Whurr Publishers
1481-5532 Occupational therapy now Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists.
8750-3085 Ocular surgery news SLACK, Inc.
1526-9396 Office and emergency pediatrics M.A. Liebert, Inc.,
1201-2580 Official journal of the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses.
0030-0993 Ohio nurses' review Ohio Nurses Association.
0030-2228 Omega Baywood Pub. Co.
1541-3764 Omega (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
0890-9091 Oncology Dominus Pub. Co.
1065-2957 Oncology news international PRR, Inc.,
0190-535X Oncology nursing forum Oncology Nursing Society
1538-0688 Oncology nursing forum (e-vir) Oncology Nursing Press
1545-9896 Oncology nutrition connection American Dietetic Association. Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group.
0276-2234 Oncology times Herlitz Publications
1548-4688 Oncology times Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0146-5422 Online Information Today, Inc.
1087-4364 On-line American Dietetic Association. Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group.
1353-2642 Online & CD ROM review Learned Information
2396-9105 Online & CD ROM review (e-vir) Learned Information (Europe)
1676-4285 Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (e-vir) Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Enfermagem Médico Cirúrgica.
0816-956X Online currents Enterprise Information Management
1468-4527 Online information review MCB University Press
1468-4535 Online information review (e-vir) MCB University Press
1521-219X Online journal of clinical innovations (e-vir) CINAHL Information Systems.
1091-3734 Online journal of issues in nursing (e-vir) Kent State University School of Nursing in partnership with the American Nurses' Association.
1089-9758 On-line journal of nursing informatics (e-vir) Online Journal of Nursing Informatics Corporation
1539-3399 Online journal of rural nursing and health care Rural Nurse Organization
0309-314X On-line review Learned Information
2396-9091 On-line review (e-vir) Learned Information
1085-7257 Online user Online Inc.,
0890-5215 ONS news The Society
2572-2913 ONS news / (e-vir) Oncology Nursing Society.
1062-5720 ONS nursing scan in oncology NURSECOM, Inc.
0265-511X Openmind MIND (Mental health association)
1048-6666 Operative techniques in orthopaedics W.B. Saunders
1558-3848 Operative techniques in orthopaedics (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1043-1810 Operative techniques in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery W.B. Saunders
1557-9395 Operative techniques in otolaryngology--head and neck surgery (e-vir) W.B. Saunders]
1060-1872 Operative techniques in sports medicine W.B. Saunders Co.
1557-9794 Operative techniques in sports medicine (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.]
1368-1249 Ophthalmic nursing TM&D Press
0896-1549 Ophthalmology clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-3856 Ophthalmology clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1077-8292 Ophthalmology world news American Academy of Ophthalmology.
1050-6918 Optometry clinics Prentice Society.
1354-523X Oral diseases Stockton
1601-0825 Oral diseases (e-vir) Munksgaard
1079-2104 Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
0030-4751 Oregon nurse Oregon Nurses Association.; Oregon State Nurses' Association.
1064-3842 ORL-head and neck nursing Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses (U.S.)
1944-8198 OR manager (e-vir) [Editorial Consultants]
8756-8047 OR manager Editorial Consultants
1065-8173 OR reports OR Manager, Inc.,
1059-1516 Orthopaedic physical therapy clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.,
1532-0871 Orthopaedic physical therapy practice American Physical Therapy Association.
1558-1373 Orthopedic clinics of North America (e-vir) Saunders
0744-6020 Orthopedic nursing The Association
1542-538X Orthopedic nursing (e-vir) National Association of Orthopedic Nurses
0147-7447 Orthopedics Slack
1938-2367 Orthopedics Slack]
0279-5647 Orthopedics today C.B. Slack
1207-2842 Orthoscope Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses' Association.
0889-5899 Ostomy/wound management Health Management Publications
1943-2720 Ostomy/wound management (e-vir) Health Management Publications
1539-4492 OTJR Sage; American occupational therapy foundation
1938-2383 OTJR (e-vir) Slack, Inc.
1557-8259 Otolaryngologic clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0194-5998 Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery American Academy of Otolaryngology
1097-6817 Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery (e-vir) Mosby, Inc.; Elsevier Science; Sage
1084-4902 OT practice American Occupational Therapy Association
2377-6366 OT practice (e-vir) American Occupational Therapy Association.
1535-2765 Outcomes management (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-9820 Outcomes management (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1093-1783 Outcomes management for nursing practice Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
1499-3627 Outlook National Emergency Nurses Affiliation.
1087-0350 Outpatient benchmarks American Health Consultants.
0147-8389 PACE. Pacing and clinical electrophysiology Futura Pub. Co.
1320-9973 Pacific journal of oriental medicine Pacific Journal of Oriental Medicine
1540-8159 Pacing and clinical electrophysiology Futura Pub. Co.
0962-9513 Paediatric nursing Scutari Projects
1038-5029 Paediatric nursing review Paediatric Nurses Association (N.S.W.)
0304-3959 Pain Elsevier-North Holland Publ. Co.
1872-6623 Pain (e-vir) Elsevier
1082-3174 Pain forum Churchill Livingstone.
2405-9242 Pain forum (e-vir) American Pain Society
1524-9042 Pain management nursing W.B. Saunders Co.
1526-2375 Pain medicine Blackwell Science, Inc.
1526-4637 Pain medicine (e-vir) Blackwell Science, Inc.
0968-1302 Pain reviews Arnold
1478-9515 Palliative & supportive care Cambridge University Press
1478-9523 Palliative & supportive care (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0269-2163 Palliative medicine Sage Publications
1477-030X Palliative medicine (e-vir) Sage Publications
0031-1758 Paraplegia E. & S.Livingstone
0169-4758 Parasitology today Elsevier
1529-5192 Parenting, science and practice (e-vir) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7922 Parenting, science and practice (e-vir) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1083-6373 Parents Gruner + Jahr USA
1047-8574 Parents magazine Gruner & Jahr USA
0031-305X Patient care Medical Economics Co.
1526-4769 Patient care for the nurse practitioner Medical Economics Company
1532-8880 Patient care management Aspen Publishers, Inc.
1534-4789 Patient care staffing report COR Health, LLC,
0190-2040 Patient counselling and health education Excerpta Medica Foundation.
0738-3991 Patient education and counseling Elsevier
1873-5134 Patient education and counseling (e-vir) Elsevier
1087-0296 Patient education management American Health Consultants
1945-0435 Patient education management (e-vir) American Health Consultants
1082-8672 Patient-focused care American Health Consultants.
1097-9530 Patient-focused care and satisfaction American Health Consultants.
1087-3716 Patient satisfaction management American Health Consultants.
1045-5418 Pediatric AIDS and HIV infection Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,
0883-1874 Pediatric asthma allergy & immunology Mary Ann Liebert
0749-5161 Pediatric emergency care Williams & Wilkins
1535-1815 Pediatric emergency care Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0899-8493 Pediatric exercise science Human Kinetics
1543-2920 Pediatric exercise science (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0300-1245 Pediatrician Karger,
0278-4998 Pediatric mental health Pediatric Projects Inc.
0931-041X Pediatric nephrology Springer-Verlag New York; Springer
1432-198X Pediatric nephrology (e-vir) Springer
0097-9805 Pediatric nursing A. Jannetti and Associates
0898-5669 Pediatric physical therapy Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-005X Pediatric physical therapy (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1363-8491 Pediatric rehabilitation Taylor & Francis
0031-4005 Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics
1098-4275 Pediatrics (e-vir) American Academy of Pediatrics
1328-8067 Pediatrics international Blackwell Science Asia
1442-200X Pediatrics international (e-vir) Blackwell Science Asia
0031-4161 Pelican news Louisiana State Nurses Association.
0031-5125 Perceptual and motor skills [S. n.]
1558-688X Perceptual and motor skills (e-vir) Ammons Scientific
0267-6591 Perfusion Edward Arnold
1477-111X Perfusion (e-vir) Arnold
1089-9480 Perianesthesia and ambulatory surgery nursing update American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses.
0160-7219 Perinatal press Perinatal Press
0147-7927 Perinatology/neonatology Brentwood Pub. [etc.]
8755-9935 Perioperative nursing quarterly Aspen Systems Corporation.
1708-1890 Perspective infirmière Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec.
0831-7445 Perspectives Gerontological Nursing Association.
1559-4122 Perspectives in health information management American Health Information Management Association
0031-5990 Perspectives in psychiatric care Nursecom, inc.
1744-6163 Perspectives in psychiatric care (e-vir) Nursecom, etc.]
1075-5756 Perspectives in respiratory nursing Respiratory Nursing Society.
1538-6341 Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health Alan Guttmacher Institute
1931-2393 Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health (e-vir) Alan Guttmacher Institute
1012-5302 Pflege Hans Huber
1664-283X Pflege H. Huber, Hogrefe
0944-8918 Pflege aktuell DBfK-Verl.
1080-5737 Pharmacy practice management quarterly Aspen Publishers
0048-3818 Philippine journal of nursing Filipino Nurse's Association
0270-3181 Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics Haworth Press
1541-3152 Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics (e-vir) Informa
0194-2638 Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics Haworth Press
1541-3144 Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (e-vir) Informa Healthcare
1093-7234 Physical Disabilities Special Interest Section quarterly The Association
0888-7357 Physical medicine and rehabilitation Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
1047-9651 Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-1381 Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0031-9023 Physical therapy American Physical Therapy Association.
1538-6724 Physical therapy (e-vir) American Physical Therapy Association
1094-0367 Physical therapy case reports Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
1466-853X Physical therapy in sport Churchill Livingstone
1873-1600 Physical therapy in sport (e-vir) Elsevier
1083-3196 Physical therapy reviews W.B. Saunders Co. Ltd.
1743-288X Physical therapy reviews (e-vir) [W.B. Saunders Company Limited]
1538-8697 Physician assistant (e-vir) American Academy of Physicians' Assistants.
8750-7544 Physician assistant PW Communications
0197-713X Physician assistant, health practitioner F & F Publications]
0031-9406 Physiotherapy Elsevier
1873-1465 Physiotherapy (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0300-0508 Physiotherapy Canada Canadian Physiotherapy Assoc.
1708-8313 Physiotherapy Canada (e-vir) BC Decker Inc.
1356-9791 Physiotherapy frontline Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
1327-9599 Physiotherapy moves Australian Physiotherapy Association.
0266-6154 Physiotherapy practice Churchill Livingstone
1358-2267 Physiotherapy research international Whurr
1471-2865 Physiotherapy research international (e-vir) Whurr Publishers
0219-1091 Physiotherapy Singapore Singapore Physiotherapy Association.
0959-3985 Physiotherapy theory and practice Churchill Livingstone
1532-5040 Physiotherapy theory and practice (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0813-2550 Physiotherapy today Australian Physiotherapy Association.
0944-7113 Phytomedicine Fischer
0951-418X Phytotherapy research Heyden & Son
1099-1573 Phytotherapy research (e-vir) J. Wiley
1439-0221 Planta medica (e-vir) Thieme.
0032-0943 Planta Medica Thieme; Thieme-Stratton
0741-5206 Plastic surgical nursing Publication Printing
1550-1841 Plastic surgical nursing Publication Printing
0744-3528 Podiatry management Podium Press,
1460-731X Podiatry now Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.
0098-4345 Point of view Ethicon, Inc. (Somerville, N.J.)
1527-1544 Policy, politics, & nursing practice Sage
1552-7468 Policy, politics and nursing practice (e-vir) Sage Publications
1530-7131 Portal Johns Hopkins University Press
1531-2542 Portal (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1356-3963 Positive health Positive Health
0032-5481 Postgraduate medicine McGraw-Hill
1941-9260 Postgraduate medicine (e-vir) [Vendome Group, LLC]
1075-5705 Poz Strubco, Inc.
1357-8170 Practical diabetes international Professional, Managerial & Healthcare Publications,
1528-252X Practical diabetes international (e-vir) PMH Publications
1474-7758 Practical neurology Blackwell Science Ltd
1474-7766 Practical neurology (e-vir) Blackwell
0950-3153 Practice British Association of Social Workers
1742-4909 Practice (e-vir) British Association of Social Workers
1475-9861 Practice development in health care Whurr.
1557-105X Practice development in health care J. Wiley
0953-6612 Practice nurse Update-Siebert
0964-9271 Practice nursing Mark Allen
2052-2940 Practice nursing (e-vir) Mark Allen Publishing Ltd
1049-023X Prehospital and disaster medicine Cambridge University Press
1945-1938 Prehospital and disaster medicine (e-vir) Jems Pub. Co.
1090-3127 Prehospital emergency care Hanley & Belfus
1545-0066 Prehospital emergency care (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1364-4882 Pre-hospital immediate care BMJ Publishing Group
0270-3114 Prevention in human services Haworth Press,
0091-7435 Preventive medicine Academic Press
1096-0260 Preventive medicine (e-vir) Academic Press
1528-3496 Preventive medicine in managed care American Medical Pub.
0095-4543 Primary care W.B. Saunders
1558-299X Primary care (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1476-4709 Primary care mental health (e-vir) Radcliffe Medical Press
1476-4717 Primary care mental health Radcliffe Medical Press
0264-5033 Primary health care Newbourne Group
2047-900X Primary health care (e-vir) RCN Publishing
1323-2495 Primary intention Ink Press International,
1422-8610 Pr-Internet (e-vir) HpS-Medienverlag; Hpsmedia
1522-645X Priorities for health American Council on Science and Health.
1089-3490 Priorities for long life & good health American Council on Science and Health.
1068-476X Prism National League for Nursing. Division of Research.
0834-1494 Probe Canadian Dental Hygienists' Association.
0899-8280 Proceedings Baylor Research Foundation
1525-3252 Proceedings (e-vir) Institute for Quality at Baylor, Baylor Health Care System
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Cambridge University Press
1475-2719 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (e-vir) CABI Publishing
0964-4156 Professional care of mother and child Media Medica,
0218-0995 Professional nurse Singapore Trained Nurses Association.
0266-8130 Professional nurse Austen Cornish Publishers
0969-434X Professional update Churchill Livingstone
0033-0205 Professioni infermieristiche Consociazione nazionale infermiere professionali assistenti sanitarie e vigilatrici d'infanzia
1544-7421 Profiles in seizure management Princeton Media Associates
1547-6138 Profiles in seizure management Princeton Media Associates,
0734-1431 Program plans Educational Planning Services Corp.
0033-0620 Progress in cardiovascular diseases Grune & Stratton.
1873-1740 Progress in cardiovascular diseases (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0889-7204 Progress in cardiovascular nursing J.B. Lippincott Co.
1751-7117 Progress in cardiovascular nursing (e-vir) Blackwell
0361-7742 Progress in clinical and biological research Liss
0969-9260 Progress in palliative care Palliative Care Research Society (Great Britain); Leeds Medical Information.
1743-291X Progress in palliative care (e-vir) Leeds Medical Information
1526-9248 Progress in transplantation Published for NATCO by InnoVision Communications
2164-6708 Progress in transplantation (e-vir) Published for NATCO by InnoVision Communications
1025-3823 Promotion & education 1994-
1044-4025 Pro re nata Utah Nurses Association.
0888-0352 Provider / American Health Care Association.
1352-9579 Psychiatric care Forensic Psychiatric Nurses Association.
1558-3147 Psychiatric clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1095-158X Psychiatric rehabilitation journal Copublished by IAPSRS and the Dept. of Rehabilitation Counseling, Sargent College of Allied Health Professions, Boston University
1559-3126 Psychiatric rehabilitation journal (e-vir) Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University
1075-2730 Psychiatric services The Association
1557-9700 Psychiatric services (e-vir) American Psychiatric Association
0033-2747 Psychiatry Guilford Press
1550-5952 Psychiatry Matrix Medical Communications
1943-281X Psychiatry (e-vir) Guilford Publications
0889-6313 Psychobiology Psychonomic Society,
0033-2941 Psychological reports Psychological reports.
1558-691X Psychological reports (e-vir) Psychological reports
1354-8506 Psychology, health & medicine Carfax
1465-3966 Psychology, health & medicine (e-vir) Routledge
0887-0446 Psychology & health Harwood Academic Publishers
1476-8321 Psychology & health (e-vir) Gordon and Breach; Brunner-Routledge.
0033-3107 Psychology today Sussex
1057-9249 Psycho-oncology Wiley
1099-1611 Psycho-oncology (e-vir) Wiley
1068-5308 Psychopharmacology update Manisses Communications Group
1556-7532 Psychopharmacology update Manisses Communications Group
0147-5622 Psychosocial rehabilitation journal Psychosocial Rehabilitation Associates
1065-5077 PT American Physical Therapy Association
0033-3506 Public health Academic Press
0737-1209 Public health nursing Blackwell Scientific Publications
1525-1446 Public health nursing (e-vir) Blackwell
1368-9800 Public health nutrition CAB International
1475-2727 Public health nutrition (e-vir) CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press
0033-3549 Public health reports U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1468-2877 Public health reports Oxford University Press
0301-0422 Public health reviews École des hautes études en santé publique (Rennes); Association des écoles de santé publique de la région européenne
2107-6952 Public health reviews (e-vir) Presses de l'EHESP
0091-0260 Public personnel management International Personnel Management Association
1945-7421 Public personnel management (e-vir) International Public Management Association for Human Resources
1075-0541 QI/TQM American Health Consultants.
1049-7323 Qualitative health research Sage
1552-7557 Qualitative health research (e-vir) Sage Publications
1473-3250 Qualitative social work Sage
1741-3117 Qualitative social work (e-vir) Sage Publications
1475-3898 Quality & safety in health care BMJ Publishing Group.
1475-3901 Quality & safety in health care BMJ Publishing Group.
1470-7934 Quality and safety in health care (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
1471-7794 Quality in ageing Pavilion
2042-8766 Quality in ageing Pier Professional
0963-8172 Quality in health care BMJ
1479-1064 Quality in primary care Radcliffe Medical Press.
1479-1072 Quality in primary care Radcliffe Medical Press
1063-8628 Quality management in health care Aspen Publishers
1550-5154 Quality management in health care (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0097-5990 Quality review bulletin Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals.
0016-2116 Quarterly bulletin of the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc Frontier Nursing Service
0815-936X Queensland nurse [Royal Australian Nursing Federation Queensland Branch Union of Employees].
1035-2600 Queensland Paediatric Nurses Association Queensland Paediatric Nurses Association.
0033-6572 Quintessence international Quintessenz-Verlags-GmbH
1936-7163 Quintessence international (e-vir) Quintessenz]
1084-1911 Radiation therapist American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
0033-8281 Radiography Soc. of Radiographers.
1078-8174 Radiography W.B. Saunders Co.
1532-2831 Radiography (e-vir) Harcourt
0954-8211 Radiography today College of Radiographers (Great Britain)
1557-8275 Radiologic clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0033-8397 Radiologic technology American Society of X-Ray Technicians.; American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
1479-2915 RCM midwives Redactive
1462-138X RCM midwives journal Ten Alps
0279-7720 RDH Stevens Pub. Corp.
1944-9542 RDH (e-vir) Stevens Pub. Corp.]
0144-6592 Recent advances in nursing Churchill Livingstone.
1044-0666 Recruitment & retention report Hall Johnson Communications,
2054-1716 Reference services review (e-vir) Emerald
0885-8144 Reflections Sigma Theta Tau
1527-6538 Reflections on nursing leadership Sigma Theta Tau International.
1462-3943 Reflective practice Carfax
1470-1103 Reflective practice (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0146-521X Regional anesthesia Lippincott
1098-7339 Regional anesthesia and pain medicine Churchill Livingstone Inc.
1532-8651 Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (e-vir) Churchill Livingstone
1932-8966 Registered nurse California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
1078-8204 Rehab and therapy products review Darick Pub.
0048-7120 Rehabilitación Doyma.
1578-3278 Rehabilitación Doyma.
0034-3501 Rehabilitasie in S.A South Africa.; South African Rehabilitation Council.; South Africa.
0034-3536 Rehabilitation Thieme
0034-3552 Rehabilitation counseling bulletin Pro-ed
1538-4853 Rehabilitation counseling bulletin (e-vir) Hammill institute on disabilities
0889-7018 Rehabilitation education Pergamon
0034-3579 Rehabilitation literature National Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults
0278-4807 Rehabilitation nursing Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
2048-7940 Rehabilitation nursing (e-vir) Wolters Kluwer
1070-5767 Rehabilitation nursing research Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
0090-5550 Rehabilitation psychology Springer Pub. Co.
1939-1544 Rehabilitation psychology (e-vir) Springer Pub. Co.
0882-7753 Rehabilitation R & D progress reports Veterans Administration, Department of Medicine and Surgery
0899-6237 Rehab management Curant Communications, Inc.
1056-6201 Rehab management international Allied Health Care Publications
1415-2762 Reme Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Enfermagem
2316-9389 Reme (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Enfermagem
0816-990X Renal educator Renal Society of Australasia.
1832-3804 Renal Society of Australasia journal Renal Society of Australasia
2208-4088 Renal Society of Australasia journal (e-vir) Renal Society of Australasia,
1071-006X Report on healthcare information management Capitol Publications
1050-5636 Report on medical guidelines & outcomes research Health & Sciences Communications.
1358-6092 Research and information in complementary medicine Research Council for Complementary Medicine.
1541-6577 Research and theory for nursing practice Springer Pub. Co.
1945-7286 Research and theory for nursing practice (e-vir) Springer Pub. Co.
1526-999X Research for nursing practice (e-vir) Graduate Research, LLC
1524-1521 Research in healthcare financial management The Society
0160-6891 Research in nursing & health Scientific and Technical Division, Inc., etc.
1098-240X Research in nursing & health (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1543-8627 Research in sports medicine Taylor and Francis, Inc.
1543-8635 Research in sports medicine (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
1086-5896 Research nurse Clinical Research Associates,
0164-0275 Research on aging Sage Publications
1552-7573 Research on aging (e-vir) Sage Publications
1049-7315 Research on social work practice Sage Publications
1552-7581 Research on social work practice (e-vir) Sage Publications
1528-0330 Research practitioner Center for Clinical Research Practice, Inc.
0020-1324 Respiratory care s.n.
1943-3654 Respiratory care (e-vir) American Association for Respiratory Care]
0892-9289 Respiratory management Brentwood Pub.,
0954-6111 Respiratory medicine Baillere Tindall; Saunders
1532-3064 Respiratory medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0319-1494 Respiratory technology Canadian Society of Respiratory Technology.; Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists.
0048-7392 Respiratory therapy; Barrington Publications.
1063-1356 Review The Association,
0959-2598 Reviews in clinical gerontology Edward Arnold
1469-9036 Reviews in clinical gerontology Cambridge University Press.
0034-7167 Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem
1984-0446 Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (e-vir) Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem
0080-6234 Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem
1980-220X Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem
1516-7704 Revista de APS Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Núcleo de Assessoria, Treinamento e Estudos em Saúde.
1413-7879 Revista de Fisioterapia da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Curso de Fisioterapia.
1139-1375 Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica.
1518-1944 Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Goiás, Faculdade de Enfermagem
0104-3552 Revista Enfermagem UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Enfermagem, Núcleo de Pesquisa e Editoração
2764-6149 Revista Enfermagem UERJ (e-vir) Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Enfermagem
1130-0108 Revista española de enfermedades digestivas Arán.
0102-6933 Revista gaúcha de enfermagem Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Enfermagem
1983-1447 Revista gaúcha de enfermagem (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Enfermagem
1138-6045 Revista iberoamericana de fisioterapia y kinesiología Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas; Confederación Latinoamericana de Fisioterapia y Kinesiología
1578-1941 Revista iberoamericana de fisioterapia y kinesiología (e-vir) Doyma
0104-1169 Revista latino-americana de enfermagem Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto
1518-8345 Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto.
1020-4989 Revista panamericana de salud pública = Organización panamericana de la salud.
1680-5348 Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American Health Organization; Also distributed by Scientific Electronic Library Online
0100-8889 Revista Paulista de Enfermagem Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem. Seção São Paulo.
1059-0927 Revolution A.D. Von Publishers
1517-3852 Rev Rene Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Enfermagem, Rede de Enfemagem do Nordeste
2175-6783 Rev Rene (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Enfermagem, Rede de Enfemagem do Nordeste
1066-7814 Revue canadienne de physiologie appliquée Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-2718 Revue Canadienne de physiologie appliquée (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0889-857X Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
1558-3163 Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1120-3803 Rivista dell'infermiere Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore.
0033-7021 RN Medical Economics Co.
0048-7104 RNABC news Registered Nurses' Association of British Columbia.
0048-7112 RNAO news Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario.
1050-9089 Rogerian nursing science news Society of Rogerian Scholars.
0210-5020 Rol Rol
0831-2478 RRT Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists.
0090-7324 RSR Emerald
1040-6050 RT Curant Communications, Inc.
0898-5162 Running & fitnews The Association
1445-6354 Rural and remote health (e-vir) Deakin University
1321-6627 Rural social work La Trobe University, Graduate School of Social Work
0785-7527 Sairaanhoitaja / Suomen sairaanhoitajaliitto,; Suomen sairaanhoitajat,
0190-5066 Same-day surgery Same-Day Surgery]
0383-6320 Santé mentale au Québec s.n..
1708-3923 Santé mentale au Québec (e-vir) [Centre de santé mentale communautaire, Hôpital Saint-Luc]
1357-714X Sarcoma Carfax; Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1369-1643 Sarcoma (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0105-0397 Scandinavian audiology Scandinavian University Press
0107-8593 Scandinavian audiology Scandinavian University Press
0283-9318 Scandinavian journal of caring sciences Almquist & Wiksell International
1471-6712 Scandinavian journal of caring sciences (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0036-5548 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
1651-1980 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0300-8878 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. Supplement Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
0905-7188 Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports Munksgaard
1600-0838 Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports (e-vir) Blackwell
1102-6480 Scandinavian journal of nutrition SNF Swedish Nutrition Foundation.
1651-2359 Scandinavian journal of nutrition (e-vir) Stiftelsen Svensk n©Þringsforskning.
1103-8128 Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
1651-2014 Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0281-3432 Scandinavian journal of primary health care Scandinavian University Press
1502-7724 Scandinavian journal of primary health care (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1403-4948 Scandinavian journal of public health Scandinavian University Press
1651-1905 Scandinavian journal of public health (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0036-5505 Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine Almquist & Wiksell periodical company
0346-8720 Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine Almqvist & Wiksell international
0300-8037 Scandinavian journal of social medicine Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co.
2634-7288 Scandinavian journal of social medicine (e-vir) Almqvist & Wiksell
0889-7182 Scholarly inquiry for nursing practice Springer Pub. Co.
0048-945X School nurse National Association of School Nurses (U.S.)
1080-7543 School nurse news Health Information Publications
1093-7242 School System Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association
1938-2774 Science & medicine (e-vir) Science & Medicine
1087-3309 Science and medicine Science & Medicine
1465-8518 Science discourse & mind Alternative Health International.
0036-8733 Scientific American Munn & Co.
1946-7087 Scientific American (e-vir) Munn & Co.
0138-9130 Scientometrics Springer; Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2861 Scientometrics (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers]
1828-3942 Scienza riabilitativa A.I.FI.; Associazione Italiana Fisioterapisti.
0888-8299 SCI nursing American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses.
1543-1088 SCI psychosocial process American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers.; Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association (U.S.)
0886-926X SCORE Surgicot
1361-4177 Scottish nurse Strathayr
1070-4795 Searcher Learned Information
0890-1570 Second opinion Park Ridge Center
0289-2863 Sei Roka Kango Daigaku kiyo Sei Roka Kango Daigaku
1344-1922 Sei Roka Kango Gakkaishi Sei ruka kango gakkai; 聖路加看護学会
1066-3851 Seminars for nurse managers W.B. Saunders Co.
0277-0326 Seminars in anesthesia Grune & Stratton
0049-0172 Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism Grune & Stratton.
1532-866X Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1043-1489 Seminars in colon & rectal surgery W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-4585 Seminars in colon & rectal surgery (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0734-0451 Seminars in hearing Thieme-Stratton
1098-8955 Seminars in hearing (e-vir) Thieme Medical Publishers
0093-7754 Seminars in oncology Elsevier
1532-8708 Seminars in oncology (e-vir) Elsevier
0749-2081 Seminars in oncology nursing Grune & Stratton
1878-3449 Seminars in oncology nursing (e-vir) Elsevier
0882-0538 Seminars in ophthalmology Grune & Stratton
1744-5205 Seminars in ophthalmology (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub
1045-1870 Seminars in pediatric infectious diseases W.B. Saunders Co.
1071-9091 Seminars in pediatric neurology W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-0776 Seminars in pediatric neurology (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
0146-0005 Seminars in perinatology Grune & Stratton.
1558-075X Seminars in perinatology (e-vir) Grune & Stratton
1056-8670 Seminars in perioperative nursing W.B. Saunders Co.,
1053-4296 Seminars in radiation oncology W.B. Saunders
1532-9461 Seminars in radiation oncology (e-vir) Elsevier
1070-535X Seminars in radiologic technology W.B. Saunders Co.
0882-0546 Seminars in respiratory infections Grune & Stratton
0037-198X Seminars in roentgenology Grune & Stratton.
1558-4658 Seminars in roentgenology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0734-0478 Seminars in speech and language Thieme-Stratton
1098-9056 Seminars in speech and language (e-vir) Thieme Medical Publishers
1558-5034 Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MRi (e-vir) Grune & Stratton
0887-2171 Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MRI Grune & Stratton
1081-0943 Seminars in urologic oncology W.B. Saunders Co.,
1098-822X Senior care management National Health Information, LLC.
0265-9999 Senior nurse International Thomson Pub.,
0895-4364 Series on nursing administration University of Iowa.
1072-0162 Sexual addiction & compulsivity Brunner/Mazel, Inc.
1532-5318 Sexual addiction & compulsivity Brunner-Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0267-4653 Sexual and marital therapy Carfax Publishing.
1468-1749 Sexual and relationship therapy Carfax International Publishers; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1468-1994 Sexual and relationship therapy Carfax
0146-1044 Sexuality and disability (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-6717 Sexuality and disability Kluwer
0148-5717 Sexually transmitted diseases J.B. Lippincott Co.
1537-4521 Sexually transmitted diseases (e-vir) Lippincot
0744-1126 SGA journal Society of Gastrointestinal Assistants (U.S.)
1006-1584 Shanxi huli zazhi Shanxi Huli Zazhishe
1302-1192 Sleep and hypnosis Küre İletişim
0275-6722 Small computers in libraries Graduate Library School, University of Arizona
0037-7317 Smith College studies in social work Smith College School for Social Work.
1553-0426 Smith College studies in social work Haworth Press, Inc.
0277-9536 Social science & medicine Pergamon
1873-5347 Social science & medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1352-4127 Social sciences in health Edward Arnold
0099-183X Social thought National Conference of Catholic Charities [etc.]
1528-6878 Social thought (e-vir) Haworth Press
0037-8046 Social work National Association of Social Workers
1545-6846 Social work (e-vir) National Association of Social Workers
0162-7961 Social work in education National Association of Social Workers
0098-1389 Social work in health care Haworth Press
1541-034X Social work in health care Haworth Press
1533-2985 Social work in mental health Haworth Social Work Practice Press
1533-2993 Social work in mental health Haworth Press
1070-5309 Social work research National Association of Social Workers
1545-6838 Social work research (e-vir) NASW Press
0160-9513 Social work with groups Haworth Press
1540-9481 Social work with groups (e-vir) Haworth Press
0038-0393 Sociology and social research s.n.
0141-9889 Sociology of health & illness Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd
1467-9566 Sociology of health & illness (e-vir) Blackwell.
0742-1621 Software in healthcare Software in Healthcare Pub.,
0038-1861 Soundings The University of Tennessee; The Society for Values in Higher Education
2161-6302 Soundings (e-vir) Society for Religion in Higher Education
0379-6175 South African journal of physiotherapy South African Soc. of Physiotherapy.; AOSIS OpenJournals; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd
2410-8219 South African journal of physiotherapy (e-vir) AOSIS OpenJournals
0038-2469 South African medical journal Medical Association of South Africa
0038-4348 Southern medical journal Southern Medical Association.
1541-8243 Southern medical journal Southern Medical Association
1538-0696 Southern online journal of nursing research (e-vir) Southern Nursing Research Society.
0273-9399 Specialist Special Libraries Association
1537-0747 SpeciaLiving magazine SpeciaLiving Magazine
0038-6723 Special libraries Special Libraries Association
1362-4393 Spinal cord Nature publishing group
1476-5624 Spinal cord (e-vir) Springer Nature
0362-2436 Spine Medical Dept., Harper & Row Publishers.
1528-1159 Spine (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
1744-9383 SportEX dynamics Sports Massage Association.
1471-8154 SportEX health Centor
1471-8138 SportEx medicine Centor Publishing
1476-3141 Sports biomechanics Edinburgh University Press
1752-6116 Sports biomechanics (e-vir) Routledge
0112-1642 Sports medicine ADIS Press
1179-2035 Sports medicine (e-vir) Adis International
1494-7668 SRNA newsbulletin Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association.
1520-3107 Stanford nurse Stanford University.
0038-9986 Stat Wisconsin Nurses Association.
1076-4747 STN's journal of trauma nursing Society of Trauma Nurses.
1073-6840 Strength and conditioning National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.)
1524-1602 Strength and conditioning journal Published by Alliance Communications Group, Inc. for the National Strength & Conditioning Association
1533-4295 Strength and conditioning journal (e-vir) National Strength and Conditioning Association
1532-2998 Stress and health (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; John Wiley & Sons
1532-3005 Stress and health John Wiley & Sons
0748-8386 Stress medicine Wiley
1099-1700 Stress medicine John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0039-2499 Stroke American Heart Association
1524-4628 Stroke (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; HighWire Press
0889-7077 Substance abuse Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown Univer; Haworth Presssity
1547-0164 Substance abuse (e-vir) Kluwer Academic-Plenum-Human Sciences Press
1824-601X Supportive and palliative cancer care Medicalink, Nitida
1067-3768 Support line American Dietetic Association
1558-3171 Surgical clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1530-4515 Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1534-4908 Surgical laparoscopy endoscopy & percutaneous techniques (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1055-3207 Surgical oncology clinics of North America Elsevier
1558-5042 Surgical oncology clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
1080-6393 Surgical physician assistant Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiovascular Surgery.; American Association of Surgeon Assistants.; Physician Assistants in Orthopaedic Surgery.
0161-1372 Surgical rounds [Surgical Rounds Pub. Corp.]
1079-8269 Surgical services management Association of Operating Room Nurses
0106-8350 Sygeplejersken Dansk Sygeplejeråd
1360-5518 Synergy AFL Deeson Partnership
1442-7818 Synergy Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network.
1741-4245 Synergy news Society of Radiographers (Great Britain),
1527-6821 T.M. Marrelli's home care and hospice update Marrelli and Associates, Inc.
1077-2251 T.M. Marrelli's home care nurse news W.L. Glass,
0047-3618 Taehan Kanho Taehan Kanho hyæophoe.; Korean Nurses Association.
0144-3798 Talk back The Association,
0039-9620 Tar heel nurse North Carolina Nurses Association.; North Carolina State Nurses' Association.
1082-8664 TB monitor American Health Consultants.
1040-1334 Teaching and learning in medicine Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-8015 Teaching and learning in medicine (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0954-6014 Technic British Association of Operating Department Assistants.
1055-4181 Technology and disability IOS press
1878-643X Technology and disability Elsevier; IOS Press
1093-7137 Technology Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
1055-3134 Tennessee nurse Tennessee Nurses Association.
0095-036X Texas nursing Texas Nurses' Association.
0104-0707 Texto & contexto enfermagem Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
1980-265X Texto & contexto enfermagem (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
1046-7041 The ABNF journal [publisher not identified]
2169-4133 The ABNF journal (e-vir) Association of Black Nursing Faculty in Higher Education.
1196-0914 The Aboriginal nurse Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
1062-0249 The Academic nurse Columbia University.
1948-0989 The Academy of Management journal (e-vir) Academy of Management
0002-4252 The Alabama journal of medical sciences University of Alabama.
0002-4317 The Alabama nurse Alabama State Nurses' Association]
0002-4546 The Alaska nurse Alaska Nurses Association.
1471-0854 The all Ireland journal of nursing and midwifery TM&D.
0069-634X The Alumnae magazine / Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association.
0002-8703 The American heart journal C. V. Mosby Co.
1879-1913 The American journal of cardiology (e-vir) Elsevier
0002-9149 The American Journal of Cardiology Excerpta Medica
0192-415X The American journal of Chinese medicine Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine.
0002-9165 The American journal of clinical nutrition American Society for Nutrition
1938-3207 The American journal of clinical nutrition (e-vir) The American Society for Nutrition, with the assistance of Highwire Press
0002-9238 The American journal of EEG technology American Society of Electroencephalographic Technologists.; American Society of Electroencephalograph Technicians.; American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists.
0735-6757 The American journal of emergency medicine Elsevier
1532-8171 The American journal of emergency medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0192-6187 The American journal of family therapy Brunner/Mazel
1521-0383 The American journal of family therapy (e-vir) [Taylor & Francis Group]
1049-9091 The American journal of hospice & palliative care Prime National Pub. Corp.
1938-2715 The American journal of hospice & palliative medicine (e-vir) Prime National Pub. Corp.
0195-0282 The American journal of intravenous therapy & clinical nutrition McMahon Pub. Co.]
0002-9335 The American journal of medical technology American Society for Medical Technology.; American Society of Medical Technologists.
0002-9343 The American journal of medicine Cahners Pub. Co.
0002-936X The American journal of nursing Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-7488 The American journal of nursing (e-vir) J.B. Lippincott Co.
0272-9490 The American journal of occupational therapy The American Occupational Therapy Association
1943-7676 The American journal of occupational therapy (e-vir) American Occupational Therapy Association
0002-953X The American journal of psychiatry American Psychiatric Association
1535-7228 The American journal of psychiatry (e-vir) American Psychiatric Association
0363-5465 The American journal of sports medicine Williams & Wilkins Co.
1552-3365 The American journal of sports medicine (e-vir) Sage Publications
0098-1486 The American nurse American Nurses' Association
0003-0805 The American review of respiratory disease American Lung Association, etc.
1524-7929 The annals of long-term care Multimedia Healthcare
0003-4894 The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology Annals Pub. Co.
1943-572X The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology (e-vir) Jones H. Parker
1542-6270 The annals of pharmacotherapy (e-vir) Harvey Whitney Books Co.
1060-0280 The Annals of pharmacotherapy Harvey Whitney Books Co.
0065-0676 The Anphi papers Academy of Nursing of the Philippines.
1448-0131 The Australian and New Zealand continence journal Continence Foundation of Australia.; New Zealand Continence Association.
1324-3780 The Australian and New Zealand journal of mental health nursing Blackwell Science
0004-8666 The Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Australian and New Zealand Council of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
1479-828X The Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (e-vir) Australian and New Zealand Council of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
1324-2989 The Australian continence journal Continence Foundation of Australia.
1446-7984 The Australian e-journal for the advancement of mental health Auseinet Flinders University, Southern CAMHS
1322-8676 The Australian electronic journal of nursing education (e-vir) Faculty of Health Studies, Charles Sturt University
0813-0531 The Australian journal of advanced nursing Royal Australian Nursing Federation
1447-4328 The Australian journal of advanced nursing (e-vir) Royal Australian Nursing Federation
1322-8803 The Australian journal of holistic nursing Southern Cross University. Centre for Professional Development in Health Sciences.; Southern Cross University. Centre for Nursing and Health Care Practices.; Holistic Nurses Association of Australia.
0004-9514 The Australian journal of physiotherapy Australian Physiotherapy Association
1449-2059 The Australian journal of physiotherapy (e-vir) Informit.; Australian Physiotherapy Association.
1038-5282 The Australian journal of rural health The Association for Australian Rural Nurses Inc.
1440-1584 The Australian journal of rural health Blackwell Pub.
0045-0758 The Australian nurses' journal Royal Australian Nursing Federation.
1320-3185 The Australian nursing journal Australian Nursing Federation
2161-5179 The backletter (e-vir) [Sköl Pub. Co.]
0894-7376 The Backletter Sköl Pub. Co.]
0890-3255 The Birth gazette Religious and Educational Fund
1075-4733 The Birthkit The Association
1075-122X The breast journal Wiley
1524-4741 The breast journal (e-vir) Wiley
0007-0785 The British homeopathic journal John Bale, Sons & Danielsson
0969-7950 The British journal of developmental disabilities British Society for Developmental Disabilities
2058-0959 The British journal of developmental disabilities (e-vir) British Society for Developmental Disabilities.
1474-6514 The British journal of diabetes & vascular disease MediNews (Diabetes)
1753-4305 The British journal of diabetes & vascular disease (e-vir) MediNews (Diabetes)
1463-6646 The British journal of forensic practice Pavilion
2042-8340 The British journal of forensic practice (e-vir) Pier Professional
1369-9571 The british journal of hand therapy British Association of Hand Therapists.; European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy.
1749-4044 The British journal of healthcare computing & information management BJHC Limited
1469-0446 The British journal of infection control British Journal of Infection Control
1477-6006 The British journal of occupational therapy (e-vir) British Association of Occupational Therapists
1472-1465 The British journal of psychiatry (e-vir) Royal Medico-psychological Association
0045-3102 The British journal of social work British Association of Social Workers
1468-263X The British journal of social work (e-vir) British Association of Social Workers
1058-1073 The Brown University child and adolescent behavior letter Manisses Communications Group
1527-8395 The Brown University child and adolescent psychopharmacology update Manisses Communications Group
1529-2584 The Brown University geriatric psychopharmacology update Brown University.
1556-7540 The Brown University geriatric psychopharmacology update Manisses Communications Group
0832-2473 The Canadian Art Therapy Association journal Canadian Art Therapy Association.
2377-360X The Canadian Art Therapy Association journal (e-vir) [The Canadian Art Therapy Association]; Taylor & Francis Group
0839-1866 The Canadian journal of diagnosis STA Communications.
0848-9629 The Canadian journal of herbalism Ontario Herbalists' Association.
1188-4517 The Canadian journal of human sexuality SIECCAN
2291-7063 The Canadian journal of human sexuality (e-vir)
1183-5702 The Canadian journal of infection control CHICA-Canada.
0820-5930 The Canadian journal of medical radiation technology Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists.
0844-5621 The Canadian journal of nursing research McGill University, School of Nursing
0008-4247 The Canadian journal of psychiatric nursing Psychiatric Nurses' Association of Canada.
1497-0015 The Canadian journal of psychiatry (e-vir) Canadian Psychiatric Association
0319-4434 The Canadian journal of radiography, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists.; Canadian Society of Radiological Technicians.
0008-4581 The Canadian nurse Canadian Nurses' Association.
1540-336X The cancer journal (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Jones and Bartlett Publishers
1528-9117 The Cancer Journal Jones and Bartlett
1081-4442 The cancer journal from Scientific American Scientific American
0843-9966 The care connection Ontario Association of Registered Nursing Assistants.; Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario.
1061-9259 The case manager Systemedic Corp.
2386-1274 The Ceylon Medical journal (e-vir) Sri Lanaka Medical Association
1542-3190 The chiropractic journal Vertebral Subluxation Research Institute
0836-1444 The Chiropractic report Fumia Publications.
1049-2259 The Chronicle Center for the Study of the History of Nursing.
0163-3732 The Chronolog DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
1545-1569 The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal (e-vir) American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
1524-7317 The clinical advisor Cortlandt Group
0749-8047 The Clinical journal of pain Raven Press
1089-1145 The clinical letter for nurse practitioners Williams & Wilkins,
1545-231X The clinical supervisor (e-vir) Haworth Press
0732-5223 The Clinical supervisor Haworth Press
1479-3202 The clinical times North E Wales Institute of Higher Education.
0965-5751 The clinician in management Churchill Livingstone
1085-2417 The cyberskeptic's guide to Internet research BiblioData (Firm)
1088-3886 The dental assistant American Dental Assistants Association
1554-6063 The diabetes educator (e-vir) Sage Publications
0145-7217 The Diabetes educator American Association of Diabetes Educators.
1462-2041 The diabetic foot SB Communications Group
1529-2460 The dietary supplement Dietary Supplement LLC
1066-6966 The Diet-heart newsletter Robert E. Kowalski
1174-7579 The dissector NZ Nurses Association.; Perioperative Nurses College of NZNO.
1475-0384 The drug and alcohol professional Pavilion.
1758-616X The electronic library (e-vir) Learned Information
0147-5851 The EMT journal National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (U.S.)
0046-9157 The Exceptional parent Psy-Ed Corp.
0894-7929 The Explorer National Association of Dental Assistants (U.S.)
0270-2304 The Family practice research journal Michigan Academy of Family Physicians.; Family Health Research, Education and Service Institute (Alma, Mich.)
0015-4199 The Florida nurse Florida Nurses' Association.
2169-7531 The Florida nurse (e-vir) Florida Nurses Association,; Florida State Nurses' Association.
1532-2963 The foot (e-vir) Harcourt
0958-2592 The Foot Churchill Livingstone
1054-8289 The future of children Center for the Future of Children
1550-1558 The future of children (e-vir) Center for the Future of Children
0016-9013 The Gerontologist Gerontological Society
1060-4162 The Glowing lamp Chi Eta Phi Sorority.
1057-3291 The Habilitative mental healthcare newsletter Psych-Media, Inc.,
0161-7486 The Harvard Medical School health letter Dept. of Continuing Education, Harvard Medical School
1057-5022 The Harvard mental health letter Dept. of Continuing Education of Harvard Medical School
1943-5118 The Harvard mental health letter Dept. of Continuing Education of Harvard Medical School
0093-0334 The Hastings Center report Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
1552-146X The Hastings Center report (e-vir) Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
1047-4749 The Hawaii nurse Hawaii Nurses' Association.
0899-9287 The Healthcare Forum journal Healthcare Forum
1525-5794 The health care manager Aspen Publishers
1550-512X The health care manager (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0731-3381 The health care supervisor Aspen Systems Corp.
0952-2271 The Health service journal Hospital and Social Service Publications
0745-7472 The Hearing journal [Laux Co.]
2333-6218 The Hearing journal (e-vir)
0163-9900 The Herb quarterly Uphill Press]
0970-6038 The Homoeopathic Heritage B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd..
1027-7323 The Hong Kong journal of sports medicine and sports science Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science.; Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.
0742-969X The Hospice journal Haworth Press
1064-6175 The Howard journal of communications Howard University School for Communications, Center for Communications Research
1096-4649 The Howard journal of communications Taylor & Francis
1529-1944 The international electronic journal of health education (e-vir) HEDIR; Jones and Bartlett Publishers
0742-1931 The International journal of adult orthodontics and orthognathic surgery [Quintessence Pub. Co.]
0887-8625 The International journal of childbirth education (e-vir) ICEA
0020-7144 The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
1744-5183 The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis (e-vir) Sage Periodicals; ProQuest Information and Learning Co.
1873-4758 The International journal of drug policy (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0276-3478 The international journal of eating disorders Van Nostrand Reinhold
1552-6941 The international journal of lower extremity wounds (e-vir) Sage Publications
1462-3730 The international journal of mental health promotion Pavilion Pub.
2049-8543 The international journal of mental health promotion (e-vir) Pavilion Publishing
1942-4434 The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants (e-vir) Quintessence]
0198-7569 The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry Quintessence Pub. Co.
1945-3388 The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry (e-vir) Quintessence Pub. Co.
0893-2174 The International journal of prosthodontics Quintessence Pub. Co.
1942-4426 The International journal of prosthodontics (e-vir) Quintessence Pub. Co.]
0968-0624 The international journal of psychiatric nursing research International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research
1541-3527 The international journal of psychiatry in medicine (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
0091-2174 The International journal of psychiatry in medicine Baywood Pub. Co.
0020-773X The International journal of the addictions Institute for the Study of Drug Addiction.
1434-4599 The international journal of transgenderism Symposion Publ..
0955-3959 The International Journal on Drug Policy International Journal on Drug Policy
1081-7700 The International Orem Society newsletter International Orem Society for Nursing Science and Scholarship.
1092-4078 The Internet journal of academic physician assistants Internet Scientific Publications
1523-6064 The Internet journal of advanced nursing practice Internet Scientific Publications
1540-580X The Internet journal of allied health sciences and practice (e-vir) College of Allied Health & Nursing at Nova Southeastern University
1092-406X The Internet journal of anesthesiology (e-vir) Internet Scientific Publications
1092-4051 The Internet journal of emergency and intensive care medicine Internet Scientific Publications
1528-8315 The Internet journal of health Internet Scientific Publications
1528-8250 The Internet journal of law, healthcare, and ethics Internet Scientific Publications
1531-2941 The Internet journal of mental health Internet Scientific Publications
1528-8277 The Internet journal of pain, symptom control, and palliative care Internet Scientific Publications
1531-2992 The Internet journal of rescue and disaster medicine (e-vir) Internet Scientific Publications
1524-0274 The Internet journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (e-vir) Internet Scientific Publications
0392-0461 The Italian journal of neurological sciences Masson Italia
1126-5442 The Italian journal of neurological sciences (e-vir) Springer Verlag Italia
1042-1882 The Johns Hopkins medical letter health after 50 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
1070-3241 The Joint Commission journal on quality improvement Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
1534-5181 The Joint Commission perspectives on patient safety Joint Commission Resources, Inc.
1078-6260 The Joint letter Raven Press, Ltd.
0898-2767 The Journal Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses (U.S.)
1555-4155 The journal for nurse practitioners Elsevier
0193-3922 The Journal for specialists in group work Sage Publications for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, etc.]
1549-6295 The Journal for specialists in group work Sage Publications for the Association for Specialists in Group work
1466-8203 The journal of adult protection Pavilion
2042-8669 The journal of adult protection (e-vir) Pier Professional
1046-9095 The Journal of air medical transport WordPerfect Pub. Corp.
2162-7460 The Journal of air medical transport (e-vir) [WordPerfect Pub. Corp.]
1075-5535 The journal of alternative and complementary medicine Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1557-7708 The journal of alternative and complementary medicine (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0148-9917 The Journal of ambulatory care management Aspen Systems Corp.
1537-064X The journal of applied research Therapeutic Solutions
2374-7285 The journal of applied research (e-vir) Therapeutic Solutions
0146-4310 The Journal of applied social sciences Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences (Case Western Reserve University); Case Western Reserve University. School of Applied Social Sciences.
0095-7984 The journal of black psychology National Association of Black Psychologists.
1552-4558 The journal of black psychology (e-vir) Sage Publications
0889-4655 The Journal of cardiovascular nursing Aspen Publishers
1081-6755 The journal of care management Case Management Society of America.
0143-8042 The journal of Chinese medicine Journal of Chinese Medicine
1042-5055 The Journal of chiropractic education Grace E. Jacobs]
2374-250X The Journal of chiropractic education (e-vir) [Grace E. Jacobs]
1046-7890 The journal of clinical ethics Published for the Journal of Clinical Ethics by University Pub. Group
1945-5879 The Journal of clinical ethics (e-vir) Published for the Journal of Clinical Ethics by University Pub. Group
1467-5277 The journal of clinical governance Leicester University, Clinical Governance Research and Development Unit
1552-4604 The journal of clinical pharmacology (e-vir) American College of Clinical Pharmacology
0091-2700 The Journal of clinical pharmacology Hall Associates, etc.
0022-0124 The Journal of continuing education in nursing C. B. Slack, inc.
1938-2472 The Journal of continuing education in nursing (e-vir) Slack Inc.
1554-558X The journal of continuing education in the health professions (e-vir) [Taylor & Francis]; Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education; Council on CME, Association for Hospital Medical Education
0894-1912 The Journal of continuing education in the health professions Taylor & Francis
0734-5410 The Journal of cranio-mandibular practice Chroma,
1040-0257 The Journal of critical illness Cliggott Pub. Co.
1351-8372 The Journal of dementia care Hawker Publications
0736-4679 The Journal of emergency medicine Pergamon Press
1090-1280 The Journal of Emergency Medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
1532-3382 The journal of evidence-based dental practice Mosby
1532-3390 The journal of evidence-based dental practice (e-vir) Mosby
1474-9114 The journal of family health care PMH; Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
1471-1893 The journal of family planning and reproductive health care PMH Publications
0094-3509 The Journal of family practice Appleton-Century-Crofts
1542-2224 The journal of foot and ankle surgery (e-vir) Mosby
1067-2516 The Journal of foot and ankle surgery Williams & Wilkins
1523-7036 The journal of gender-specific medicine Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia.
1129-2369 The Journal of headache and pain Springer Verlag Italia
1129-2377 The Journal of headache and pain (e-vir) Springer Verlag Italia
0885-9701 The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1532-2939 The journal of hospital infection (e-vir) Academic Press
0195-6701 The Journal of hospital infection W.B. Saunders
1540-353X The journal of housing for the elderly Haworth Press
1537-6613 The journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America
0022-1899 The Journal of infectious diseases University of Chicago Press
0022-2143 The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine C. V. Mosby.
1748-5460 The journal of laryngology & otology (e-vir) Headley Brothers; Cambridge University Press
1073-1105 The Journal of law, medicine & ethics American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
1748-720X The Journal of law, medicine & ethics (e-vir) American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
0194-7648 The Journal of legal medicine American College of Legal Medicine
1080-3297 The journal of legal nurse consulting American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.
0093-4445 The Journal of long term care administration American College of Nursing Home Administrators.; American College of Health Care Administrators.
1072-4281 The journal of long term home health care PRIDE Institute.
2042-6186 The journal of manual & manipulative therapy (e-vir) Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy
1066-9817 The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy
1520-6661 The journal of maternal-fetal medicine (e-vir) J. Wiley
1057-0802 The Journal of maternal-fetal medicine Wiley-Liss
0022-2577 The Journal of medical education Association of American Medical Colleges
1076-0210 The journal of multicultural nursing Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Health Care.
1526-8233 The journal of multicultural nursing & health Riley Publications
0899-2517 The Journal of musculoskeletal medicine Cliggott Pub. Co.
1527-8786 The journal of NAMI California NAMI California.
1539-736X The journal of nervous and mental disease (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0888-0395 The Journal of neuroscience nursing The Association
1878-058X The journal of nurse practitioners (e-vir) American College of Nurse Practitioners
0002-0443 The Journal of nursing administration J.B. Lippincott, etc.
0162-7155 The Journal of nursing care National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses (U.S.)
0148-4834 The Journal of nursing education Blackiston Division, McGraw-Hill
1938-2421 The Journal of nursing education (e-vir) Slack, Inc.
1948-965X The journal of nursing research (e-vir) Taiwan Nurses Association
1682-3141 The Journal of nursing research Taiwan Nurses Association.
0963-5386 The Journal of one-day surgery British Association of Day Surgery.
0190-6011 The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy American Physical Therapy Association
1938-1344 The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy (e-vir) JOSPT
1526-5900 The journal of pain Churchill Livingstone
1097-6833 The journal of pediatrics (e-vir) Mosby
0022-3476 The Journal of pediatrics C. V. Mosby.
0893-2190 The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing Aspen Publishers
1548-8519 The journal of perinatal education American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics
1058-1243 The Journal of perinatal education American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics; Lamaze International; Springer
1549-4810 The journal of pharmacy technology (e-vir) Harvey Whitney Books
8755-1225 The journal of pharmacy technology Association of Pharmacy Technicians (U.S.)
0273-3285 The Journal of plastic and reconstructive surgical nursing Publication Printing
1072-7965 The journal of practical hygiene PP & A Pub.
0022-3867 The Journal of practical nursing National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service.
1097-6841 The journal of prosthetic dentistry (e-vir) Mosby
0022-3913 The Journal of prosthetic dentistry C. V. Mosby Co.
0022-3980 The Journal of psychology Journal Press
1940-1019 The Journal of psychology (e-vir) Heldref Publications
0194-259X The Journal of respiratory diseases Cliggott Pub. Co.
1499-2752 The journal of rheumatology (e-vir) Journal of Rheumatology Pub. Co..
0890-765X The journal of rural health Journal of Rural Health
1748-0361 The journal of rural health (e-vir) Journal of Rural Health
0022-4391 The Journal of school health American School Health Association, etc.
1746-1561 The Journal of school health (e-vir) American School Health Association
1059-8405 The journal of school nursing National Association of School Nurses
1546-8364 The journal of school nursing (e-vir) National Association of School Nurses
1078-4640 The journal of shared governance Dynamic Visions of Nursing (Firm)
1079-0268 The journal of spinal cord medicine American Paraplegia Society,; Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals.; American Spinal Injury Association.
2045-7723 The journal of spinal cord medicine (e-vir) Maney
1827-1928 The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness (e-vir) Edizioni Minerva Medica
0002-8177 The Journal of the American Dental Association American Dental Association
0098-6151 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association American Osteopathic Association.
1055-3290 The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Nursecom; Sage Publications
1097-802X The journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill California Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
0008-3194 The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association The Association
1708-6892 The journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (e-vir) Canadian Health Libraries Association]
0028-7644 The journal of the New York State Nurses Association New York State Nurses Association.
0276-6353 The Journal of the Operating Room Research Institute Operating Room Research Institute (U.S.)
0035-8797 The journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners Royal College of General Practitioners.
1466-4240 The journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
0264-0325 The journal of the Royal Society of Health Royal Society of Health (Great Britain)
1529-8809 The journal of trauma (e-vir) Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins
0022-5282 The Journal of trauma Williams & Wilkins.
1044-4122 The Journal of vascular technology Society of Non-Invasive Vascular Technology (U.S.); Society of Vascular Technology.
1079-5006 The journals of gerontology Gerontological Society of America
1079-5014 The journals of gerontology Gerontological Society of America
1758-535X The journals of gerontology (e-vir) Gerontological Society of America
1758-5368 The journals of gerontology (e-vir) Gerontological Society of America
0022-8710 The Kansas nurse Kansas Nurses' Association.
0099-5355 The lancet Little, Brown and Co.
1470-2045 The lancet oncology Lancet Oncology; Elsevier
1531-4995 The Laryngoscope (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0896-4149 The Laserdisk professional Pemberton Press
1701-2473 The link Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy.
1089-9693 The Lippincott health promotion letter Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
0458-3035 The Los Angeles times Times-Mirror Co.
2165-1736 The Los Angeles times (e-vir)
1068-6991 The Lower extremity American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine.
0047-6080 The Maryland nurse Maryland Nurses Association.
0163-0784 The Massachusetts nurse Massachusetts Nurses Association.
0025-7125 The Medical clinics of North America Saunders
1532-9224 The medical information technology law report Civic Research Institute.
0025-732X The Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics Medical Letter, Inc.
1361-9322 The mental health review Pavilion Publishing
2042-8758 The mental health review (e-vir) Pavilion Publishing
0026-6388 The Mississippi RN Mississippi Nurses' Association]
0026-6655 The Missouri nurse Missouri Nurses' Association.
0091-6730 The Nebraska medical journal Nebraska Medical Association.; Nebraska State Medical Association.
0028-4793 The New England journal of medicine Massachusetts Medical Society
1533-4406 The New England journal of medicine (e-vir) Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Group
0303-7193 The New Zealand journal of physiotherapy Editorial Services; New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists; Physiotherapy New Zealand
1173-0250 The New Zealand public health report ESR: Health Communicable Disease Centre.; New Zealand. Public Health Commission.; New Zealand. Ministry of Health.
0146-3055 The NLM technical bulletin National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
0361-1817 The Nurse practitioner Vernon Publications, etc.
1074-9489 The nursing and allied health journal for minorities Spectrum Unlimited,
0029-6465 The Nursing clinics of North America W.B. Saunders Co.
1558-1357 The Nursing clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders Co.
1077-7946 The nursing spectrum Nursing Spectrum
1081-3101 The nursing spectrum Nursing Spectrum
1074-858X The Nursing spectrum Morningstar Pub.-Pennsylvania
1098-9153 The Nursing spectrum Morningstar Pub.-Washington DC
2230-4886 The NZ journal of physiotherapy (e-vir) New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists.; Physiotherapy New Zealand (Organization)
0276-1599 The Occupational therapy journal of research The Foundation
1524-5012 The Ochsner journal Cadmus Journal Services for Ochsner Clinic and Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation
0893-6595 The Office nurse American Association of Office Nurses.
0030-1787 The Oklahoma nurse Oklahoma Nurses Association.
1083-7159 The oncologist AlphaMed Press
1549-490X The oncologist (e-vir) AlphaMed Press
1072-7639 The online journal of knowledge synthesis for nursing Sigma Theta Tau International
1747-728X The operating theatre journal Lawrand Ltd
1463-922X Theoretical issues in ergonomics Taylor & Francis
1464-536X Theoretical issues in ergonomics science (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0030-5898 The Orthopedic clinics of North America Saunders.
0030-6665 The Otolaryngologic clinics of North America W. B. Saunders.
1557-8240 The pediatric clinics of North America (e-vir) W.B. Saunders
0031-3955 The Pediatric clinics of North America W. B. Saunders Co.
0031-4617 The Pennsylvania nurse Pennsylvania Nurses' Association.; Pennsylvania State Nurses' Association.
2326-3660 The physician and sportsmedicine (e-vir) McGraw-Hill]; JTE Multimedia
0091-3847 The Physician and sportsmedicine McGraw-Hill
1530-759X The practicing nurse (e-vir) Phoenix Management & Consulting
1461-3123 The practising midwife Hochland & Hochland.
0032-6518 The Practitioner The Practitioner
0032-6666 The Prairie rose North Dakota State Nurses' Association.
1086-4385 The prevention researcher (e-vir) Integrated Research Services.
0033-0140 The Professional medical assistant American Association of Medical Assistants.
0193-953X The Psychiatric clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
0893-2905 The Psychiatric times J.L. Schwartz
0033-8389 The Radiologic clinics of North America Elsevier
0040-5914 Therapeutic recreation journal [National Recreation and Park Association, National Therapeutic Recreation Society]
2159-6433 Therapeutic recreation journal (e-vir) [National Recreation and Park Association, National Therapeutic Recreation Society]; Sagamore Publishing
0308-7808 Therapy Hospital and Social Service Publications
1748-7846 Therapy today BACP
2397-3714 Therapy today (e-vir) British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
0034-0375 The Reader's digest The Reader's Digest Association
0034-317X The Regan report on hospital law Medica Press.
0034-3196 The Regan report on nursing law Medica Press,
0840-8831 The registered nurse Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario.
1710-8454 The registered practical nursing journal / Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario.; Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario.
1070-3411 The Remington report American Academy of Home Care Physicians.
0418-5412 The Reporter Delaware Nurses Association.
0048-9239 The Saturday evening post G. Graham
1095-0656 The scientific review of alternative medicine Commission for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health.
1541-1095 The serials librarian (e-vir) The Haworth Press, Inc.
0361-526X The Serials librarian Haworth Press.
1533-2942 The social policy journal The Haworth Press
1533-2950 The social policy journal (e-vir) Social Policy and Policy Practice Group (Organization)
0886-9278 The Society for Nursing History gazette Society for Nursing History (U.S.)
1046-7394 The South Carolina nurse The Association
0038-335X The South Dakota nurse South Dakota Nurses' Association.
1543-9518 The sport journal (e-vir) United States Sports Academy
0039-6109 The Surgical clinics of North America W.B. Saunders
0164-4238 The Surgical technologist Association of Surgical Technologists.
1042-203X The University of Texas lifetime health letter University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
0094-0143 The Urologic clinics of North America Saunders.
0042-8639 The Volta review The Volta Bureau
2162-5158 The Volta review (e-vir) Volta Bureau
0734-5666 The Washington nurse Washington State Nurses Association.
0043-1664 The Weather vane West Virginia Nurses Association.
0093-0415 The Western journal of medicine BMJ Pub. [etc.]
1473-3412 The women's oncology review (e-vir) Parthenon Pub. Group; Parthenon Publishing; Taylor & Francis
1393-8088 The world of Irish nursing MedMedia
0044-1740 The Zambia nurse Zambia Nurses Association.
0040-781X Time
1359-5474 Tizard learning disability review Pavilion
2042-8782 Tizard learning disability review (e-vir) Pier Professional
0964-4563 Tobacco control BMJ Pub. Group
1468-3318 Tobacco control (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group
0194-5181 Today's OR nurse [C.B. Slack]
1087-1667 Today's surgical nurse Slack
0885-971X Topics in acute care and trauma rehabilitation Aspen Publishers,
1535-2250 Topics in advanced practice nursing ejournal (e-vir) Medscape
1073-2837 Topics in clinical chiropractic Aspen Publishers
0164-0534 Topics in clinical nursing [Aspen Systems Corp.]
0883-5691 Topics in clinical nutrition Aspen Publishers
1550-5146 Topics in clinical nutrition (e-vir) Aspen Publishers
0164-2340 Topics in emergency medicine Aspen Systems Corp.
0882-7524 Topics in geriatric rehabilitation Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1550-2414 Topics in geriatric rehabilitation (e-vir) [Aspen Systems Corp.]
0095-3814 Topics in health care financing Aspen Systems Corp.
1065-0989 Topics in health information management Aspen Publishers
0270-5230 Topics in health record management Aspen Systems Corporation.
0271-8294 Topics in language disorders Aspen Systems Corp.
1550-3259 Topics in language disorders (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1082-0744 Topics in spinal cord injury rehabilitation Aspen Publishers
1945-5763 Topics in spinal cord injury rehabilitation (e-vir) American Spinal Injury Association
1074-9357 Topics in stroke rehabilitation Thomas Land
1945-5119 Topics in stroke rehabilitation (e-vir) Thomas Land Publishers
0274-6743 Total health Trio Publications Co.
1063-973X Toward an electronic patient record Medical Records Institute.
0269-0977 Tradimus Royal College of Nursing.
0035-9203 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1878-3503 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (e-vir) Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1363-4615 Transcultural psychiatry McGill University.
1461-7471 Transcultural psychiatry (e-vir) Sage Publications
0041-1132 Transfusion American Association of Blood Banks, etc.
1537-2995 Transfusion (e-vir) American Association of Blood Banks
0887-7963 Transfusion medicine reviews Grune & Stratton
1532-9496 Transfusion medicine reviews (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1878-1810 Translational research (e-vir) Elsevier
1931-5244 Translational research Elsevier
1323-5109 Transplant nurses' journal Transplant Nurses' Association.
1524-8380 Trauma, violence, & abuse Sage
1552-8324 Trauma, violence & abuse (e-vir) Sage Publications
0743-6637 Trauma quarterly Aspen Systems Corp.; VSP
1568-5713 Trauma quarterly VSP International Science Publishers
1084-7138 Trends in amplification Woodland Publishers
1940-5588 Trends in amplification (e-vir) Woodland Publishers
1062-5364 Trends in health care, law & ethics R.L. McIntyre, Th. D. at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
0747-4105 Tufts University diet & nutrition letter Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter
1526-0143 Tufts University health & nutrition letter Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter
1209-4846 Turning points Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association.
0041-5537 U.S. news & world report U.S. News Pub. Corp.
0161-7346 Ultrasonic imaging Academic Press.
1096-0910 Ultrasonic imaging (e-vir) Academic Press
1742-271X Ultrasound British Medical Ultrasound Society.
1743-1344 Ultrasound (e-vir) Maney
0894-8771 Ultrasound quarterly Raven Press,
1536-0253 Ultrasound quarterly Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0748-9234 University of California, Berkeley, wellness letter Health Letter Associates
1074-8687 Uro-gram The Association
1558-318X Urologic clinics of North America (e-vir) Saunders
1053-816X Urologic nursing American Urological Association Allied, Inc.
1564-0728 Vaccine & immunization news World Health Organization.
1098-3015 Value in health Blackwell Science
1524-4733 Value in health (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0107-4083 Vård i Norden SSN [Sjuksköterskornas samarbete i Norden]
1890-4238 Vård i Norden (e-vir) Sykepleiernes samarbeid i Norden; Vårdförbundet
0885-7636 Vegetarian journal Baltimore Vegetarians
1527-2168 Vegetarian nutrition & health letter / Loma Linda University.
1032-1012 Venereology New Zealand Venereological Society.; National Venereology Council of Australia.; Australasian College of Venereologists.; International Union against the Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses.
1529-4609 Vermont nurse connection Vermont State Nurses Association.
0191-1880 Vermont registered nurse Vermont State Nurses Association.
0749-3509 Vibrant Life Review and Herald Pub. Association
1098-5131 Victimization of the elderly and disabled Civic Research Institute.
1077-8012 Violence against women Sage Periodicals Press
1552-8448 Violence against women (e-vir) Sage Publications
0270-7780 Virginia nurse Virginia Nurses' Association.
1084-4740 Virginia nurses today Virginia Nurses' Association.
1174-9784 Vision Eastern Institute of Technology.; Health Care Hawkes Bay Limited.
1072-4532 Visions Society of Rogerian Scholars
2168-4618 Visions (e-vir) Society of Rogerian Scholars,
1074-8016 Volta voices Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
2208-5920 WCET journal (e-vir) World Council of Enterostomal Therapists,
0049-8114 Weekly epidemiological record World Health Organization
1117-9686 West African College of Nursing Journal West African College of Nursing.
1476-2978 Western journal of medicine (e-vir) California Medical Association
0193-9459 Western journal of nursing research Sage Publications
1552-8456 Western journal of nursing research (e-vir) Sage Publications
0043-3144 West Indian medical journal University of West Indies.
0228-2984 Westminster Institute review Westminster Institute for Ethics and Human Values.
1074-8091 West Virginia nurse West Virginia Nurses Association.
1447-3828 WFOT Bulletin WFOT
2056-6077 WFOT bulletin (Online) (e-vir) WFOT
1173-1966 Whitireia nursing journal Nursing Centre of Learning in association with Whitireia Pub.
1010-9609 WHO drug information World Health Organization
1086-3982 Wildland firefighter North American Wildfire Ltd.
0043-6542 Wisconsin medical journal State Medical Society of Wisconsin.
1082-863X Women's health center management American Health Consultants.
1078-7674 Women's health digest National Menopause Foundation (U.S.); Women to Woman America (Organization)
1049-3867 Women's health issues Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1473-3404 Women's oncology review Parthenon Publishing
0363-0242 Women & health Haworth Medical Press
1541-0331 Women & health Haworth Press
0270-3149 Women & therapy The Haworth Press
1541-0315 Women & therapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
1871-5192 Women and birth Elsevier
1878-1799 Women and birth (e-vir) Australian College of Midwives
1051-9815 Work IOS Press
1875-9270 Work (e-vir) IOS Press
0730-8884 Work and occupations Sage Publications
1552-8464 Work and occupations (e-vir) Sage Publications
0267-8373 Work and stress Taylor & Francis
1464-5335 Work and stress (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1740-3715 Work based learning in primary care Radcliffe Medical
1740-3723 Work based learning in primary care (e-vir) Radcliffe Medical
1366-3666 Working with older people Pavilion,; Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2042-8790 Working with older people (e-vir) Emerald Insight
1093-7145 Work Programs Special Interest Section quarterly American Occupational Therapy Association.
0819-4610 World Council of Enterostomal Therapists journal Australia Wide Promotions and Publications
0043-8502 World health World Health Organization
0251-2432 World health forum World Health Organization
0379-8070 World health statistics quarterly World Health Organization
0512-3135 World Hospitals Pergamon Press
1545-102X Worldviews on evidence-based nursing Sigma Theta Tau International; Blackwell
1741-6787 Worldviews on evidence-based nursing (e-vir) Blackwell
1369-2607 World wide wounds (e-vir) Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory.; Medical Education Partnership.
1067-1927 Wound repair and regeneration Mosby
1524-475X Wound repair and regeneration (e-vir) Mosby.
1044-7946 Wounds Health Management Publications
1943-2704 Wounds (e-vir) Health Management Publications]
1422-8629 www.Pr-InterNet.com HpS-Medienverlag
1028-1460 Xiānggǎng fàngshè jìshī zázhì Xiānggǎng fàngshè jìshī xuéhuì
0073-3253 Xiānggǎng hùlǐ zázhì Xiānggǎng hùshihuì
0279-2680 Your life and health [Review and Herald Pub. Association]
0736-8038 Zero to three Zero to Three (Organization); National Center for Clinical Infant Programs (U.S.)

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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